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The record miiii of 171,000 wa, deposited liy the various applicants loi .-Actions hi the Kauioo fliH J l ,state, which was balloted for on .Saturday. Mr \\. It. Tuck, who purchased the steamer Charles J'idwarit (.which went asuoru near Wangauui,) tor Xi'Zo, has already removed a wincli ami Uoiikcy engine worth .IoUU. We understand one of the dredges in the uppei/ \Yaikuka Valley lias struck good gohl/iit a depth ol some •Jilll, eonsiuerably tl<;epei' than the supposed bottom who'll lias returned suen payable results i;i tiio jiast. As a consequence a prospecting area ot fOO acres has been pegg/d out iu the vicinity 01 the \Vaikuku7railway station and steps will bo take/1 to ascertain whether Ine deeper lead'is payable over any extensive urea.

There are 110 fenver than nine, candidates for the by-election in the Northern ! -Maori district, rendered necessary through the death of Air Hone fleke. J lie .Native .Minister, who has given his approval Lo the candidature ol J)i Buck, said a low dajs ago that although other candidates might collie lonvard the real struggle would be between Dr Buck and the chiet Kaka. ./'I he unsightly state of the triangular reserve facing Aledway Street was discussed by tlie Core Borough Council last evening, the lieserves Commit tec having recommended that, the plot •vlioulu bo fenced and improved, "flow about funds:'" asked a Councillor. " tVe can. raiso funds," said the Aiayor; "we cannot have such an unsightly piece ol ground 111 the heart of the lown. 'the expense of putting it in order would be very little 111 any case. ' "But the domains are moro than we can look alter now," interpolated Councillor Barron, "and we want the money for ttio Jiast (lore reserve," It, was decided lo refer the report back lo the committee lor a further report to be preseuled to next, meeting, when tho matter v.ill receive fuller consideration.

Mr H. U. liell, K.C., ijl \\'t'Jlitj^ii_>ji, is about to proceed uu a visit to i')nglaud. M liilst, at Homo Ito will appear Hi two cases in the I'rivy Council. One !■> that of tliu Commissioner of Stamps (appellant,) v. a \lrs Townend, of Christchurch (respondent;, and the question at issue relates to the umount of death ilul.v payable in respect of the estate o) flir late ti. H. Moore, station hold it, Canterbury. .Mr liell will represent tlio appellant 111 this ease. The question involved in tliu oilier ease —Hamilton (ius Company (appe]];tnts) v. Corporation ol' Hamilton (respondents)—is tho amount pa.vablo li.v respondents for tho works »liiclt they have acquired from appellants. hi this case Ml' 801 l will appear on bolinlf of the. respondents. During tlio absence of .Mr liell l'roin tho Dominion .Mr M. livers will occupy tlio position of Crown I'rosecutor. "'There is a lagoon under tlio Town Hall," said Councillor Christie, ihe Council's humorist, at last, night's meeting oi that body. He proceeded to oxplain that this was caused by children who, when tliey wanted a drink from tho tank at. the rear ot tho building, succeeded in their object by the. convenient lint nouo the less damaging method of driving a nail into the tank, thereby obtaining a good How of water, which percolated under the foundations and deposited itself in the lagoon, which presumably assumes considerable dimensions during wet weather. I'rohiiblv if the floor of the hall were removed there would be sufficient water at tho present time to hold a Venetian carnival on payable lines. A gondola or two would look very well and would doubtless prove exceedingly popular. Oh tho other hand, a water chute Mould handsomely repay tho promoters, and the matter is one that should not bo lost sight of by those interested in local charitable objects. What tho Scotch Stiy.—"lie the same thing as you would be ea'ed," as the •Scotch say. We aro what we are called —tho largest and most reliable carrying company in the Dominion. Parcels j collected and forwarded to any part of the world at cheap through rates. Sam. plo rooms provided for travellers. Furuituro carefully packed and transmitted by road, rail or sea. Cartage of any kind undertaken in town or country. Thousands of clients satisfied yearly. We can satisfv you.—N.Z. Express Co. " a

Owing to an outbreak of diphtheria n the district, the AVaikaia school will jo closed for a fortnight. It is estimated that tho crop of cocks, 'oot at Banks Peninsula amounts to between 15,000 and sacks. Tho Ballance Co-operative Dairy Coiujauy paid out Inst week about £iiS()o 'or milk supplied during February. This s n record payment, for the month by .lie company. The receipt* Irom the Palmerston Municipal Upera Houco for tho last inancial year amounted to over JL'liod, ind the Borough Council makes a prolit, of about fclOO on the year's "nAbout a quiii'tor of a million sterling ivil! be distributed in the course of a few lays amoug the shareholders of tho Wellington and Manawatu Railway, ivhicli has been purchased by the Government. The mounv has already been lianded ovor by the Government. Afc the monthly mooting of the South, land Hospital Trust, yesterday it was reportod that the total amount to d«to >1 the Hospital Saturday collection was t71!3 2s Id. At tho same meeting it ivas reported that the manager of the Mutaura l>ranoli of the .New Zealand Paper Mills Company forwarded £3 as i donation collected from visitors to llio paper mill towards the fund. It's worth knowing: That if you ivaul, cartage of any description whatever done, the host people to do it are tho New Zealand Express Co. Tho •ouipany supplies suitalilo vohicles and experienced men; and anything you ivant removed, tho company can shift it. No delay, no bother. Cost will bo lowest possible. Remember tho name: X.Z. Express Co. Branches all towns. 1 In connection with bankruptcy proceedings at Feilding, a bankrupt put in a closely-typed statement of thirteen foolscap folios, ft covered the transactions of less than two years in connection with the exchanges of land which tho bankrupt had been concerned with. He had kept neither books nor bank ac_ rount, lm| he put in this detailed statement, of a maze of the most complicated transactions, in which farms and town sections and mortgages and I'.N.'s and motor cars all ligured in a sort of witches' dance, which had led to a man who started with nothing becoming ]>ossessed inside Lwo years of three motor ears and land valued at £20,000 —and ending in Ibe Bankruptcy Court with i statement showing a .surplus (on paper) of C7OOO odd. An evidence of tho progress of business in (lore is shown in the fact that John Jamie, the well-known watchmaker and jeweller, has found it necessary owing to extended trade to remove to more convenient and centrally, situated premises in Holland's Bulldogs, on tho opposite side of Main ■street, next to Mr Clias. Sloans. His .vatchmakiiig and jewellery manufacturing department has increased sc largely that, ho linds his present workhop too small, and iu tho new premises will locate tho workroom upstairs, ilo intends to open out a complete new stock in tho now premises, and with that object will hold a salo of his present stock, which lie is prepared to d'sposo of at 10 per cent, below cost - \.dvt, Tho .'.portaiuen ol tho district are up n arms against tho decision ot tho Aim. ister ol tin; Interior that another close season shall bo observed for Paradise ducks (says the 'Southland Times'). It :s a mailer of common knowledge that tho ducks am exceedingly numerous—,o numerous that tho Southland Acclimatisation Society considered it advisable to recommend tho Minister to permit tile shooting of the birds during (ho coming season. It is also stated ; hat somo of tho settlers in tho Western Uikcs district report that tho ducks dc ■ onsiderable damage to grain in stook. In self-protection, it is stated, some ol chem have touiid it necessary to poison freely. So far as is known there is in, Mason whatever why tho ducks should not be shot this year, as they have been protected for sonio four or fivo years yasfc. Scarcely a meeting of the Borougl ( oilnci 1 passes without one or more ratepayers who live on tho outskirts oi lio water service applying to lie, connected and so seek immunity Irom the liscomloi'ts of a minor drought such anas the experience of the town up t<, i few days ago. The Council, however. not disposed to reticulate all the side, it reels for the, henelit of those living •II the scattered parts of tho borough "If we do it for one," said tho Alayoi it last night's meeting in regard t< iwo such appliealions, "it will meat that we'will be inundated with requests irom all over tho town. Apart from that aspect, the hall-inch mains which woulc •io laid aro no good at all in caso ol lire, and I think wo should refuse al these applications. 1 would like to bt . onnccted with tho supply myself, but 1 recognise the impracticableuess ot tut thing." A reply is to bo sent to botl. applicants that no funds aro availaolt lor tho work. If your complaint is incurable you must bear your sufferings with patienee. nut if they cau bo quickly and permanently cured why let tliciu go on; Uheuinatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Toothache—all these aro among tin many ailments that can be cured bj iJhamborlain's Pain Balm, and since they aro most wearying—and Chamber. lain's I'ain Balm costs only Is 6d pel bottle—why go on suffering? For salt •iverywhere. 1 The latest tiles of English newspaper: ■mitain interesting references to "Tin tJampstead Social Circle,'' the Lundoi marriage agency so successfully coll ducted by the llev. W. J. Gowersall am iiis wife, the main object of which is t( introduce ''lonely Londoners" to eacl 111111 -1' "with a view to matrimony.' Among those united during the Christ mas holidays, thanks to the "Circle,' .tin- a schoolmistress and the sccrctar.i tl a charitable institution, an Irish ladi and a mail of private means, a Glasgow lady and a New Zealand farmer, and i Kentish lady and a wealthy South Al rie.-in .settler. All's (iowersall point: a ill) pride lt> her latest list, of eligibles which includes an Ethiopian king. There aro on view in tho N.Z. Cloth :ng Factory's window in Main Btreel iwo dozen cad us dahlia blooms growl liv .Mr J. B. I'atcrson. Mr Paterson ii an enthusiast anil has brought tho cul tui'c ol this fashionable flower to i high pitch approaching perlection. Had he imports a number of now v:ti ieties. some of which bloom 100 lati tor exhibition at llie annual horticultural show. Among tho dozen or sf new varieties Mr I'atcrson is at pre -cut cultivating Robert Henderson (a Imi ru yellow) and Ruby Orinsted (pinlt shading !o yellow) have probably doni best, but there aro a number of othei blooms grown tlt in and last year whicl: aro well worthy of inspection. amongst which mav be" mentioned Pilot, Jris, Mrs McMillan, Mrs Orinsted, Cockatoo Fairy and Star. Those .inl<..rested should not fail to inspect the standi now shown. A case t>l diphihiT'a wa» reported tt night's nicctinu o) the Borougl. Council by l)r. McAia. The Major (.Ml A. A. Mat-Gibbon) said lie uliderslotiil the case originated in I'laM Gore al ;i house where there «» s im> drainage, ol let outlet to the tewer, to he mure correct. "This is a dangerous state ol affairs," he added, "and tho Council wii at no very distant dato have t<> borrow money to drain many of these .iidt streets." Councillor Smith : Could any. thing bo done to drain tho streets now r I'll" Mayor: Only by borrowing, and llie ratepayers must recognise that it is in the interests of the public health that something should be done. I under, stand that a medical man has expressed the opinion that present eonditinis ert rather dangerous, but the recent rain.have improved the position consid-r----ably. It seems hard that when the town has spent thousands of ]>ounds on drainage people won't take tho trouble to connect.' Councillor Mac Gibbon : In the caso under notice there is a sewer in front of tho house. A report by the inspector will bo presented to the Council in duo course. A person selecting summer footwear at Newman's enjoys many advantages that, ottie.i' stores cannot offer. Besides tho great number of Boots and Shoes, and tlio many different materials and combinations, vou have the services < f an experienced shoe-titter, who understands tho individual needs and requirements of each patron, and you will receivo quick, polite, and pleasing attention. You can also rely on getting vour Repairs neatly and promptly carried out. —D. Newina'i. Bootmaker, Main street, (Jore. —Ad ' Chamberlain's Tablets TCJ Alt" t TIT*.

It is proposed to form a small syndicate to exploit the brooms and bruahes made from Now Zealand flex-fibro by a patent of a local man (stAtes a Rivorton correspondent ot the 'Southland Times'). If the industry is a success the result should be a good thing for the Dominion in general, and give employment to many hands in Riverton. All that is necessasry for manufacturing the articles the district has in plentiful supply. The intention is to export, the fibre, which is duty free, and manufacture in Sydney or Melbourne. This should opeu up a markept for flax-libro, which is at present a drug on tho market, and when the syndicato have got over all tho experimental states aud it is found necessary to float a larger company it is to be hotred those interested in the flax trade will givo tho concern their hearty support. It is said that after selling under anything that can be imported a good margin of profit oqual to 20 per oent. will bo available. Tho Government, who aro largo users of tho articles, have promised support. Ac tho Tapauui Magistrate's Court yesterday, before Mr W. CI. Konrick, S.M., Miss C. L. 0. Totter, an infant, who sued through Thos. l'otter, claimed to recover from John O'Neill, of Duuedin, carrying on business as a dentist under the stylo of tho Otago aud Southland Painless Dental Company, tho sum of £144 3s as damages for alleged unskilful treatment. Defendant appeared and teudered iu evidenco a copy of an agreement which sot out that he was in tho employ of l'ercy Huddle Courtis, a duly registered dentist. Mr \V. F. Inder, who appeared for the, objected to ttie agreement, and at the suggestion of tho magistrate defendant went into the box. Ho stated that ho was only a servant and that tho principal whs Courtis, and further that i.e did not know who wero tho other members of tho company. Tho magistrate pointed out that tho case presented a serious aspect. It was necessary in all cases, ho added, that pla in till should receive information as to who tvero tho persons liable. Although defeudaut had received demands from lnder and Cochrane it was not until he camo to court that lie mado any suggestion of any other person being liable. At the magistrate's suggestion defeudaut applied to have Courtis joiued as codefendant and an order whs made accordingly, the case being adjourned 1o April 19. Costs auiouutiug to i'O 10s were allowed to plaintiff.

Rooms wanted. Albion F.C. meets on Thursday. Fraser Falconer has a Kolso farm for sale. Conceit and dance at Sandstone on April 2. •Southland County has declared gorse to be a noxious weed. Assessment Court lor Borough of Mataura sits on March 30. District valuation rolls open for inspection. Clutlia, Sheep Dog Trials on April !> and 10. Miss Carmody's Quadrille commences. Mondn.v, March E. J. Cameron and ( •». have ruWiil traps for sale. (iore Stock Agents have more entries for Itiversdalo sale. Wright, Stephenson and Co. sell additional lambs ut Clinton on Thursday. Allchurch and Lanienii's dissolution partnership sale commences on I'lmrsdav next. Special show of new season's goods at Thomson and Ilea I tie's.

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Mataura Ensign, 16 March 1909, Page 2

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Untitled Mataura Ensign, 16 March 1909, Page 2

Untitled Mataura Ensign, 16 March 1909, Page 2


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