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Hearne^B^^ VMiU fw CONSUMPTION. HAS THE LAEGEBT SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA. ' cient, and a Complete Cure is certain. CONSUMPTION. TOO ILL TO LEAVE HIS BED. A COMPLETE CUBE. Mr W. G. Heame. Dear Sir,—l am writing to tell you about the wonderful cure jour medicine has effected in my case. At first the cough was not severe, but it gradually got worse, and I became very weak and troubled lable, as it effects a complete Cure. It is ~,„ „ ... „ . , - a chronic nor consumption to develop. Oo , - - - m mettloll >e- No house should be without it, as taken at the beginning a dose is generally sumTH T ON T« E^^E^LC^ RED | HEB DAUGHTER HAD BEEN VERY , your Bronchitis Cure.-! remain, sir, your BY ONE BOTTLE OF HEAENE'S BBONCHITIS CURE. SEVERE COLD, WITH LOSS OF VOICE, CURED BY HALF A BOTTLE. SPITTING UP BLOOD. THE DOCTOR SAhT NOTHING MORE COULD BE DONE. "Elenwellyn, Katunga, Vic. most respectfully, WILLIAM CROCKET, . Baker's Swamp P.O , via Dripstone, New South Wales." A FIVE YEARS' CASE. CURED BY ONE SMALL BOTTLE. medicine has effected in my case. At first IN ENGLAND. CURED BY HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS I CURED BY ONE SMALL BOTTLE I th« nnntrh miis not severe, but it gradually cot I CURE. ~ _ " Elenwellyn, Katunga, Vic. | Mr w. G. Heame, Dear Sir,—Kindly send fearne. The extraot runs as follows:—" As for my- j me one lar <? e to"' 8 °' y° ur Bronchitis Cure. great quantities of phlegm. On several odea ""ear Sir,—l am very much pleased with self, thank the Lord, lam feeling stronger I I am more tnan Phased with the result! of sionß there was blood in the expectorated the efle cts of your Bronchitis Cure. Last than I have for years. I had an attack of j vour wonderful medicine, as a sinsll bottle matter. I had been treated by a doctor, who winter three of my children had very bad Bronchitis in November, but Hearne's Bron- ! 9 ure ? mv little B irl > wno had bee ° suffering pronounced my oa6e to be consumption, and coughs, and one bottle oured the three of chitis Cure was again successful. I feel quite five years, and now Ido not feel safe to be various other treatments had been tried but them. The housemaid also Lad such a severe well, and walk into town feeling quite strong. w " honl i< "~ 1 "main, yours respectfully, without benefit. It was at this stage that I oold that she entirely lost her voice, but half " I must ask you to send me six bottles AGNES F. KENNEDY, heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and sent to a bottle cured her. I always keep it in the more of we medicine, as I wish to have a Bethanga, Viotoria. you for a course, of the medicine. When it bouse now, and recommend it to anyone supply in the house. I have tried to get it arrived I was too ill to leave my bed, but I requiring a remedy of that kind. made up here, and let my ohemist huvo a A SEVEN YEARS' CASE. commenced taking it at once, and gradually "I now want you to send at once four bottle to see what he could do. He tells me improved. lam glad to say that the two bottles to England to my mother, who is this week oe can make nothing out of it, he EXPECTORATING BLOOD AND lots of medioine you sent have com- suffering greatly from Bronchitis. The ad- " ever saw anything like it before, so there is MATTER. plete cure, for which accept my very best dres s is enclosed. • on 'y one 'king for me to do—send for more. thanks.—Yours faithfully, J. BLAIR, Westminster, Bridge Road, S.E., London. SEVERE COUGH. A FIVE YEARS' CASE. RELIEVED AT ONCE AND COMPLETELY CURED BY HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CUBE. " Yours gratefully, • JOHN S. MORTIMER.' Bethanga, Viotoria. A SEVEN YEARS' CASE. EXPECTORATING BLOOD AND MATTER. I have never kept in bed one day since I " JOHN S. MORTIMER." commenced to take it. I used to be in bed aMr W G Heame The relative in England, who is 80 years fortnight at a time always, and after that for Dear Sir —Your mnilloiiu. W „,„*.* m = old, was also cured by Hearne's Bronchitis -onths I was as weak as I could possibly be, o£ B* aohlti. and Tsthma from wWob 1 WAS A GREAT SUFFERER. COMPLETELY CURED. inp for it such a long distance. " Something more I must tell you. Clu HAD NOT WALKED FOR 12 MONTHS, btte has been very ill since I wroje you. Her Z^ m "ZTffu»lZX?l& B- lmim . co f h 7 s so bad she never had a night's acknowledgement from a sense of duty,as in ALWAYS WALKS NOW, AND IS QUITE «**. •""} ™SPJ' un K U P Wocrf very much. ray case eV ery other treatment had failed. WELL. The doctor told her husband that there was For a year previous I had been getting very t h ,l DB , more ■» c ° uld d ° f ° r >r- So on the much worse, and at the time I obtained vm,r coughs, and frequently the difficulty Df breathing wag so distressing that for nights in BRONCHITIS CUBE. WELL. The doctor told her husband that there was For a year previous I had been getting very n a . T „ A . „ raT , nothing more he could do for her So on the much worse, and at the time I obtained your Dear Sir—l suffered from a severe cold on FEELS STRONGER THAN SHE HAS Sunday 1 sent her half a bottle of the Bron- medicine I was confined to bed suflerina from the chest, with cough, for five years,- and., DONE FOR YEARS. « h ! t,s Cure - an . d told hfer to try it. and if she a mosi violent cough, expeotorating blood and during that time got treatment from different did not use it not to waste it, but send it matter, and apparently beyond hope of resources, but derived no benefit until I used "8, Watson street, Burtnn-on-Trent, baok a ß aln - she nad suoh confidence in her covery. The first dose of the medicine gave your Bronchitis Cure, which pave me relief at » Staffordshire, England. doctor thft t * thought she would not try it. MB welcome relief, and I steadily improved as once, and completely cured me. I am de- "MrW. G. Heame, Geeiong. 0n tne Wednesday I sent over again, and she I continued the treatment, until I became as lighted with it. It is a really wonderful '• Dear Sir,—Your letter and Bronchitis was mueh better, the night's rest was very l am noWi ql ,it a we ll. -Yours sincerely, sources, but derived no benefit until I used " 8, Watson street, Burton-on-Trent, oaok a g aln - "he had such confidence in her pour Bronchitis Cure, which pave me relief at » Staffordshire, England. doctor that I thought she would not try it. mce, and completely cured me. lam de- "MrW. G. Heame, Geeiong. ' On the Wednesday I sent over again, andshe ighted with it. It is a really wonderful " Dear Sir,—Your letter and Bronchitis was m ucb better, the night's rest was very nedicine ; does good at once, and " can't be Cure to hand quite safe. lam sure you will B ood > and COU Rb and bleeding from the lungs icked."—Yours sincerely, be glad to know your Bronchitis oure has bettor. She sent for another half bottle, and W. TREMELLEN. quite cured me. I was very glad when it on the following Sunday sent over to say that Modewarre, Victoria. came, as I was suffering from a severe attack sbe was Q uite cur e d aud did n °t require any of Bronchitis when it arrived. I had sent for more medicine. So you see what great good ~ my own doctor, but had not had one night's il h&s done > and su e wishe3 to have some of ArmrnwVMMnNTnsnrn rest for a week. I started taking the Bron- my next supply." A CHILD SEVEN MONTHS OLD. ohitis cure threfl times ft day ftg d <? reotedi ftnd __ A HTTUT7WT!ITP TTPnM TUTJTTT WftS V<SrV muob - eaSed at oa ™- At the end of A SUFFERER FROM BIRTH. a week j only to£)k it twiee a day _ and then TWELVE YEAR'S AGONY. P.Tmw.n hv a TinTTT.Tii nw wu.aptjw.q ? nlv ni B ht for a week,as I was so much A CHILD SEVEN MONTHS OLD. A SUFFERER FROM BIRTH. H. WALKER, Balmain, Sydney. PREVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED. A SEVENTEEN YEARS* CASE. pnnwn rv a TinTTT vnw miD N vm om y ever y m ßht lor a weet:, as x was so much KRONCHITIS CURE S?T' wben ' thanka to the Lovd for addiD « DRESSING, SUFFOCATING, DRY his blessing, I was quite well, and walked into I COUGH ENTIRELY REMOVED Mr W. G. Heame. Dear Sir, —Kindly for- town and back without feeling any fatigue, ward me a small bottle of your Bronchitis * bad not done that previously for l£ months Cure as soon as possible, as I cannot speak —always went in the omnibus—as walking above a whisper, owing to a cold. I had a oan sed me such pain and distress in the bottle from you before for my little girl when -chest. I always walk now, and never feel it, she was seven months old. She had been and l am stronger than I have been for years. BY FIVE DOSES. NO OTHER TREATMENT COULD EVEN EASE IT. TWELVE YEAR'S AGONY. CUBED BY THREB BOTTLES - Mr Alex. J. Anderson, of Oak Park DISTRESSING, SUFFOCATING, DRY Charleaville, Queensland, writes:—" After COUGH ENTIRELY REMOVED suffering from Asthma for 17 years, and BY FIVE DOSES. having been under a great many different treatments without benefit, I was induced to NO OTHER TREATMENT COULD tf y Hearne's medicine for Asthma. After EVEN EASE IT. taking three bottles of this medicine I quite got rid of the Asthma, and since then, which " Sir,—My wife was for twelve years a was in the beginning of 1883—fifteen years suffering from bronchitis from her birth, and I thank my son for sending the medicine, and sufferer from a most distressing, suffocating, ago—l have not had the slightest return of now she is three years old, and has not had a am, dear sir, dry cough that could not be removed or even it. The medicine quite cured mo, and I return of it since. It is a splendid medicine " Yours very truly, oised by any remedy, doctors' prescriptions have much pleasure in recommending it." ' Yours verv truly, "M. MORTIMER. 1 for bronchitis or colds of any sort.—l remain " M - MORIIMI'iR." and patent medicines having been tried ; but Writing again on the 4th April, 1899, he yours truly, Extract from a letter since written by the lam happy to say that the cough, pain in states :—" I am keeping very well now. MRS H. RAMAGE. same lady to her son, Mr John S. Mortimer, the chest, and difficulty of breathing, etc., Never had , the slightest return of the Violet Town, Victoria. Llenwellyn, Katunga, Victoria. were entirely removed by the fifth dose of Asthma." 8 BEWARE OF COUGHS PEEPAEED ONLY, AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL'BY THE PEOPRIETOr|: W ft HE! BRNF, Hhomict fUnlrmtf Vl'oi.nria Small size, 2s 61; Large, 4s od. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors. N.Z. Branch Office W. U. HfcAlV«J!i, UiemiSt, lieelOllg, YlClOria. 217 Moray Place, Dunedin. Forwarded by Post to any address when not obtainable locally OBTAINABLE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FROM E. EYANS, CHEMIST, GORE.

GRAIN. GRAIN. GRAIN. SEASON 1902. OTAGO CORN & WOOL EXCHANGE, VOGEL STREET, DUNEDIN To the Farmers of Otago & Southland. ANOTHER Grain Season being at hand, we take the opportunity of thanking our many clients for their patronage in the past, and to again tender our services for the disposal ot their Grain here, or lor shipment of same to other markets, making liberal cash advances thereon, if required. Special Facilities for Storage, &c. Produce Sales every Monday. We would remind produces that we provide special facilities for the satisfactory storage Our sales are held every Monday morning, and disposal of all kinds cf farm produce, at which samples of all the produce forward Our stores arc dry. airy, thoroughly ventilated, are exhibited. Our sale room being brilliar " and in every respect admirably adapted for lighted, samples are shown to the very I the snfe storage of Grain, being conveniently advantage, and as every lot is carefully valm situated, and connected to railway by private before being offered, clients can depend th». siding. Produce consigned to us is delivered no lot will be sold below its full market value, direct into store, and is saved the loss and and that their interests generally will be waste incurred in unloading and again carting thoroughly protected, into warehouse. ACCOUNT SALES are rendered within Sii Weekly Auction Sales. Days of Sale. We continue to hold the regular Weekly Auction Sales of Produce as inaugurated by Corn Sacks, Chaff Bags, &o. us many years ago, and which have proved sr beneficial to vendors ; and owing to our ccm- Having made advantageous arrangements manding position in the centre of the trade, to meet the requirements of our nurnerou" and our large and extending connection, we clients, we can supply best Calcutta Cor are in constant touch with all the principal Sacks, all sizes, and at the lowest prioes. grain merchants, millers, and produce Also Chaff Bags, Seaming Twine, and all dealers, and are thus enabled to dispose of Farmers' Requisites at the shortest notice, and consignments to the very best advantage, and on the best terms. with the least possible delay. • Corn Sacks, Chaff Bags, &o. Having made advantageous arrangements to meet the requirements of our nurnerouclients, we can supply best Calcutta Cor Sacks, all sizes, and at the lowest prioes. Also Chaff Bags, Seaming Twine, and all Farmers' Requisites at the shortest notice, and on the best terms. ADVANTAGES. We offer producers the advantage o£ Large Storage and Unequalled Show .Room Accommodation. No Delays in Offering. Expert Valuers and Staif. The Best Service. Tbo Lowest Scale ' of Charges. The Highest Prices, and Prompt Returns. SAMPLE BAGS, WAY BILLS, and LABELS SENT ON APPLICATION. DONALD REID & CO., LANCASHIRE PATENT BELT. "AS stood the test of thirty years, and is the Original and Only Genuine Fabric Bes 10. For severe out-door work avoid shoddy imitations. Send for Catalogue with teati monials from all classes of users throughout Australasia m w '.'s& R. B. DENNISTON & CO., Sole New Zealand Bepiesentatives, Stuart Street, Dunedin. Agencies at Auckland, Welling on, Christohurch, Invercargill, Grcvmouth, Beefton, Timaru, Oamaru, and Riveradalu. 1 TOTHILL WATSON & CO., Local Agents, INVERCAHGII-U. GOBE & EIVEESDAL TAKE I ILLo FOR INDIGESTION, Heartburn, SICK HEADACHE, Bile, Giddiness, and all LIVER COMPLAINTS. X»nuXMrtareaoaly«7B, i

An Old Favorite in a New Guise. THE PUBLIC ARE STRONGLY URGED TO TRY NEW NO. 9 TEA, At 2s per lb. Its growing popularity proves it to be an Exceptional Tea at the Money. O EVERYWHER 20 percent. OARBOLIS CARBOLIC SOAP 0111 1.-IHfcN I. A pleasant Soap for toilet purposes. In summer for Sore duable in countries infested by In i j and other Insects to heal or Ati secure immunity from their bites. Scalds and Skin Ailments go: etal box. Keeps good in any Clin :ellent remcdyinmer for Sore F. G. CALYERT & Co., Manchester, England. Irrigation, Drainage, Cattle Washing. T? " CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS (Stationary or JLIM V I 1\ \jl ill Portable) are the Best. Pump is made to swivel, thus avoiding unnecessary bends in the pipes. For other means of driving see other advertisements. Pumps for all purposes and in all sizes made. Write for full particulars. MAKERS of the Largest and Most Economical Pumping Maohinery in the World. J. & H. GWYNNE, Ltd., Hammersmith Iron Works, W., and 81, Cannon Street, CaMea; "GWYNNE, LONDON," IjOJWDON, B.C.

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Mataura Ensign, Issue 1136, 15 January 1903, Page 3

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