.. * . ' '.- i in . . Jubilee Announcements' BOBOtJGH OF GOEE. QUEEN'S JUBILEK. A'-T the request of a number of Burgesses, JBL i hereby declare TUESDAY, ,21st June, * Public Holiday. JOHN MacGIBBON, Mayor. flow, J«no 16, 1887. k207 HOLIDAY AT MATATJBA. AT the request of a number of geatlemea, I hereby invite the residents of Matftora Township to observe Tuesday, the 21st mit,, as a public holiday, in honor of Queen Victoria's Jubilee— an event I have been credibly assured is not likely to occur again during my lifetime. HUGH CAMERON, Chairman Mataura Town Board. Jffttaur* , Junt 16, 1887. Heftd Quarters, Invercargill, June 16th, 1887 DISTEICT OEDERB. TEE undermentioned Corps will parade for Government Daylight Inspection as follows, in full drece, arms and acco trements :— - --flow Rife Voltmtiere— TUßSDAY,2lst inst, - tt I.SO p.m. Hlvcndftle JBifle Volunteers (at Gore)— TUESDAY, 21st iost,, at 1.30 p.m. JAS. THOMSON, Major, BIVKKSDALE BIFLE VOLUNTEERS. COMPANY ORDERS. A CHURCH PARADE will be held on JUBILEE SUNDAY, the 19th inst. Volunteers will parade in Drill Hall at 11 &.«>. in foil uniform and side aims only. - ; Om JUBILEE DAY, Tuesday 2lßt the Corps will parade at 10 a.m. in fult . uniform to fire a feu-da joie. Fines will '' be enforced for non-attendance. W. A. DONALD, Captain. Headquarters, Riversdale. k197 NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. QUEEN'S JUBILEE HOLIDAYS. ON TUESDAY,: 21st June, the ordinary train leaving Invercargill for Clinton «t 4.15 p.m. will be DELAYED till 5.40 p.m. •nd will be correspondingly late at all stations to destination j For cheap fares tee Fosters. k213 BY ORDER. THE WOMEN AND GIHLS OF NEW ZEALAND, OF all Ages, Ranks, Classes, Beliefs, land Opinions, are asked to join in one .common tribute to , . . * "" " "■rJSJESXXt QXJEK3NT, in token of loyalty, affection, and reverence towards the only female Sovereign . in history who, for FIFTY YEARS ( has born the toils and troubles of public life,, known the sorrows that fall to all /women, and, as ';' Wife, Mother, Widow, and Ruler, /held up ,a bright and spotless example to "-' her own and all other nations. Contributions to range from One Penny to \ One Pound, The contributions are to form a Fund called •• THK QUEEN'S FUND," of which the interest is to be expended in affording reMff to women in distress in New Zealand. L*eal Committee" for Invercargill: HKR EXCELLENCY LADY JERVOIS. Mrs Mekzies, President. Mrs Stocker, Vice-president. Mrs Stanley Cajsb, Secretary. Mrs Edmunds, Treasurer. Hn Ferguson, Mrs T. M. Macdonald, and Mrs Watson. 3ENERAL MEETING at the Town Hall, Gore, TO-MORROW, Saturday, at 3 o'clock. • ' QUEEN'S JUBILEE] MUSICAL SERVICE Written specially for the Jubilee will b given by the BLUE BIBBON CHOIR Oh Tuesday, 21st inst., in Town Hall. Connective Readings by Mr Golding, B.A. Musical Conductor Mr Jas. Boyne Programme : Anthem — " O Lord of Every Nation " Chorus — " Calm me, my God " ... Choir Chorus— " There's a Friend for Little Children Choiua— 11 Yield not to Temptation" Chorus — " Rejoice in the Lord " Quintette—" The Fairest Flower of May " Misses Morgan, Gregg, and Brown, and Messrs Boyue and Roy. Solo — "© Lord, Bow Down" ... Miss brown Chorus — " O Love, Divine and Golden " ' ' Choir Song — "Home, Sweet Home " ... Mrs Dewar Chorus — " Work for the Night is Coming" Choir Duet — "Tired," MiSB Brown and Mr J Boyne Chorus—" The Christian's Good Night " Choir Chorus— v . Only to Know " Choir Chorus—" Wheels of Time " Cheir " National Anthem! Admission — Adults, la ; Children, 6d. To commence at 8 p.m. 167k PUKERAU FOOTBALL CLUB. THK above Club intend celebrating the Queen's Jubilee by a CONCERT AND BALL on WEDNESDAY, 22nd inst., in the Athenaeum Hall, Pukerau, when a varied and attractive programme will be presented. Tickets— 4s Double ; 2a 6'i Single. REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED 1 . *2QI ~ A DOUGLAS, Hon, Sec,
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 4
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