Two gnns aje lorsale. :, -,- -. « - , ;, ,:-,- A general servant is wanted. ' .v . ./, P. Flanagan inserts a nofice. " "\ } J. JobnstohV Otarfo, fa bankrupt". ' ! : ? . T«h shespaad a^pariielDftV** beetrlbftj Geo. Smith has trees and plants, for ea©. Green & Souness sell ; «eetioßs,on 35th June, ' ' ' " '' r The N.Z. Loan do, sell a Croydori larmoo 4th July,- ' _ : . ■:'■.'-: : . :.ut . Tenders are wanted i«* carting— l«lar;to -Wyndham. . , ... ' i PuWr'au Faotball Club announce a concert arid biill. '■■" J;; -'-''■' f '■'--' '> -•" i ••■•■■-> The N.Z. Agricultural Co. hate land tfiW for; cropping, ,7,. ,; s^ ,;<" . Notices to three absent. County, rateuftven are published. - , * , - "" Tuesday evening'a y) train' fro'nflnvereaiffill will ran late,' -. u-i *: ; : 5 1 r 1: -.-;'. j • .. I, 8.. Simson- seUp lire and <deadi rtookftat tGoreon^Sthinst!^ ..-..' ..._»,, «..,; , ; 0 Holidays will be, observed at; Gore and Mataura on Tuesday! - ' ' :u *' r i ■■ ■ A ' meeting of ladies «v «« Qa«en's ( Fond ' • will be held»t>€K>re to morrowl&fiternoonv? . Mr.,W. ,6tcphensoa hftobeen opppsed— a ntember of the Tutnraji Bp«d .The Riversda'fc Rifles baffe k<3huteh parid* on Sunday fi:on- Toßsdayth9y fire * fende joie; and on the aame^day they parade at Gore with the local company. . \ye t are, npw.jn a position to notify, that there is aMI range gf Wmter Drapery jugfc opened dut'a^the f Casn p W4rehbuae. The Milliner}' (Department has teen largely increased... If you; hate alook at their windaw or walk inside and see the «hqw> you Willljo* »way cqnrineed that it is tjie, lajge«fejtoek of Trimmed Hats ere? offered in Goiri and. the prices aireaufchothat we are 'fcnr# will commend a speedy. sals. •• A. magnificent lot of Trimmings in plush, relrets. and satins.— Botnb BBOK?^tor<K~" "r- "*■• Gigaafici Sale of Clothing, and Boots and Shoes at Mataura Bridge— King's shoP— for one Wse k J JMcLeod Bros Inrercargillt will b'peii oufon Tuesday, 14th in«fc.,. with a large assortment of Drapery,^ Clothing, and Boots and.: Shoe*, which will, be sold>*t monstrously low prices. None shpnld_ fail to call and secure something at this great sale in King's shop. * Homespun, efd.ijfd, 7|4 10£ d ; flannel, B£d ; calicoes H'lid . perdoz. )'. jackets, ulsters, hats,- etc. ; men's *ti\ts, 1?3,6(jl each— ; e^traor«Hnary,, J»lue, Metieod Bro9.,in.Etng's Store^ &ataura.' :^ The Mataura' Woollen Factory.— Tpe public seems anxious to. know whjr^fhe Woollen Factory wast not established,! th« fact; being well J^nown that .o. Cummins^s now offering ., the , .whole of his present sjbock of Prapery at. Mataura at prices that are giTip^ satisfaction. All housekeep^ra arid-econoini<ai : buyerso£ drtpery and clotb* ing; should j pay a visit to U, Cummins' os)e this month for' real bargains. One.balcipf superior white blankets, fall sixej IBs,6a— • regular piice : 25s ' 6d ; colored blanket*, blf size, 12r 6d. The public are specially invited to rolV-up;this month, and go into the bargains to be had from O. Cummin«, ft ilatattra. .' ' ' Diabetes can be Cured with Wa»Sbb'B Safe Di&betßs Curs (another preps^atfon from Warner's! Safe .Cure). Diabetes i»% most . alarming., disease, ; and unless, tak^sn promptly ' in hand th^efe is #0 care. Do "not trifle with untried ' mkdiciriesp bat at once procure Wabiibb's .AiPR JJiabetbs Curb, It has permanently cured when all the schoolFand * tlieirjmetiicices *hayeifßiled. If there is no sediment jin^yauJLurine, if it is a pale straw, color, if you are inordinately thirsty, if you' make' more than three pints of; water in 21 honft? you hare the Bjmptoma of Diabetes., j ße, wiso in, time.. Do ps% neglect ,thia terrible' disease. i ,. , .
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 4
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