Strange INS^BOBDi»A^iON----,\Vho ,h« not experienced a sort of malady when all the faculties seem in rebellion, add lafeof'ig absolutely impossible ? It is a condition ot nervea and stomach and brain tha|i,Qan Only be cured by- the use of that irregipt^'e remedy Amencan Co.'s Hop fitters. Beaa ,' Non-Seoret' Substitutes.— A« you ralue your health shun 'all vile so<cau«l 1 Hon-secret ' , preparations. They, are -net made by your local* chemist^ although hit name may be on the wrapper, but are furnished him ready^nade; -and vrwpp©| from America. The , qkemist dare not saj he knows their contents. He only hanolei them tjecauie he can tiLiV&ikytedie* jiityfo than on legitimate > goods. These goody *ffe f played-outj I ! tofae an! 1 Americanism,. s^hes^ best kno.wnj. ,An attempt is.nowbaiiig m^i|« to foist them oh a confiding publiein iac colonies. 7 We warn -jqvl ah alt sincerity ft have nothing whatever to do with tiiCW,
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Bibliographic details
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 6
Word Count
Page 6 Advertisements Column 1
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 6
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