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Wit and Humour.
A priest once called to pray over the barren fields ofliis parishonera. ~ He passedjfronl' -it one enclosure "to another, and pronOu&ced; hjs^w benediction, unti[ he came to amoß^unprpmis 4 r f -|i ing case. He survey Wl 'thV sterile ' acres 'In despair. "Ah !" said he, " 'brethren -&n$ M use to pray here — this needs ifla^ure;'' *'* <! *"■" A boy was asked- what m'eeknessfwW^'Se ■ * thought a moment', and r ttie&* Bftid^' v Mee£ '"t ness -give's smooth' 'answers 'to~TdiVgh'fl'uies-^* ,tidnß/' •'• .-;.'/■ >;.«■• .-.:•:»> -n". ■ ; ; «t? "Pa," said i "young hppeful," Iknow-'whai 8 *t a man who 'has seen* better' d&ys'i's.""?' "^WellJ®* my so»j whatsis he 8? ft»He.dsra man- ..who " » makes. jou.tir.ed talkjng ab^ufc.himsalfi'l .->*..,*«s[ " Patrick, f you- told, toe you;- needed j ths#? alcohol to clean the mirrprß; i with,.,and.-h§re ji t >i^ .find you drinkiog it," Jsdij&' mhjn,rit'a~k'' *c drinKin 1 and brathin' ifc v? on } M 'gia^l%i*mV doiri'!" -• -■->•» «•• »=•#■' *«v*r t. rt « t **%*£ •: - MARKBOMtBEOETS..'**,* *' "? J?.'*lf Pens- anil paper are stationary. ■*•*'* .-? ■:<**s Cutlery is" very dull. •: -jj/ ■;■• N ■:*■■•.■&& . Cheese rrFirm and fairly" aojiiye,* ; : *■ i^| 4 Butter— Strong, but inelinedjto be? slippery. #1 Whisky— Lively andun^eady/'V *" ; Hops— Lively and active. - *»/* ! 1 <JuQpowder-4fnelined' to bet rising'. 1 ■•* '^'i:' . Eggs— Opened, strong. *•••;..*»:: « ?.j ;,««/ Cabman — thV?nUiMber of Vouli "$ house ?" Inside Party -7 •/ What* differenced i uoes that make to you ?_. You, juafe drive me/a home j I'm not going to enter into -'any oonfi-' "•* ; dericeswithjbu." : ... * ■ »:«^ -' •■ '■' • : •" *-••'. -"• : .• ; v ; ■.■■ *> *isj A man with a large family was complaining • "<♦ of the difficulty of supporting all oFthem. * ?'BuB," said a ' friend, "yo tt "-have sons^Big = enough to earn something now:. 0 '-'"The* 9 * difficulty i 8) they are, too %to work/'-w&Vit -the answer. ,. ( , ; ,.. ; . ..^ ,-;», r^ She was a brant on the^ubj^'fc'bf muslc^^ gentleman .knocked richer doSr'tfh'a asked^ii^it " Does : Mr ; pmitu r live i here^i' -VslShvaxjihtoii*. room, his room is,an octave hjgher^a fcue, uexfc^ - tint, she # .replied, in " a, piauisaimo -VandltoW ,'l tone of voice. '->•".''' -- ■ ! •■* -*>■■-» w >-. *-*a ' The Troy Tikis -tells ,of a^tlema? 'wha^l was awakened iii c/.e night and told '%ii \\l wite was deadi-He turnSd^r, &&W$ coverlet cloßer,;pulied dowTd«k ; s ■nightckp^'dnd^ murmured, tt ß ,he,^ a iui >» $Wm how gn«ved I st»all be^in t^e Mo,ES4p.g !'/*] • -It iz highly; important that 1 when' fr&kfraa makes up h>^iad te^bekumvaraskMpisa^ should examjhe >izself -clusly^and^seeifehe^ ain't better kbnatrukted' for a pnool. — 7osks JBillingS.- ■•:•'.= •■•■; ■'■■•'- ~- ■•■i-<; »'-**-*: --I >:;-?'i>"Cv*l^, ; It rather-disgusted, 'l Vermon^man'V&'i went to aneighbour's^barn to* 8 1eal'a*c'ow,% °! imd when he got ihei animal Eon3ei;lia& fVwatf' 32 his own, which.hisvneigh.6our had^lea;^ 4 fyf:iS SS^'Sfe^--™ ******* There was a. Presbyterian, T m^ter* whoa«« married a couple of h^s ruatic.parishoners, apd^« ■had felt exceedingly J diacoiiceVted, on hiT^ asking the bndegroom 'if ;i fie'" i '?vere ft: will- s '^ ing to, take Vthe. : woman 'for -his -wedded f^ wite, by his ecratohing , hia head snd/ssyin ff -^' sisti" m '■WP** V *- I & s •"• •■«:_. ■ • ■••••-■ ,-. ■:*.!■ b-- ,t--( '<iffr , Counsellqr M-.T. being in' ,co.m'p&ny jone^r day, after he had . retired from practice,- the, £ glorious uncertainty t of the : lawj.-b'ecame the subject of conversauoni- Hd was appealed to-^ for his opinion,,-when.he laconically observed >"&* •If auy man was to claim fhe ooat .upon am M back, threaten me with, ; a,lawsuit in caal-^ ' of a reiusal-to give him, he certainly Should have it, leaf; in defending^ coari' should * faad out, too late, that- I was 'deprived*" of-* my waistcoat also!" :,• --i .-,*■ ;,s?7VQ An American editor', thus- -"advertises "his* **~ missing hat:—» The .gentleman who inadv&fci.?3 ently took our beaver, and left; -an-infsirior.t^ arucle mite stead, .will do us infinite kind? * n«ss by reiuming ours, and* he shall receive" our warmest -thanks sand : two^ -apologies -^ an* : I • apology for the trouble we : haye 1 given" and the.apolugy for- a hat he has left us;"^ /'ect A Boston paper says it is 1 ■ never weary of ' ; * reauiug a gooa epitaph ~ one- of ; whicKindii -t« Cdtes the wora yt a r . lifetime m A few, short, 'V.> crisp words. Here is one, ior ' instance,, wjiioh , 7 needs no explanatiou. ! It was- inscribed" on ' *" the tomb of a caiiiiibal: ' "iie ; loved ? '£is- '** fellowinen." - • '•■. -< ■■[■ .?*?•«■ /. :-• ..-'^k- ';> •> i._ -:J . ■'■:':,'.■• ■■•■■ .:.-!■.-■?■■•;>•■ r>jf- ■■•■:■.■. <->?-■
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Bibliographic details
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 7
Word Count
664Wit and Humour. Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 7
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Wit and Humour. Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 7
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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