Rubber Stamps FFROST'S PATENT 7 SELF-INKING Portable Rubber Stamps. J "•- "W\ FPBOST.I MANUPACTUKEB. -: JW. F. begs to introduce to the notice of . the general public his Patent Self -inkin and-Portable Pocket Rubber Stamps. The 8 e Stamps are now produced in *n entirely new i form, superseding the old style, requirine neither pads nor handle, and always ready for use ; will print 100G to 2000 impressioM without replenishing, and every impression of the same tint. The excellencies of the SelfInking Stamps are, Ist— Cleanliness in use. 1 Do not sojl the hands, no ink apparatus externally, cannot soil documents or anything V ? f le^? en in USe * in Qs f of ink : When once prepared can be used for a considerabletime without getting dry or out of order Srd-Compactness .-BeinfwTthout the cumbrous pads and handle, can be carneJ m the pocket and used when travelling. ith-Durabality and Clearness : Every stamp 13 warantea durable, and will stand any reasonable yv ear and tear. J. W. FFROST, MANUFACTURE OF BUBBEB STAMPS WELLINGTON, N.Z. ° AAJMro Agent for Southland— A. DOLAMOKE & CO. ; •«* Samples on View. •»» Tailors. TO TJSE GENTLEMEN OF GORE AND SUKBOUNDCNG DISTRICTS. T BEG to announce that I VISIT GORE • •*■ and surroundiHg districts regularly, thai I import direct from the Home Market, thai I cut all Garments myself carefully and keej none but First-Class Workmen, and. that aU • orders I may be f avored.with will be tnrned out with despatch. J. H. GEDDES, TAILOR AND CLOTHIBR. Deb Stbbet, ; TNVKBCABGILL. jtf»l THOMAS EITCHIE Tailor, MAIN STREET, GORB}. A GOOD STOCK of TWEEDS AND -^ COATINGS always onhand h373 Sailmaker The Present Depression fTIHE best remedy for the great depression JL which is so keenly felt by everybody ' in this neighborhood, as well as elsewhere, is to buy FOX CASH all articles of Clothing, Tents, Boots Tarpaulins, . Men's Drapery, Horse Covers, Oil Coats, Ropes of all sizes,and Hats, &c, Sundries FROM £. CHRISTENSON. GORE, who has proved himself . to be, consistently and continually, the storekeeper who sells at the smallest possible profit. He buys in the best market, and gives his customers the benefit of his bargains by his astounding low prices. JUST FANCY ! A Suit of Clothes for a Mail for ... 18 a The very best Horse Cover 17 S and all other articles in his store at similar low rates. • Those who have not paid him a visit should do so the first opportunity they have if they want to study their own interests. i Note the Address— E. OHRISTENSON, DRAPER AND SAILMAKEB, GOKB. ; P.S.— Reaper and Binder Sheets made and repaired.
Page 6 Advertisements Column 6
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 6
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