The road from Mataura to Gore along the eastern bank of the Mataura river is at present under the control of two bodies, the Otaria Itoad Board and the Tuturau Road Board. That portion which extends from Gordon to the Otakarama stream is under the Otaria Board, and the balance under the latter. That portion from the Otakatama southward is in tolerably good order, and the Tuturau Board deserve some degree of credit for the fact, since it cannot be said that they derive the bulk of their rates from those living along it. The case is different, however, with the remaining portion. Only some short parts of it have been formed ; the balance is in a. state of nature. What that means is tod well known to farmers driving grain over unmade roads to need description. This is not creditable to the Otaria Board, and it is less so from the fact, that unlimited quantities of rotten rock bristle ov6r the road all the way and would in no case need carting many chains. The Tuturau Board has fairly done its part, and has urged its neighbor to go and do likewise. Threats of legal compulsion have even, we believe, been made, but these efforts have been fruitless. There is this to be said, that the road would not benefit many ratepayers of the Board along it, but we shall show that it concerns them more than is apparent on the surface. Before doing so, however, we must revert to another obstacle which practically closes the road- The surveyed line from Gordon follows the bends of the river till a little above its junction with the Otakarama. The river here takes a bead to the westward, but the surveyor knew better than nature, and, having a good} " shot "• we suppose at the next bluff, went straight ahead, right through a swamp which a chainman indeed might navigate, but which for road purposes could only be made available at sreat expense. Those who used the road ! kept on the higher ground nearer the Mataura. But the intervening land has been sold and recently fenced, and it is only by courtesy of the owner, Mr M. O'Rourke, tnat a passage can be ejected at all Over the Otakarama a few chains further on is a bridge newly erected at the joint cost of' the County, and the two Road Boards. This is prac^ tjoally almost useless, and may at any time beppme totallyso, for if the road at the northern end is closed ? there is no reason for the bridge at all- Jt £s plainly the duty of the Otaria Itoad Board to make its portion of the road viable and arrange the difficulty caused by Mr O'Rourke's fencing in some satisfactory way — either by exchange of land with him, or by obtaining the Government proclamation. Were that done, the County might be induced to take the road over, for it is useless to expect the County to take ovej? a road because it woul d be expensive \q
make. Were it of sufficient use to entitle it t : 6 become a County road, there ' would be, a possibility of getting a cart Bridge over the Waikaka at ' Gordon, and access to the nearest business centre and market, Gore and Gordon, would be available to. the , bulk of the Otaria road district. The Town Board of Gordon ' would -do its part by making its road down to the bridge, and a large number of Tuturau settlers would make this ' place their business head quartera. The. . Otaria H ; " ', '^;;;"^ 'r } #nrlf blpcki t^o way, and should f o."cui- ii for a considerable district, advantage as c.oo'n rfs possible. Even leaving out of. sight '^dyan- v tage's which may seam remote, theire is' immediate local need for the road, ai^d we trust to see the body named mov« |n' ; the matter without delay.
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 4
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