Hotels. : TECH Railway hotel, GORE. B[. H O W E L L S, fBOPRIETOB. FIRST - CLASS ACCOMMODATION '■• " ■ " ' -3POB Travellers, Boarders, and Private Families. TERMS MODERATE. c 785 OLXTDB HOTELS GO RE. M GRIFFIN begs to announce that , he ha* taken possession of the above Hotel, aad can offer • accommodation to Tflsrellewemd others visiting the town which will be wperior to any in the District. FIRST^OIiASS BILLIARD ROOM Good Accommodation fob Hobses. Bc«fc*£ Wise* and «^rita will only benefit. FBOPKIBTOB. b 63? \' - : : ' iftttMUlU EVIL HOT£L, GORDON. B, COSTELLO ... ■ ... . ; PaoPBiETiiSS WISHES to inform h Criends and the ' public generally that she has taken 4ho above Hotel, and hopes by strict attention t© business to receive a fair share of public patronage. N.B. — No charge for stabling to farmers whe provide their own feed. . i 676 ; GOOD NEWS. . HUGH STEWART, Butcher, Gore, begs to announce to the residents of Gore and surrounding districts that h& has taken the TEMPERANCE HOTEL, •nd as it is under the management of Mas SrjswAßT fisitors may rely upen having the comforts of a Home together with every attention to be found in an Hotel. Table d'Hote Daily, from 12 to 2. jLfAHDEVILLE HOTEL, '■' '.' "' : 'S?AN.iJEVILLE, ' ' ' James Hoche, Fium>iuetou GobdFaddock Accommodation. b 665 laIVERSDALt HOTEL, "^ BiyE^SDAJL B (Directly opposite the Railway Platform) John Proprietor. r. • ' • , , • . . . •/..■•'-. i .■■ !• • ■ '■ GOOO ACCOMMODATION FOB TBAVKLLEBS. ...•■■. ■'' -•■ ■•• Qoo4 Ll^nors. Excellent Stabling. BADDLB UUIiSES ON HIBE tie Switeew Mail Coaches ftnive^ and itert from this BoteJ a 36» ."■•■' ■ ■i' ■■ I* ;. All* m AYR O t E L , JOS. GREEN, Jtra. - - Prfdprietor. In this new and commodious hotel will be f<«nid ; excellent accommodation for private families, boarder^ and travellers. The, best Wines and Spirits only kept. ]■'.'', PUBLIC HALL. Theatrical Companies liberally dealt with. ,/ NOTICE -|^ MOORHOUSE begs respectful',? to jd> • inform the inhabitants of Knf,pdale, Chattoß, Otama, Wt .xaka, and sum unding districts that he has taken the Chatton Hotel, and hopes by strict attention to business combined wsfch moderate charges, to merit a djj^o'of their patronage and support. 09- Meals at all honrs, and none but the choie'est'brarids of Liquors kept. B^LtiIARPS! BILLIARDS! J A comfortable billiard room has just been C&mpiftecl,and lovers of the game are invited to ia™ple the table. -, . pu«: : UOOD STABLING **#
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 1
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