LARGELY AT WORK IN ; ■ .'. NEW 'TS^I%y I jtt«.--.SOOtH WALES AHD QtfEBINSLAND,. , THESE SINGLrBAIGERS WILt 130 ! All that Doutole Baggers will dp, : • and are. ■ : ! ;MDCH LESS COMPLICATED. ; REID & GRATS PATENf QIIAFF^UTTERS' & BAGGERS Single or Douible. r r _- - . i TESTIMONIAL. '< MoSGlßii,'l6th December, 1886. { ! The Chaffciitter (JReld l& Gray's) that yo3 'turned into a Bagger for me is working splendidly, and I am highly satisfied with it It is a great improvement over the : common 'chaffcutter— the sieving and riddling makes a grand sample. . It is only a matter, of , time when nothing else will take the market. \ •; (Signed) Samuel McTaggabt.'* ; CHAFF€U3?TERS (hand and horse-power)^ I all sizes - : - j 1, 2, 3, and 4 Hoise-Powers at reduced I prices— over 1000 made . , r r I DOUBLE , ANP TREBLE PLOtJGHS • Light, Medium, and Heavy (NEARLY 8000 MAfiß) Zig-Zag Harrowfl, in Steel or best Iron. The beat general purpose Harrow. « in the market >;.; • j i Grain Drills for all kinds of seeds — Invaltt- : able Disc Harrows (greatly improved for tht season) . /' i Disc Harrewa mounted as Grain Seedßowers make an efficient and dasily man- ' aged Sower ■ Broadcast Force Feed Sowers, Universally admitted to be perfect ' (Send for Testimonials). '' TV r inno\vimg: Machines. No. % Rpyal Farm. Mill, ?4in. wide, ,$i OaOd carriage, paid ...-, . , . : .... Np. 2 Royal Farm. Mill, 30in wide,. £8 108 j Od carriage paid ; . J Cambridge Rollers — all sizes, Tripod Har* . rows, Iron, Bark Swingletrees, Chain Harrows,. <?orn Bruisers, -Farm Drays, Fencing Wire, fencing Standards, Acme and Excelsior fjstrainers, Walker's . Patent Strainers, 6d each. Carriage paid to any Station on main line between Christchurch and Invercargill freight to any main port in terms as seated in Catalogue. itgenta for: Olaytou So .Shuttleworth's j Portable Engines and Thrashers, \ NOTICE TO FARMERS. , i AND OILS AND OTHER REJL QUISITES FOR THE HARVEST ; ,-. . FIELD. ! .AT LOWEST BATES. ; i \ WILLIAM GARDINER, : MATAUBA AND RIVBBSDALE. Agents for Gore — Messrs John Mac Gibbon j ,■:■/■; ' and 1 . - ; '';-: :• ■ \ THE GORE 60ACH & CARRIAGE PAffi ORY AND GENERAL SHQEiNG FORGE, f : ' "' '' J '''IRWBLL STREET, ' " \ • ... Ne^r the ; Club "Hotel. ; . r . ; SAMUEL COLLETT ' ... Proprietor. EGINEERING in all its branches and General Smith Work executed with ttromptnees. | Gunsy Sewing' Machines, Locks and Keys made and repaired upon j<he shorty notice. Tip Drays, Farmers' iDrays, Spring Carts ' , Double an,d .Single Buggies made to , ,? , . • .'. : 6fdei i on'the/'r s rfcnifs*B^ :-' • : "- Charges Strictly Moderate. : WALlvLlt & JlicBWM, : ENGINEERS, .M^LLWRIGH^^ ... . ; . j .^WHEELWRIGHTS, SHOEING jk. r . r i Obdsal istreet, Gore, SPRING' CARTS, Drays, irnprpyed Wi* 1 nower with bagger ' : attache, d/ and Rollers made to, obder on ; the shortest notice at reasonable rates. , I Agents for Stott's double furrow stump 6;nd Stone-jump Plough, also Cossens and aud Black's Horse , Power, which have proved themselves to be the cheapest and most durable in the market. • ALL WORK GUARANTEED I. Poison. j NOTICE. YVrofaori IS HEREBY GIVEN/Jbat Poi£r( son, is. laid for. doga on Otama and Waikaka Runs, • ' 1 F. W. FBBOTSON. i . • , ! CAUTION. POISON is laid for. Dogs over the whole of the New Agricultural Cop? pany's Property .' " W. A. DONALD, Station' Manager - POISON. : > ' POISON for doga is laid on the Wantwood estate, the property of Mr,G. JM. ;Bell.; I . . QM. BELL, i l ' , • ••'•.-..•- Manager,
Page 6 Advertisements Column 4
Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 6
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