Special Advertisements THE REV. FATHER NEWPORT will celebrate Mass June 26— Clinton July 3— Gore. „ 10 — Wyndham „ 17 — Gore and Mataura REMOVAL. DOCTOR COTTEW HAS left the cottage next the Southland Hotel, and removed to the residence of the late Dr Macaffer, where he may bf consulted as usual. A. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED, ; ...»-,/: ASTHMA ;&c. . ... TtTB T. ,C,3acGREGOiC -*-TX Gordon .Terrace,. Frederick St., DUNEDIN, ' Has in his possession numbers of Testimonials, from persons testifying to his marvellous abffity'.incjriringj CHEST DISEASES aud CONSUMPTION even in its worst stages. t ' FREE. Mr MacGregor has letters expressing thanks and gratitude from all parts of the Colony. «-,,.. Note tl^e above Address. 3862 THE DUNEDIN ' DENTAL SURGERY S MYERS AND 'CO.; Dentail Surgeons • Specialists in artificial dentistry, ■• : Guarantee success in the most difficult case •*'■■■ ■'•"• COMFORTABLE. ARTIFICIAL TEETH adapted to the mouth upon a perfectly painless system, and by the most modern improvements in surgical «nd mechanical dentistry.; . ..,,.. -. Detection is rendered impossible. Single tootb 10s. Sets equally moderate. Acid Gas administered. r: . • S. MYERS AND CO., Tke Dunedin Dental Subgeby .-;,'•. ■ -OCTAGON, ■ j ; : . . ■ Corner .George Street. Over Mr Bannister's Octagon prag Hall,) T£ VV. THQM PSON, L. D. S * Surgical and_ Mechanical ?-r.-;<..:v !,-,.< •■•DENTIST, . Vi : •"'" of>Spey street, Invercargill, May be consulted at O'Kane's Southland Hotel, Gore, on MONDAY, sth September.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 679, 21 June 1887, Page 2
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