FOR THE KIDNEYS,LIVER-tUR!NARYORCANS THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER. There Is only one way by wliich any disease cured, an<l (liat Is by removing the cause— whatever it may be. The great medical authorities of the day declare that nearly every disease is caused by deranged Kidneys or Liver. To restore these therefore is the only way by which health can he secured. Here Is where WAUXEIt'S SAFK CHICK has achieved its great reputation. II acts directly upon tltc kidneys and liver, and by placing them in a healthy condition drives disease and pain from the system. For all Kidney, liver, and Urinary troubles ; for the distressing disorders of Women ; for Malaria, and physical tronbles generally, this great remedy has no equal. For Sale by all Chemists. For Diabetes asks for WARNER'S SAFE DIA« KETES CUHK. Send for Pamphlet, free, to H. H. WARNER Sc CO., Melbourne, Ana. Rochester; N.Y., London, Eng., Toronto* OnU GAB.DEN CALENDAR. — .. » June. ' Kitchen Garden.— Sow beans, peas and radish ; in heat, cucumber and melons. Plant out cabbage, cauliflower, Bea kale, horse radish, rhubarb, asparagus, thyme, sage, and other herbs. Clip box borders, and dig all vacant spaces rough, so that they may receive the fuli benefit of the weather, care to be taken not to turn over any ground when frozen. Fruit Department. — Push forward with planting of all kinds of fruit trees, rasp berry canes, and strawberries. Prune all kindaof fruit treee, clean strawberry beds, , and dig between the rows. Many amateura commit .a grave error in putting manure under the roots of trees. Avoid this, be I - cause when the manure decays it leave* holes, which the tree has to fill up with roots, thereby causing a considerable delay betoie the tree will bear or get a start t« grow, and they never mske the same vigorous growth as a tree will do by planting it light. Trench the ground, and place good soil one foot deep below where the roots are to go ; place about four inches over the roots ; then mulch with good stable manure, finally covering with soil. In plnnting, the collar of the stem should be level with the surface. , The following list of names of fruit trees will show good kinds for those to choose from that intend planting out a small number r-'-Desse'rt apples : Adams' pearmain, Cox's orange pippin, Irisn peach, Northern spy, scarlet^ pearmain, Blenheim orange^ • Bull's golden reinettee, Westerfield's .' seek no further,' scarlet nonpareil, EsobusSpitzenburgh. Cooking: Alfriston, beauty of Kent, catshead, Dumelow's seedling gloria mundi (largpst apple grown) Lord Nelson, Keswick codlin, Kentish fillbasket, and Eoyal sovereign. Pears. — Dessert: Bergamot gansel, Beaurre de Ranee, Beaurre Diel, jargonelle, Maria Louise, Louise Bonne of Jersey, and Winter Nelis. Cooking: Catalic, Uvedaies St (icrmain, and Vicar of VVingtield. Plums- JJussert : Coe's golden ' greengage, JelriT&un, Kirke's purple gage, Reine Cliiuik-, IJoddaert, and yellow gage.' Cooking : Dnmson, Goliath, Orleans early, red magnum bumim and Washington. j FIiOWEB, Garden. — Finish planting early spring flowering .bulbs, gravel walks, lay turf, and top-dns's' lawns. Plant hedges, aW sow hedge seeds when, the .weather .is favorable. Plant shrubs and trees as early as possible, before the frost gets too severe. Take up dahlias, and store them, in. a dry place covered. j Drapery WarehousesIMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICECHEAP DRAI'ERY CLOTHING AND BOOT STORE • ...» I :.- . . Opposite Bank of New Zealand, Main Street, i •• • ' ' Mew and Choice Goods, ; Cheaper than Ever! i ■■■,-.■■ . . ■ Notably— Dress material in all the new shades and cloths. , i ■ j Ladies short and long jackets in stockingette and Ottoman's. Remarkably, cheap to suit the times. i : A.J/SO SADIES' AIVI> CHILDREN'S Ulsters, »olnaai is, <&c, , At about one half usual Price, i I .'■•-. | •. " i BLANKETS, SHEETING, SHIRT- ] ING, &o. First-Class Dressmaking On the premises, having succeeded in secur ing a person of superior attainments to ! take cliiti'S'J of Ibis Department,' i , ■ i : Also,— i 4 P. CALDBR