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, Electric Necklets AN TNEXPKESSIBLE BOON TO MOTHEES. DR. AUGUSTE KURSTEINER'S j Electro Galvanic TeetMng Heckle t Endorsed "by the Medical Faculty of Europe, and pronounced ; "by all Leading Physicians THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE I i IN placing the Electric Necklet before the New Zealand public, the discoverer and proprietor begs to draw special attention to the fact that the material surrounding the inner chain of metallic substances is impregnated with a chemical solution, harmless in ; itself, and yet containing titanic powers, which generate a continuous light current of galv&aißm, and the Necklet in consequence contains all the virtues of a miniature battery, and is, therefore, not a useless article like many or the so-called electral appliances, which cannot possibly produce any good results, as they are incomplete in the most essential re- , quirements, and cannot generate galvanism nor produce galvanic effects. i This Necklet is the outcome of a long-continued series of investigating experiments by that well known and eminent scientist and specialist, Dr Auguste Kursteiner, who is the . highest European authority on all diseases of women and children. j ' The Lancet,' the leading medical journal of the world, says : — " The fact that the discovery and invention of these Necklets is announced by Dr Kursteiner is a sufficient guarantee that a means has at last been discovered which will save the lives of millions of children, and relieve the anxiety of many mothers. " - ' Although new to New Zealand, these Necklets have been used for the last fire years with the most wondebful success in England, on the Continent, and in the United States, and are now constantly prescribed by the moat eminent physiciana in their daily : practice. It is needless to comment on the anxious and sleepless nights passed by thousands of mothers during the painful period of the teething of infants. Every day brings to an untimely grave hundreds of infants whose Jives might have been saved by the use of the simple Neoklet. In addition to the relief from pain [afforded by the Necklet during the period of dentition, by its nerve giving force it wards off and prevents Measles, Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fever, Croup, and Chicken Pox, thus relieving childhood of its martydom, and gladdening the heart of every mother who invokes its aid Dr Kursteiner has appointed Messrs J. CON SAD & CO., Auckland, his sole agents 'in New Zealand for the sale of these Necklets, of whom oni> they can be obtained. The price has been placed at the very lowest possible point, barely covering the cost of importation, and is within the reach of all, as one Neoklet will last a life time. Aside from its many virtues as a remedial and preventative agent, the Neoklet is a handsome ornament,, and will be sent post free on receipt of One Pound, by postal note, money order or registered letter. No cheques received. Address— J. CONEAD & CO., 16 P.O. Box 408, Auckland, N.Z. v Coffee Merchant. THE WORLD "DEFIED mo produce a purer method of Roasting than Strang's nnique Hot Air Process, Hence X *h« superiority of Strang's Coffee over all others. (See Scientific Opinions on every Package). The following extract from the Official Becord of the New Zealand Exhibition will show what others think of up : — « David Strang, of Invercargill, has an effectively.arranged display of Coffees, Peppers and Spices. Mr Strang exhibits Diplomas from the Sydney Exhibition of 1879, the Melbourne Exhibition, 1881, the Dunedin Exhibition of the same year, and the Christchurch Exhibition of 1882." : Such an array of testimony to the value of wares would be hard to rebut, even if the general appearance of the Articles and the Market's high reputation did not corroborate it. LATEST TBIUMPHS : FIRST PRIZE BOASTED COFFEE BEANS FIRST PRIZE PURE GROUND COFFEE FIRST PRIZE PURE WHITE PEPPER FIRST PRIZE PURE BLACK PEPPER. Ask your Grocer for Strang's Benowned Maori Brand Coffee, and Silk Dressed Pemwra and Spices, Guaranteed Pure. *««*» STEAM HEISTS, INVERCAIIGII,!,, N.S.
Bakers, Pastry-p joks, eta. JOSEPH % ; rHEH£RR Mebway Steeet, Gobb BREAD WfD BISCUIT BAKJDR, CONFECTIONEB, &c. WEDDING and Christening Cakes made to order on the Shortest Notice N.B. — Digestive Bread a Specialty. 1651 A&hton Street Bakery, Next Temperance Hotel, GOEE. WILLIAM FLAWS desires to intimate that he has commenced business as above, and is prepared to supply i BREAD, BISCUITS & CONFECTIONERY of all kinds to the inhabitants of Gore and surrounding districts, and can guarantee a first-class article. C ountry orders will receive every attention vVedding cakes and cakes" of ever description kept In stock end made to order. ' Chabge Modxbate, 90S GORE BAKERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BAKER AND CONFECTIONER. Balls, Suppers, and Wedding Parties catered for. Wedding Cakes and Christening Cakes made to order on the shortest notice. REFRESHMENT ROOMS. Tea, Coffee and Pies to be had at all hours. Money to Lend. COLONIAL INVESTMENT AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND LI&1HB2D). Capital - __- £600,000. Head Office EDINBURGH. Head Colonial Office... DUNEDIN, MONEY ADVANCED on approved Becurities at^current rates. Having s Valuator residing in Southland, applicants for Loans can have their securities examined and reported on for a moderate fee, and without loss of time. T T. RITCHIE, Colonial Manager. Water Street, Dunedin. Agents for Southland— CABSWEJUL, WHITE & CO., &240 iNVKBOAJUHMi. Kaitangata ! Kaitangata BEST HOUSEHOLD COAL IN NEW ZEALAND. GREAT REDUCTION TO SUIT THE TIMES : from this date as under FOR CASH :— One bag 2s 6d, or delivered in Gore, 3s 2do 4s 8d „ „ 5s 6d 5 do 11s 3d „ „ 12s 6d 7do 16s „ „ 17s 6d 10 do £1 3s „ £1 5s By the truck £1 2s 6d at Railway Station and Dross 14a, [ All bags must be returned within two days or charged 4d each. BRUNNER NUTS in bags always on hand, Single bag, ss ; 5 bags, £1 2s 6d ; 10 bags, £2 5s ; delivered in Gore. Apply Tuson's Coal Depot, Irk street, Gore. Q9Hsfry orCera promptly attest %q\
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 8
Word Count
977Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 8
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No known copyright (New Zealand)
To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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