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John Beer also applied for a tunnel! Tim application was adjourned til. next Court day. ! WJEZZB' HAIR BALSAM if gray, restores to original color. An elegant dress ii\g, softens and beautifies. No. oil nor grease. A Tonic Bestorative. Stops liair coming out ; streng heris, cleanses, heals scalp. Certainly the most effective medicine in the worl A. SANDER AND SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT lest its eminently powerful effects in coughs, colds. | influenza ; the relief is instantsnepus, In serious'cases ind ; accidents of all kinds, be. they wounds, burns, scaldings, bruises, sprains, it is the safest remedy — no swelling— no inflammation. Like surprising effects produced in croup, diphtheria, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, swellings, etc,: diarrhoea, dysentery ; iiseases of the kidneys and urinary organs. In use at ill hospitals and medical clinics ; patronised by His Majesty the King of Italy : and crowned with medal iml diploma at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. ' list in this approved article and rejeot- «.ll others. Miscellaneous Notices. lash Advertisements under this heading,' referring te vacant situations, situations wanted, houses for sal or to let, articles lost or found, &c, not exceeding sixteen words, will be charged ONE SHILLING per insertion. LOST— Ten Crossbred Sheep, branded F ; blue stroke along back. Fiuder please 'ive information to. Aitkbn & Latham, Gordon. ONE double breech-loading 16-bore GUN, new, £7, by " Wild " Birmingham. On view at Ensign Office. WANTED— A Smart BOY to learn the Butchering. Apply Aitkkn and jATHAM, 190k TT^ YOU want Covers to fit, call at JLX: Bbeweb &Tbkmbath's. 1" Fjl YOU want Cheap Harness call at J_ P Brewjsb & Tbembath's, I~tt^ YOU want cheap Saddlery call at LJj Brewer & Tbembath's. TTfTS YOU want Baggy lings or Mats, call JLx. at BiifiWEß & Trembath's. T- T7l YOU want Buggy Lamps or Candles l.Jj call at Brewer & Trembath's. FT? YOU want cbafl or Oats> call at |_ Jj Bbewer & Trembath'b. r XT* YOU want Rock Salt call at BrbWER l_ JJ & Tbembath's. r"C^ YOUR Horses are. Sick, call at |_ Jj Bbewer & Trembath's.j i-n lOU want your Parcels call at IJJ Bbeweb & Trembath's, Agents or New Zealand Express Company. rXH YOU want MONEY, DON'T come i_ JJ to Bbewer & Tbembath's. WANTED, two good Ploughmen, accustomed to ridgy land. Apply to LLEXANbGB Taylob, Knapdale Station. LOOK OUT for the Gor« School Concert, July 15th— Town Hall. k223 C\ REV SHAWL, dropped from buggy QT S«nday, 19th inst., between Gore and Stoney Creek. Finder rewarded. 232k W. S. HUBP. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! LOOK OXTT FOB Cheap Drapery & Clothing ! CRAVEN AND CO., from Dunedin, V 2 GORE AGAIN, next to Howell's Hotel; FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY t ■"TPWARDS of TWO TONS of DRAPERY, *-^ &c, must be sold Cheap for Cash. 20 doz. Sample Lengths of Curtains, Is to 2s 6d Fancy embroidered Table Covere— half price, 6s 6d Silicia Lining from 2£d Curtains — per pair 2s lid Pocket Handkerchiefs, Is lid doz Umbrellas from Is 6d 150 Ostrich Feathers from la Black Velveteen from Is 6d, Silk do. all colors, 3s lid Girls' Ulsters, 2s 6d up 120 Wool Shawls, 6d to 2s 6d Double-width Milton Cloth, 2s 6d per yard 200 pairs GJoveß, evening shades, Is pair or three p*irs for 2a 6d 500 yds Silk Rep, very rich, 2s 6d yard, fully 50 per cent, below landed cost 1000 yds Dress Stuff from 7s 6d doz. up Collars 3d box Waterproof Overalls 2s 6d per pairusual price, 6s 6d 20 boxes Frill'.ng 2a 6d per doz. up Ladies Ulsters from 6s 1 Id Ties and Collarettes, in large variety Wincey 5d up - - Tweeds from Is 6d ... Silk Oloves Hose from 2d i A lot of Men's Coats, Trousers and Vests —must go 1 bale of Men's Heavy Wool and Cotton Drawers, direct from the maker — Bargains 200 Shirts, Is 6d up Lot of Boys' and Youths' Suits 1 Singers Sewing Machine, warranted in perfect order — && 4s Calicoes, Flannels, Sheetings, and a large stock of goods FOR A EEW"I)AYS ONLY craven"and co., Next to Howell'b Railway Hotel, Gore WILLIAM POLLOCffiT (Late of Gore) DESIRES to inform his friends and the public generally that he has taken the EOYAL MAIL HOTEL, Clinton, Where Good Stabling, Excellent Accommodation, and the Best Liquors may be had. ~~~~ £10 REWARD. THE East Gore Domain Board offer a REWARD of £10 on conviction of the person or persons removing or damaging Trees and Shrubs in the East Gore Domain , E. MACGIBBON, klgg Chairman. THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE { BONFIRE NIGHT ! STONEY CREEK ! TUESDAY, 21st JUNE, 1887, A BONFIRE will be lighted on tlu Hokonuis, opposite Stoney Creak, or above occasion. A BALL Will be held fa oarmectioA therewith v ParrolVs Hall, All are invited, and to the times ac chajgo will be made. GOD. SAY-eTm QUEEN J klßf
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Bibliographic details
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 5
Word Count
786Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 5
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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