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For Sale or to Let j FOR PRIVATE SALE. .-" ; A ; NEW THR!ASHING;iiitL ! L-&; ENGINE -C*- by Hornsby, just ready jo start' work Apply. to- .-. . . ■;.-.. OARSWELL, WHITE & CO. _ ' ; ■ *' H: ; .^j. ■■ ■ • '■' '■'■-■ ■ TO LET; ; piOMFORTABI/E 4-roomed : COTTAGE V^ Scullery, and Outhouses, with : half ; acre garden. Cheap to good tenant. ' kKI i - ; - : >: :: ! GRBEN>;& SdUNBSd; . COCKSFOOT (FOR SALE THjj Undersigned has about a ton of ; , [, good clean COCKSFOOT for sale in lots^Q suit -purchasers. , Sample at jMr,. D. Manson's store, Riversdale.: , . A. MACGREGOR, ! kl22 4i ; : Waikaia. ■; TO LET FOR: ONE CROP. TTIHE farm near liiversdale, known as -*- Spath's, containing 290. acres. Apply to - " •'• i ."•■.-.: ■• / •-. k192 GREEN & SOUNESS. First Class Farm For Sale, Near Qtakabama. Railway Sidikg. <m\'C\f\ ACRES of rich, wheat growing, &\J\J fflat Land, subdivided into three paddocks.' Cottaige, Stable, 'Large Stockyard, &c. To.b e flbld cheap/ 1 arid on very easy terms. " . y ' , ■ I GREEN &SQUNESS, 191k ; Auctioneers Q. c 0r. .,:' 8> ittVrt % HAS FOBSALBS' * ; : Eurebia Plants, 6s pel ' h mid red. •-• Macrocarpa and Pinus Insigriis Trees, . , and Cabbage Plan ts. k202 ; Auction Sales- * < . : .'-./\ VALU ABLJS : FRE|SHOLp .#i^M . ' FOR S^ALE.' ';]',.... ' . ".'..' : | , »iOKDAY !7 4THiJULY f • | =Atl.SO p.m. _< :..-.-. THE N.Z. LOAN &'i MERCANTILE : AGENCY COMPANY^ will offer for. sale by Public Arictiorf at thfeir Ofßces,"Gdfe. The Farm recently occupied, by James Ferris, comprising section 49.1,' Hokonui District, containing 198 acre's. '' : / . LIBERAL TE^MS^; . ; declared at sale. . JNO. TURNBULL, !" ; ; Manager; : : = : J. E. WATSON,. .«s•;< k2lO .- Anctiorieer.' In the Supkeme Cotjbt of New. Zealand, OTAGO'AND SOUTHIiAMD, DZOTBICT,. SIMPSON AND ANOTHER v. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ■ that . under a Writ : dt. Sale issued out of this Court by Thomas Morell Macdonald and William Russell, solicitor, at the euit of the execution creditor, all the estate and: interest of the defendant 33d ward Brenrian, being an estate of fee simple ■in Sections 68 and 47 i Block XVI, and Section 9; Block 11, Town of Gore, will be sold by me at the Courthouse, Invercargill, on SATURDAY 2nd day of July, 1887, at thiee o'clock in the afternoon ;. unless the. writ shall have' been previously. satisfied. " .; >- , . H. McCULLQCH,. ' . . ; ..;..,,.. - . •'. Sheriff,' . The Officer Executing the Writ. Invercargilj, Sth June, 1887. . ( . k162: | T7~ '■ ■•■ -Z r^ •{'■•••■.:. ■■ t: . THE following Town, Suburban, . and , Rural Allotments will be submitted to Auction at the . Land Office, Irivercargill,' at noon on Monday, the 4th July next :-— Dipton Township, Sections 7 to 10,Blbdk - - : . . I. Upset £30 per acre. . ! • ' '. Woo lend Township. Section 6, Block ; . ' iy. upset, &i. . ; . ;_"; .■; > ' i ll ;. i . Wiriton Township,; Section 13, Block" ■ XV. Upset, 1 ' £8. ■ '••" <' ; '■>''■' '- Lowther Township, Section 7\- Block - XX. Upset,. £7 10s. . ..;> , v . Paterson District, Section; 117,. Bjock,,.!* ' at 40s 'per 'acre. " ' ' V ' Longwobd District, -'Sections l^ arid 28, v .Block ,V,l, ; at- 20^ per,: acre, exclusive of survey fees. Oteramika (Hlundred^ Sections 106 and . : 108, Block I, at 30ssper acre.; At the same time and place, Licenses to Occupy the following Reserves uiiller Section 25 of Public' Reserves n Akt, 1881, wili be submitted t6 auction*; ■■..-:' , > ; : , • Dacre .Township,'. Section. 3,.. Block , X V 1I,I ;, 5, Biqofc XX ; 8, Block ' ' XXt'i'6, Blovk XXltVand 2'toij, Tiloik XXIII, at the upset rent of Is 6d per acre per annum. ' : . Maca'ndrew; Township,. Section 7, Block [ ; 5, Block II ; 5 to 15, Block IV; 8 and 9, Bock V;/aiKi ; 7 Block VI, at the ■'' upset rent; 'of ' ss per acre per- annum. , :. ... JOHN SPJfINOE, ' . • ; Commissioner o£ Crown Lands. Crown Lands Office, Irivercargill, 2nd June, 1887. klfl-i-HORSES 1 HORSES 1 \ GREEN AND SOUNESS wilL sell ov, Public Auction, at th^ir HorsQ Bazaar Gore, on . . ; SATURDAY, JUNE 18, At 1 p.m; • • Draught Mares and Geldings Saidle and Harness .Horses Ploughs, drays, etc. k145 On accouut Vendor : 6 First class Draught Horses, al guaranteed staunch G\ D.F. Ploughs r -j Large Dray, 1 Light Waggon £\ Sets Harrows, 4 and 5 leaves f* Sets Harness, covers, etc. On account Various Vendors : fy Draught Horses A Medium do. A Rabbiters' do. . .< . j O D. F. Ploughs ' A lot of Sundries Three* feet Cooking Range, nearly sew. \ ' JBBk
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 5
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655Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 5
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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