ROOD'S REAPERS& BINDERS I WOOWB REAPERS & BmDMltbt 1 f k. < ■ From £40 and Upwards ' .. ONLY A FEW LEFT UNSOLD, JJUNTER, FRAZER,£ CO., WOOL & GRAIN BROKERS,^ . GORDON, Are Cash Purchasers Of all jtin^tf ' 6i WOOL Sheepskins, Hides, Tallow. . . ' - ' !/. J ' 1 '-? 'j T Produce bought and sold at highest market price. ; . , , y-. Have for sale— . .O Corn Sacks, full weights , n ,;> Hemp aud Manila Twine, etc. ' ' All kinds of Oils j Barbed and Fencing Wire, best brands I Hoofing iron, " Orb " brand : Best Butter Kegs in the market i Tea and Sugar Al. ; SEED OATS jOf superior quality, specially . cielj^tM !§* i farmers. N's^;'-''. ?! ; Also Grass Seed, Clover Sees|%t& i Liberal Cash Advances made oft growing I Clips Of Wool, Crops, Produce, etc j Are Agents for the following : — : W. A. Wood's Reapers. ai^4 (set ! model machine for 1886-7} : . | ; Cooper's Sheep j Dip :• [•■•)' n"< h I New Zealand. Drug Company, Liffiitwt, ! , ! ' ; ""Mariiires; ''.<"/ S"- • ' >• '^ :■■> :ftn.if6 ; Nightcaps Cbkl Company ' ; , ' y ' • • > : ; ■>■-.> ' South British Insurance' Cd&paiiy. '*'»" ; , MONEY .TO 'rifi&o' ■'"'''"* . 1 On Freehold' Security at Lowest K«t« NOTICE TO FAR&&S&--rfIHE NEW ZEALAND 1 LOA^ iE&D X MERCANTILE I AGENCY CO. OMj ■-■ /.'. ..! . ■••■•'./ --^-HVi C-- i— : i" W r J' Capital Three Millions Stejjin|. The above Compauy m&Ke liberal advance! to Farmers and others engaged in developing the resources of the country at current rates of interest on Freehold Properties, Gnmirig Clips of Wool and Crops. 'Ahaalso;iSn"~^^ WOOL, GRAIN, AND OTHER PRODUCE consigned to their care either for Local Sal« or shipment to any ' of their numerouff Agenci throughout the Australian; Colo k^ WILLIAk '~VOTJQhIBi-.T Agent, Gore ; JOHN TURNBDLL^ i Manager for Southland,, , P.S. — The Company are Agents for Grass Clover, and other seeds. Woolpacks and Co nsacks always on hand. Gore, 14th September, 1883. . cli notice;. ■ ■'•■■•■•- t ' | LEXANDER STEWART, Commission -**- Agent, Wellington^ (late of SjtQtirart and Gow, Balcldtha), desires to. inform the public of Otago that he -7^ prepared to transact all kinds of business;''^ ioe'tfcat of Government,, on behalf 'of business firms, contractors,: Road. Beads, County and Borough Councils, and other public bodies or institutions. Patent Offic* work attended to for inventors and patMtew Business Openings for sale in Wellington and the North Island. Press correspondedc* supplied for the session. : Advertisliigr ■ Agcucy, &c. Address next • Evening fte«^ 1 Office Wellington.^ , ' ' f jg^f ; ;■ ■ ■'■ Butchers./ ; : i ; - ■■-■■■•• ! AITKE-N" & : LXTMfcv" . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL iFA M I iU ; Y- ..& M X&B I«f i ■ : ' ■ :.-«^* Ja .„;:,,« jlu : T7.AMILIBS waited on tor, OEDBBS.^a^ .-*- The BfiSX OF. MEATS only supplied. Sm ill e^ods in any quantity, and. ol atldes-T .cripiionsi uaanufactured on the Pfemiifo; 10 '' 1^ Having a large stock on hand of graip T ; fed Bacon and smoked ' Beef and Mutton Hams, we cau confidently recommend a trial' to our numerous customers. . .■-:;/ Great reduction in prices FOR CABH I NOTICE OF REMOVAL. 3 TV. S. KINGDOM AN© SOMS Beg to inform the inhabitants of Gore, Gordon, and the surrounding districts .that, they-;. have removed to shop adjoining Smaill and, brown's, aud by supplying Bee£and M^ton oi the primest quality hope to receive a fair. shape of public patronage, . i ■ .. A Regular Supply of Dairy Factor* Fed Pobk has been Abrangeo f«?b. Sausages, Tripe, Brawn and Pressed Beef always on.hand. , . tJ Corned Beef 20s per lOOlbs ; fore-quarter multou 2d ; side, 2d, FOR GASH. < Genuine Fork Sausages every Saturday. TTNSURPASSED in QUALITY, Will flow \+J be delivered anywhere within Gore oi Gordon at 41)3 per truck, cash on delivery. . As each Truck contains fully six loads customers may rely on getting extra good value for their money. . . Parties requiring less than a truck way make arrangements with my agent Mr Wnv ' Jaß. Sayebs, carter, Gore, who is authorise jt^ to settle accounts on my behalf. . . \ - , F, M. DAWSQB,
Page 1 Advertisements Column 7
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 1
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