Stationery /and Fancy Goods, j The Qre^t, P^ejinplpyed Prpblem Solved at last. j .-■:•.■•• ■ v' ■■ ■:-.' ;■< | <;;•' A '['.'/, :• '] '\ \.\ ,. Head , ; thi9 : It may save you many ; pounds. NO INCREASE IN .THE , T.ARI^F. B.tQUIBBD NoWl''* ' ' ! ' ! : 1 : : - 1 .;;* I-. ; THE COLONIAL DEBT Will sodn be a thing of the past , And the people of Gore with be gladdened to see Footpaths Asphklted. - i A Ijli that the public have to do now 'is ■^^ ' to continue recording their Totes and Patronage at T. A. WILLIAMS' ..'.. .\ ' ! da HP M m 3r »m € i ! w n X& & R At the same increasing rate in the near future as they have done in the past, to ensure not only a great saving their own moiiey (and T. A. Williams feels sure that, sucha discerning and enlightened public are always' alive (o their own interests), but that T. A. Williams will be compelled to open muoh.larger premises, and make a great breach in Ihe lanksof the unemployed to' assist ,'hira^ in loading the arms and lightening tho pockets of his tho.usauds of delighted supporters. ! i '■ ; . EEMEMBER thousands of different articles; in stock,' 'that are not to be obtained. |lseAvHerq. . , " ; . ~. eemember ! ;j ' .!.:. '■';)'/ ■ .' ■-,-■■.. ' * Every one is welcome at, WUUaai^' Fancy ■ Bazaar. -"■■'■"'-'' ■ '. . ■ ■■■•'.'.-. • :- -r .;-,{ j . " '■'■ :; . feEMEMBJfeR.. _ ' :' 1 ',. ( ; ! ' . '.-«■' is eyer asked to buy; Williams Fancy Bazaar* . . ; . -■.■. \ i REMEMBER :; ; . "Every one gets civility and attention at ; '" Williams' fancy Bazaar. . : REMEMBEJi j ;. No one is asked to keep an article ; that does not give entire satisfaction; wheripuT* • j chased at Williams' Fancy Baidarr REMEMBER ! Every one can get their money returned if they are not satisfied; with^lhej bargains j secured at Williams' F.ancy Bazaar, -g j ■' : ; ' EEMEMBER : J% \ , No one comes in withput -expressing astonishment and delight at the splendid i : : array 'and: great variety of g66ds f at'- ■ Williams' Fancy Bazaar. ; REMEMBER I Every one ! admits that the most attractive place in Gore is : WILLIAMS' FANCY BAZAAR. : '....' ; . ' .;.remembe'^" : ,;' v .:T\ ■■ That you can get ! / , .. ,, . r i . . Any article you ask for A Brooch or a Basket A ,plock . or. a Cornet ; A Doll * or a Day Book . An Eye Glass or Electro Plated Goods i - A Fan •• ' i; Pra Fitidle^ ) i A Gem '■- ' ■'< 'or' a 'Gewgaw * ' i An Harmonium :. or a Humming Top ; An Inkstand .or an Image ] A Jug or a Jumping Jack! A Knitting Needle or Kerton's Cheerful Homes ? A Lamp or a Looking Glass * A Match Box or a Magic Lantern; A Napkin Ring or a Necklace "• ; An Oil Painting er Office. -Jfequiaites ■ A Perambulator or a.Padk of Cards i A Quoit Set or a Quantity of i Tobacco ; A Razor or a Battle : A Situation or a Servant \ A Thimble • or a?Teapot An Umbrella or an Urn ; A Velvet, Drape or a Valeutine A Watch or a Workbox An Xercise ' or Xenodochy ; A Yard Measure or Yankee Notions : A Zany or a Zebra (Toy) And thousands of other aiticles too.numerous to think of ; besides the following . > unmm m mmmi Otago Witness ; Canterbury Times Canterbury' Weekly Press Sduthlarider : Protestant Ensign Southland Daily' News ] Mi tauea Ensign New Zealand Tit - , ; Bits ; . . , r - : Young Ladies' Journal L'dnfldu Journal^ Family Herald < ' Illustrated London T News Home News &c. CIRCULATING LIBRARY! SERVANTS' REGISTRY OFFICE! Manchester Fire Insurance Office: MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AUS | TRALASIA I Singer's Sewing Machines at 2s Gd. PER. week. SEWING MACHINE REQUISITES, PAANOS, ORGANS, .AND HARAT | WILLIAMS' FANCY BAZAAR. \ NOVELTY DEPOT & MUSIC WAKEHOUSE, ■ ' ■ % Main Street, Goee,
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 3
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