-•■q :fto monthly meeting of thir *p^n- ■'; waa held in the cchool, Maijaura Wxeadiy ; evening, wnea thorp were present— Mes«rs Pryde (chairman) G ardiner, Calling, Bigwood^ and ■:->-. oam«ron (secretary). • » A letter, corefriiig resignation aa a •J:,mQmb<eir of coinniitte'e, was received }, : *fcqm.j£r; J.^ Gray— r-Reaolved on the -i-niotion^of' Messrs Bsgwood and Cam*- - ■'' eron, that 'the resignation be accepted. , J ' Mje'. \ J^lsiting ' Committee's report, T ,7»p*aJang favorably of ' the progress of r-cthe^BchooU was read and received. 1 ; . i- • ■ ;• Aecotsnta from 0. McDo wall for ijl p>f: ss, and fronv Mrs Herrett for extra 38, We. passed > for payment 1 . >V.i The secretary of the Education Board f^'^rrotf,' i^ecoiitmehding that the T 2othj •^"lWif^^a" l^t^; : oiaj|ie«V«d 1 ; its 2J ap^cial \ • holiday s , in , honor of. Quecjn Victoria^ s JobUee.— -Mr Calling moved and Mr Gardiner seconded, That the school be granted special "holidays on the 20th, 2lßty and 22nd in honor of the QueenV Jabilee ; also, the following days to the 4th July em holidayu. — Carried. !;1 The head teacher reported the following aa the attendance for the ' month:— On roll: 92 boya, and 100 " girlei In attendance : ; 79*4 and 787* The Chairman handed m %& If a 8d Bubscriptlons received in aid of reator- : glebe fence and shed. Mr Macandrew's offer to contribute httlf 1 coat of restoring shed in glebe wap Tenders for clearing glebe of gorse >And trimtni&g fence were then opened, and the lowest— Mr Short's at Is 9d Ir |fer chain— accepted.. '.. , •^■', '.- . i >■; r f Th© aecrota^y Bubmitted a Btatement showing: the funds provided by the Edujdfttibn Board were inAdequate to meet 1 "all 1 demancls, " and ' thai the committed ..ifu, lOyer L 8 u» debt«i A .long discus^ >^flion. ensued on the' difficulties r the committee met with in raising . money for necessary work, and finally it was 'bJ'Mr Cameron, seconded, by Thkt Messrs', Bigwobd ancf Camerpn be a committee to get up 4 vi series of concerts . in aid of the school • ••iaidsii^Carr^ed.' 1 -' ;- !U! " ' ' \"V'..\" I , : apppwte4. .JVGisUiing: Committee j am ;-i Tnti Meeting adjburried. j ! r ' •—,»:::?■•.'.* !•!'<• ;• i' I'™1 '™ .i" l^ lir l nr pl -" :! ' ' ■• !il ! '
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 678, 17 June 1887, Page 3
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