EDITED BY THE REV. T. PAULIN. Sorrow of saints i* sorrow of a day, Oladnes. ~f saints i. Kla.lness evcrinore : Send on thy hope, send on lliv nill before To chant God's praise along tlie narrov. ivav. Stir up Hi. it tin; llc-h would Exalt ilis praise., it tin- world press iv«l mit Ilis praise, if black Satan roar A hundred thousand lie Io -ay tlieui my. Till; LANTERN IIEAUI.iiS. "I alln.i.l think that one ot the must I'liiWiiiiK and Ijcaiititul essay- ever mitten in our generation was that by l'nbl. I.oiils Sleienson. cutitleil "Mo- Lantern Hearers.' lie tells of a game piaicd bv Hie lads in his boyheod. and llii- "am" »as to go out ill the night lime, each lad .a riling a lantern in hi-, belt. »hi. i; he illnl lied up under hi. cloak, and thus talked the dark street... The author .ays all the joy., anil laughter of I In- same was the knowledge that alI hough il appeared to people our way , was durk, we each had a -on of secret ' i".\ in tile knowledge that we had a I lislited lantern at our bell." "Oh, men and women, I wonder if any of you have a .secret of this kind. Have you got a lantern at your belt? I an you stand up and say. 'I know—l met with Jesus Christ in the meat e.ingielation. He opened my eyes. I see my duty to my fcllon-meii ».. J never sav it before. I see (lie face ol liod aI never dreamed in all my dream, thai I should seo it, full of love. He has opened my eyes—l know.' Doyoii kimu • That is the question."— l.'ev. Sihc-toi Home.
"Hoiv am 1 to umlci -laud tlial Cod I'.jrKivc- through tin- .'.!-.e.-.K-nl et .le-u Chii-fr If tin- ,!.|M • ' an ciii till} tathnr sin- a-ain.-l In- 1.,,;-. .. dee- tie-I'.ilhi-r ri-i|iiin- an atou.-im-iit |, not rc- |« nlatirc From in eliildlmeil I have felt alums! phy-ieao. painlul in of Christ'- .1 ath . .: I Ik- Cm—a- an iil,?)iriiii-ut I-- a|i|.ea-' blnml-tllll-ty l.'ixl. I i,iule lind. r-lall.l (lial lln-re is .-«iiictliine iih-i-m.hi- in tin death ~f Clii-ist, but I , - . ' see tlial where there is alollcl:.- Ii- ,!--i.. is alse lr:-i- liit'Kivni'-s.' - — Youi ,i ~,,■ „lly is onc ■■hieh pie-out-, it-ell to I'M-i-y iiiiinl in: I en Hi,, -i, ia- , | M „. ~| Cnluiiisin. and I am :;'. I .on leel it. dapple uith ii -t,,.„■„, :iv ( iii,l rev. i-i'flitl}. and }oii i ill -an a iioiiler roni.plion of ,mr Lord'- re.hcuiiii},' wmk. You will Irani to (.'low in the Cms.-. I will lay before you' some llioii-bl, whirh have helped me. ,li ,\„ atonement i,. neoe-sary. Oin- moral nalure demands it. IMato tell thi- when In -aid that the sinner who -oilers the penalty i- happier than the one who h-.-t- on scott-lrec. Have we nut known of eriininals who e-eaped diteetion. },-l wcio hauiitivl liy their n inics. and after lon K impunity voluntarily -in rendered theni-elus to Justin-: Sin rtain- iK stint; until it i- expiated. Ix-lieve all alnncincut i- necc—ary ,u • ■ihl's side; perhaps, a- Au-elui that "sati-lai-tinii" may l„- made lo llin,. in Hi- rectorial eapaeitv, for do- withholding from Hi f 11,.- homo which is His ,|ue in-ad "Cur Den- Homo:-".. This, however, lielollK- lo Cod's -,-i-ret <-oiin-el. ami I rathe Hunk ~f it a-n.-ii—aiy ~u our s|,|... di;,i «,. m:lv |.., vf peace, knouiiiK dial our -in lia- lieen dealt with by (hid ami put lor ever away. ID You think the iiuraMo of the I'rwlinal Son lias no atonement in il : I think it has. The father sufiered for Ills soli's wickcillle—. He was no "ood. easy man. taking it ami aliulitly foi-eivin- it. It well m.,-li broke his heart, and it was tin- that not mere ly melted the -on, l,u( a-ur-.l hi,,, ~, his i-oumleto restilution. Mm-,- the heart which had so suffered lor lih -in. so foi'Kave it. there coul.l l.e no more upbraiding u-f. I .lolm iii. pi-i'li. If.V. II was no cheap for"i\cm that «;■- ofi.-rcl him. ,:P This i- the At..n,-i it —not the merciful .Ic-ii- i-ilerp,,-in- L--tween an angry (lotl and "iiiliv -iniu-i----iind en,lining His wrath and enr-e ,n th.-ii -lead-a horrible, tin-ri ipi in ni. ami I lu'licu. unorlhodox lictiou: lull die piliful rallier. in the per.-,,n of .1. , doe incarnate, taking His cliildr.-n'- sin am! shame upon Himself, ami hearing die-,-in vicarious love. .U-su,- and the Fader are one 1.1..111, \. :Wi in their thoughts about sin and their attitude toward- sinner.-. The NT. alw;n- re-pr-.--eiits .le-u- not a- reconciling Hod to -Miners, lint as reconciling sinners to tied (cf. Koin. v. Ill; ■> Cor. v. iS-int. The eiimily is all on our -hi,., and He came. - errand, to l„eak it il"«n ami win us the peace and iov In I.e. lie. no;. When the p-ml I'arl of Derl.v «.i- adyiiiK. his liou-i-keeper. a pious Meil.,„li.-t. would talk with him and read to him. Once -he was reading the hvmn "All Ye that I'ass Hy." and when'she reached the lines:
'Tli,- 1...icl in thf iby i.| Hi, (.„ K1 .,. ,|i,i I'm- -in, ..ii Hi., I.a ■,,»! u„ |„„,. (linn »«■«>." Ill' llll.Tl-liplf.l. -Sl„|, : 11,,,, | v,„| lliinlc, Mi- Him-.. t|,.,r nll „| 1( ,„ |„. -| h( , ,„,.,, 11l (In- day ~l Hi- iih-ic\ ,||,l |;,v - -" I like dial pi,,.,.,. „| Si. Itru.ii = m-' - "111.M....1 ,„ 1,..,„ . |, n ... ~,;,.., .. j„ (al 1.-> .•.'•-• li,ii„!, W.-klv •
A M:A!!( IiIMJ gri-TluN i: t.,!..„, ■ ..r.-,.-,V ill"!' ..l|.|"ll"',t I'll.!,;-, ,„„,;..,1,,, ,|., ,•. :, : „,,h,t vii llltol.-l,!;:,. ~- Sj. .1.-i„.- : .' Hall. -\ rc ""',-!••" •<"<■;■-'• :■- .i«y i.. i..S ""':' l 1 ', ' •■:»■ ..!( ..I M-ltisii-m-s.-- \r.. ;!„.. ~„„., ~. .„. N( .„| i . < i |n . ~.•»:.,.:.,.,.. I ? ; . : . ,„!...,. ,„ 1.a,-|,a„, ( .„ t . or l.y ,1 „, ( !,:■:.,;-" ..... ~,k..,1. .-| (I<l not t.>- .- •.,.,„•• ■„, ,),,,■;, -i,.,, | IV|> ,||,|' """■'.• ,; " i'.'.!---»<i-M i: 1 l, a ,| „,„ ( „._ . 111-v...! :■; ■ ll.l.l.; nil,-, ,„ y 8 .),„|,. „„,, '•'»' l' I- "" l>--> ; -! -:n -is Kimli.-l, lit.. t<) ; •;i,.. i | |,„- J,,,,. C|,,i M .-- Til,-I ajiplai.-. ,r,|, 1.,„!>,. „„, .„ ,!,;„ ~,,;,„ ] was >,-■ -ii Tit. -It ii,,. 1,,,,,, „| |. : ,,., ! ,; "" l ,' : ' ' ■ ' tli-.r 111!.!.- aii.l ,„„|,t»t<v»! ■■ 1..,|-.| .!,..„. ( hnst." i„1,!,.,l Mr l"-i : . ■'.-..,, p,.,!.'„>,„ «-„„!,! b,, settl.-, (.., ,!;,. ,„!„., 1,a,„1. j, ,I 0 Christ . . „„; ~..,!,. : | motions. I <!■> ■■ , 'tmm ninit •- ;.„in a ui hap|«'H. •Ili.-r.- an- 1,.,-K.- ~1,,-a.l. T!i«-<lrm.i--ra.-v ~, K,,,;!..,,,,] ;.,-,, iiK,. a iimn•'.•r nt in- ii in ~ |)„„t ,„, ,;„. „,„.,, M , a and th.v .loman.l tli.- oars. 1.,-t tlu-mi I'.-.w tli, oars. -,.,. t||„t Jestls Christ iv at th«. In iiii." In iiinltTtakiliL'. tin's,. <-..i.|. i-.n.... M : - l, :is inijj.'.sp,] ,„, won!.! l„- nmiuoHed to nui lu.-t a great many ~i tliom. 1, m - ovnn if 1». could MTiir.- -st ;l - v,„.alj,- r .-- I,- was not f i' . Mlr ' '»> at tl- • .vni.M tn-at the "|ii(-stiuiks r.-iiMvl d 0,,, •'„,. standpoint.
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Mataura Ensign, 20 March 1909, Page 6
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1,077THE DAY OF REST. Mataura Ensign, 20 March 1909, Page 6
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