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Mearne's Bronchitis Cure HAS THE LABGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA, Those whohave taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence.. SnrTerflrK fmm >ni fnrm nf Rrnnnhitio rv„„K niffi».,u_ ASTHMA, and CONSUMPTION. „«,. . t, o "™™ ™ kea *is medioina are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronohitis, Cough, Difficulty.,; Breathinc Hoarseness Pain nr Sore. forting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength in the voice, and it never allov a a Cough or Asthm has never been known to exist where " Coughs " have been properly treated with this medicine. No house shouic cicnt, and a Complete Cure is certain. BEWARE OF COUGHS CONSUMPTION. TOO ILL TO LEAVE HIS BED. A COMPLETE CUKE. Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—l am writing to tell you about the wonderful cure your | A SDPI medicine has effected in my case. At first the cough was not severe, but it gradually got worse, and I became very weak and troubled with night sweats, pain in my ohest, and ■■ y r H ear , great quantities of phlegm. On several occa ~ n ear gj TiIBEE CASES COMPLETELY CURED HEE DAUGHTER HAD BEEN VERY BY ONE BOTTLE OP HEARNE'S ILL BRONCHITIS CURE. SPITTING UP BLOOD. SEVERE COLD, WITH LOSS OF VOICE, CU3EC BY HALF A BOTTLE. T;IE DOCTOR SAID NOTHING MOI A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE IN ENGLAND. T;iE DOCTOR SAID NOTHING MORE COULD BE DONE. o' lUtnption to develop. Consumption t ~io beginning a dose is generally suffiyur Bronchitis Cure,—l remain, sir, your u» jst respectfully, WILLIAM CROCKET, Baker s Swamp p.o , via Dripstone, New South Wale?." A FIVE YEARS' CASE. ih umjJbA.iNiJ. CURED BY HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURED BY ONE SMALL BOTTLE. "Elcnwellyn, Katunga, Vic. ' j Mr w - °- Hearne, Dear Sir.-Kindly send Mr Hearne. The extract runs as follows:—" As for my- j " 10 one 'MB* bottle of your Bronchitis Cure. "Dear Sir,—lam very much pleased with s< If, thank the Lord, I am feeling stronger I x am more tnan pleased with the n " latter, I had been treated by a doctor, who willtel . three o£ my children hlld ve " ry bad Bronchitis in November, but Hearne's Bron- ?" rt ; d nl y ''»'« B'd. who 'ha improved. I i;m glad to say that the two bottles to Engh lots of medici le you sent have effected a com- suffering greatly plete cure, fur which accept my very best d. ess is enclosed thanks.--Yours faithfully, J. BLAIR, Westminster, Bridge Road, S.K., London. The relative i SEVERE COUGH. A FIVE YEARS' CASE. RELIEVED AT ONCE AND COMPLETELY CURED BY HEARNE'S BRONCHI i.'IS CURE. Dear Sir, —I suffere I from a severe cold on the chest, with couj/'i, for live years, and during that time got treatment irom different sources, but derived no benefit until I used your Bronchitis Cure, which gave me relief at once, and completely cured m \ I am delighted with it. It is a really wonderful niHlicine ; does good it once, a id " can't be licked," Yours sinci rely, W. TRKMELLEN. Modcwarre, Vietoii i. A CHILD SEVLN MONTHS OLD. A SUFFERER FROM BIRTH. CURED BY A BOTTLE Ob' MEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. bottles to England to my mother, who is this week he can make nothing out of it, he suffering greatly from Bronchitis. The ad- never saw anything like it before, so there is d.ess is enclosed. only one thing for me to do—send for more. " Yours gratefully, 1 have never kept in bed one day since I " JOnN S. MORTIMER." commenced to take it. I used to be in bed a The relative in England, who is 80 vears fortnight at a timo always, and after that for -I remain, yours respectfully, AGNES P. KENNEDY, Bethanga, Victoria. EXPECTORATING BLOOD AND MATTER. Ihc relative in England, who is 80 vears fortnight at a timo always, and after that for «.„, «:- v '. ~ ~ . . old, was also cured by Hearne's Bronchitis months I was as weak as 1 could possibly be, nf °J< ! n °? lunß , has cur ; Cure. and was always taking cod liver oil, so you WAS A GREAT SUFFERER. HAD NOT WALKED EOli 12 MONTHS. ALWAYS WALKS NOW, AND IS QUITE WELL. ill see at once it is quite worth while sendsince I | COMPLETELY CUBED. i bed a i;v lr w _ a .Hearne. biv hj» UeiU sir, ~ Your medicine has cured me "'J oe - iof Bronchitis and Asthma, from which I so you sum , rC( i f or upwards of seven years, during which period I was scarcely ever free from nothing lie cnuld do for her. So on the ! !'' M i Jeftr P™' ooß . l Hd 1 B et - lin « ver J FEELS STRONGER THAN SHE HAS Sunday 1 sent her half a bottle of the Bron- " "ft;™w tl ■, T J ob j ttlnod y° ur DONE b'OR YEARS. chilis Cur,, and told her to try it, and if she H» "ioC h "»««»« «Mm ■ld not use it not to waste it, but send it i' l T ' ' B ' "V g bl °° d » nd •' 8, Watson street, Burtnn-on-Tront, back again. She had such confidence in her ! '"1"' Th "V'f ?" % ,^ y °" d vT °' ">' "Strali'ordshire, England. doctor that I thought she would not try it. I n °"L ™ V.\Z, ,?. i ~0 I ' nc ! l,dnc <?» Mr W. G. Ilea™, Geelong. °'> '»" Wednesday I sent over again, and she , ?J '°"wu '" ' ""' y.tmprovedas "Dear Bir.-Your letter and B.oncbitis was much better/the night's rest was very ! ™™''» » end n *'«"» l,le » t ' unt '! * became a. uro to hand quite safe. lam euro you will good, and cough and bleeding from the lungs * ' UU now '3 U 'l?,™ ° I'... ""T 8 "?« rely : glad to know your Bronchitis cure has better. She sent for another half bottle, and "' Balmain, Sydney. uite cured me. 'l w;;s very glad when it "» the following Sunday sent over to say that wie, as I was suffering from a severe attack she was quite cured and did not require any ASTHMA. i Bronchitis when it ai'iived. I had sent for more medicine. So you see what great good ly own doctur, but bad not had one night's it has done, and she wishes io have some of j PREVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED. jst for u week. 1 started taking the Bron- my next supply." Cure to hand quite sale be glad to know your quite cured me. 1 w;; ,anie, as I was suffering of Bronchitis when it nr my own doctur, but bad glad when it "■' the fold u severe attack she wasqu I had sent for more medi nul one night's it has dom Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—lvndly lor- \ t, own !llu i l ; ward me a small bottle of your Bronchitis i ] ml i not d Cure as soon as possible, as I cannot speak —always \vi above u whisper, owing to a cold. I had a eaused me bottle irom you before for my little girl when chest. lal she was seven months old. She had been IUK I lam si suffering from bronchitis foui her birth, and I thank my now she is three years old.jmd lias not had a am| d CiU - yi letum of it since. It is a splendid medicine for bronchitis or colds of any sort.—l'remain yours truly, Extract f MRS H. RAMAGE. Slime lady t Violet Town, Victoria. Llenwellyn, rest for a week. 1 .started taking the Bronchitis cure thrfe times a day as directed, and was very much ens'd at once. At the end of a week I only took it twice a day, and then only every night for a week, as I was so much better, when, thanks to the Lord for adding his blessing, I was quite well, and walked into town and back without feeling any fatigue. 1 hud not done that previously for 12 months —always went in the omnibus—as walking eaused me such pain and distress in the chest. I always walk now, and never feel it, and I am stronger than I have been for years. I thank my son for sending the medicine, and WALKER, Balmain, Sydney. PREVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED. A SEVENTEEN YEARS' CASE. CURED BY THREE BOTTLES. I twice a clay, and trien TWELVE YEAR'S AGONY umuiu in xmittu uuiilibs. week, as I was so much I " Mr A , eXi j_ And(!rßon< of ouk p atk to the Lord for adding ■ DISTRESSING, SUFFOCATING, DRY Charlesville, Queensland, writes:-" After tie well, and walked into COUGH ENTIRELY REMOVED suffering from Asthma for 17 years, and mt feeling any fatigue. BY five DOSES. having been under n great manv different quite well, and walked into COUGH ENTIRELY REMOVED suffering from Asthma for 17 years, and ithuut feeling any fatigue. BY five DOSES. having been under n great many different it meviouslv for 12 months treatments without benefit, I was induced to , ~ '. illkl "l 5 NO OTHER TREATMENT COULD try Hearne's medicine for Asthma. After pain and distress in the EVEN EASE IT _ tllkill( , tl , reo 00ttlea of tnJB iuodioine j , u valk now, and never feel it, Rot rid of the Asthma, and since thon, which tiian 1 have been for years. "Sir,-My wife was for twelve years a was in the beginning of IHK:t - lifteen years • sending the medicine, and sufferer from a most distressing, suffocating, ago-I nave not had the slightest return of dry cough that could not be removed or even it. The medicine quite cured mo, and I " Yours very truly, eased by any remedy, doctors' prescriptions have much pleasure in recommending it." "M. MORTIMER." and patent medicines having been tried ; but Writing again on tho Rh April, 1899 be letter since written by the lam happy to say that the cough, pain in states:—"l am keeping very well now. ion, Mr John S. Mortimer, tho chest, and difficulty of breathing, etc., Never had the slightest return of the Violet Town, Victoria. ! Llenwellyn, Katunga, Victoria. (were entirely removed by the tilth dose of ! Asthma.' PIIEPAKED ONLY, AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE PBOPBIETOH, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong, Victoria. sm»nmo,2 B cj; urKo,.is«a. sold by .cbemuts and Medicine I size, 2s bj; Largo, Is Cd. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendor-!. N.Z. Branch Ofli e, 217 Moray Pla:e, Uuncdin. Forwarded by Post to any address when not o'lUinablo locally.' OBTAINABLE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FROM E. EYANS, CHEMIST, GORE.

GRAIN. GRAIN. GRAIN. SEASON 3902. OTAGO CORN & WOOL EXCHANGE, YOGEL STREET, DUNEDIN. To the Farmers of Otago & Southland. ANOTHER Grain Season being at hand, we take tbe opportunity of thanking our many clients fur their patronage in the past, and to again tender our services fur tbo disposal of their Grain hero, or for shipment of same to other markets, making liberal cash advances (hereon if Special Facilities fop Storage, &c. | Produce Sales eva-y Monday. Wo would reuiind produces lhat we provide special facilities for the salisf ;c>,■ •!■}■ storage Our sales are held every Monday morning, and disposal of nil kinds of farm produce, at which samples of all the produce forward Our stores are dry. airy, thoroughly ventilated, are exhibited. Our sale room being brilliantly and in every respect admirably adapted for lighted, samples are shown to the very bent the safe storage of Grain, being conveniently advantage, and as every lot is carefully valued situated, and connected to railway by private before being offered, cfients can depend that siding, l'ro.iiico consigned to us is delivered no lot will be sold below its full market value, direct into store, and is saved the loss and and that their interests generally will be waste incurred in unloadingandagain carting thoroughly proteetul. into warehouse. ACCOUNT SALES ,ue rendered within Six Y/cekly Auction Sales. Days of Sale. Wo continue t.> hold the Tegular Wu/kly Auction Sales of Produce as ioau.urated by Corn Sacks, Chaff BajU. Ac. us many \car< »a<\ ai d which have proved so hem lieial Mi vendors ; at:d owing to our com Having made :idv;int:,-eoii> an ,i cir' lnainii. u position n, the centre of the trade, to meet the r. quiieme: bef ■ i';r 1 i nif-r.iif and our lar.-e and extending connect , we clients, we can snpniv 1.,,: C..1.-,tl'u Corn are m en,,Mant touch with all l',e pri, c .pal S .cks. all s.,.••<.:,„.1 ' ;ll ,„,. !., wf .,, prlow gram meichai is, meters, nod ptoiuce A'.s . Cl.atT I?.--, S, auim >T» n. H i,(i fcJI dealirs, ;u;d ate thus c.iabled to di-posc of j Kuiocs' It.-nui-ito.-at the ,-hoH.M WW* u,d coiisigmii-iiis 11 the very best advaotaee, und on the ln'tt term.-. ADVANTAGES. We. otter producers the advantage nf Storage ami I'lit'ijuallod Show Room Accommodation. No Delays in OliVriiifj. Ex|)ert Valuers iind Stall'. The Rest Service. The Lowest Scale. of Chaises. The Highest Prices, and Prompt Returns. SAMPLE BA(iS, WAV LABELS SENT ON APPLICATION. DONALD REID & CO., ])UNEDIN. LANCASIIIRE__PATENT BELT. HAS stood the test of thirty years, and is the Original and Only Genuine Fabric Bel bor severe out-door work avoid shoddy imitations. Send for Catalogue with tcsti monials from all classes of users, throughout Australasia R. B. DENNISTON & CO., Sole New Zealand Bepiesentatives, Stuart Street, Dunedin. Agencies at Auckland, V 1 ton, Christchurch, Invercargili, Greymouth, Keefton, Timaru, Oamaru, and Rive'redale. " I TOTHILL WATSON & CO., Local Agents, INVEBCARGIIi, GOKE & BIVEBSDIL

«r iW/SJSS 3USKBI mmmimt. ME H 3 ET3I ri * f 111 reus Disorders, such as Wind and Pain b the Stomach, Sici Kulness and Swelling after meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold :at, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costvreness, filotrlirt ed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervoui and Trembling ! IfflST DOSK WILL GITB MLIIF IN TWINTT MINUTXS. Thl» liT-y-r is earnestly imrited to try one Box of these Pills, and they «i.?<?J ta bo "WORTH A GUINEA A BOX" Ls>, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to completi ch; Impaired Digestion; Disordered Liver; u-x tioM)» will work wonder* upon the Vital Organs; Strengthening the u.< thn loan l<*t Complexion; bringing; back the keen edge of appetite, and !> or H?*(,tm the wmoli physical ihirot of the human frame. These are wmmmmwm&mmjmwKMmmwitm '.\Z 33NK0HAM, St. H»l»rm, LaneaahlT*. Bngl&nd Mr* in Sv:»», Hi., It, 11*., •»* ««■ M. mk

WHY COUGH? WHY COUGH ? WHY COUGH ■! There is absnlu relief. Simple, but sure in action, they can be taken by the mo 4 delic;ito. KEATING'S LOZENGES. KEATING'S LOZENGES. HEATING'S LOZENGES. KEATING'S LOZENGES. It you cannot sleep for coughing, one Kf.atixg's Lo/.engi: will set you right. They at once cheek the cough and remove the cause. An enormous sale all uver the world during tne past 80 years proves their great value. GIVE INSTANT RELIEF. GIVE INSTANT RELIEF. GIVE INSTANT RELIEF. Keating's Cocgh Lozksges, the unrivalled remedy lor Coughs, Hoarseness, and Throat Troubles, are sold everywhere in tins by all chemists.

Technical Education by Mail. TJIKOM nil parts of New Zealand we are P constantly receiving appreciative letters ..ora Students in THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OP COBEE&PONDENCE. The School Teaches by MailMechanical, Electrical, Locomotive, Marine, Stationary and Textile Engineering Heating, l'lurabing, Ventilation, Dyeing, Mathematics, etc. The American School of Correspondence nnables you, by spending a few hours of your le weekly in home study, to qualify yourI seif for a better portion. The fees are lnw, and pnyable in monthly instalments. If you are interested, write or call for Free Handbook of School. If you decide to join, the studies can be commenced at once. The School teaches wherever the nixil reaches. Coramu'iicate with—fi.. H. REED, 12 Rattray Street, Dunedin ; or The Hemingway Commercial, Coaching, & Correspondence School, 192 Queen Street, Auckland, Representatives. Aretbe acknowledged leading I *~ "~ Proprietor:-MARTm I Chemiet,S(]IITHAIIPTOII,EIIII. Agents: SHARLAND & C0,1D., Auckland*; Wellington, and NEW lEAIAM dim GO., Ctrutchmci.

Glasgow Bakery, MAIN & MEKSEY STREETS, GOKE. ITcDOUGALL & BLACK have much JjJL pleasure in announcing to the Public jf Gore and Surrounding Districts that they will COMMENCE BUSINESS AS Bakers, Pastry Cooks, & General Confectioners, On the Ist February. They have taken Premises in Mersey Strcel as a Bakery, and will open the Shop next Mi W. Baker's as a Tea and Coffee Boom, whe Refreshments at all hours will be supplied.

TAKE PIIiIiS FOR INDIGESTION, Heartburn, SICK HEADACHE, Bile, Giddiness, and all LIVER COMPLAINTS. Uuu&ctured oaly »«78, Hew Oxtord Strwt, London) teW <V «U Qualm cad lUOMm V.

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Mataura Ensign, Issue 1036, 22 May 1902, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Mataura Ensign, Issue 1036, 22 May 1902, Page 3


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