For Sale or to Let* PBINGLB'S AMERICAN TBIUMPH OAT. t VEBY PJROLTFIO. Grown "by Mr George Orosbie, Wyndham. Product of Ilb. weight, sown year 1884, yielded 216 BUSHELS in 1886; and 45 BUSHELS sown last year, yielded 1888 BUSHELS this, or 82 BUSHELS per acre. ON~SALE AT Vy ' ' . NATIONAL MORTGAGE CO.'S OFFtOB, INVEBOABGILL. , j Price— £l PER BA& k!O6 I THBS . ■TsrpßW ZEALAND . AGRICULTURAL I COMPANY, LIMITED, has a Bplendid selection of " j AGBIOULTUBAL FABMS PASTOBAL FABMS MIXED FABMS, as well as HOMESTEADS AND TOWNSHIP j SECTIONS, Open for selection on deferred-payment on j their Estate extending from Gor* to Athol ! and Dipton, Southland. Details, Maps, etc., can be obtained frcm THE MANAGES, Riversdßle,Gort. TO FABTHES IN SEABCH OF FABMS, GREEN and SOUNESS have a number of FIRST CLASS FABMS for SALS— all sizes and prices improved andmin» proved. Some Splended Bargains ! They are also Agents for the ffALS of the New Zealand Agricultural Company* land on DEFEBBED PAYMENTS. Maps Prices, etc on application at tfes office, Opposite the Kailway Station, 66 . Go?©, Tji S. CIMISa & CO KSTATE AND COMMISSION AGENTS, Gobe, ' " , Auction Sales conducted under the supervision of F« S. CaHHIHO. Agents for— The Government life Insurance— Life and Loan Department The Perpetual Trustee and Agency Oo, 5 Dunedin. J. H.* Dawson and Sons, Union Saw Mills Kennitz aud Nicholson, Bubbe? Stamp Makers and Engravers . ' Equitable Fire Insurance Company, Have on Sale . ' FABMS IMPBOVED & UNIMPROVED, FROM 140 to 3000 ACEES BACH, sections in Gore and Bast Gore Section 662, Hokonni, 292 acres Section 666, Hokonui. 168 acres Section 6, Block 11, Chatttn, 165 EcreSj half in English grass and half in stdbble. Good house, stable, ; &o. &w,,— Tebms East. 300 acres rich flat, highly improved ; ten miles from Gere, and near railway. - Sections— Gore suburban; Mondeville, Biversdale, and Lumsden (town ' and suburban), upon easy terms. 4 sections in subdivision of section 38, block XVI, Gore. Section 16, Block IX, Bast Gore. Section 2, block VII, BiTersdale. Section 8, Block XX, Biversdale, with well finished 4-reomed home, J acre,fenced and improved. Terms very easy. Section 2, block X, Mandeville. Large Brick Hotel, Gore. Largo Family Brick Hotel, iavereaigiU, Puerua Hotel, Puerua— good investment and cheap Several building sites, about |-acre each, only a few chains from Gore Bail* way Station, fiasy Terms. 600 acres, Mokozeta survey district j terms easy. : Section 24, C&arlton Block, ring fenced, half labored, and 60 acres laid " down in English grasses. Good dwelling and stable. . Fob Lease. Section 16, Block 111, Gore. J acre Section 10, Block I, Lnmsden extension. Sections 2. S, and 7, Block XXX£ Lumsden extension. Money to lend upon Fbeehold SBOxrarnsa —£100 to £10,000 N.B.— Properties for sale may be advertised in this spaoe FBEE of CHARGE to the sellers. j~*\ HAFF CUTTEBS AND HOBSE GEARS Kj — Ben tail's Chaffcutters for Hand. Power Bentall's Chaffcutters for Water Power Bentall's Chaficufcters for Horse Power Bentall's Chaffcutters for Steam Power Bentall's One-horse Gears Bentall's Two-horse Gears. PBICSS GEBATLY SEDUCED. A good one-horse gear and chaffoatter for TWENTY POUNDS complete 1 COWPER AND WILSON, Dee-Street, InvercargilL Dentistry. JOHN P. ABMSTRONCJ DENTIST. [Established 1861] Exactly opposite Oargill'e Monument, Pfinew street, Dunedin. The Best Work at one-half the Usual Charge, Guaranteed perfect satisfaction. Teeth Extracted absolutely without pain by a new process invented by Mr Armstrong. FEE 6s. Teeth Filled and Cleaned so as to present them for life at half the usual charge* Broken Sets Repaired and made as good as new while you wait. . Open until 0.30 p.m. on Saturdays.
Page 8 Advertisements Column 7
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 8
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