■ i ii nr if in in mi <&•) Commission Agents* — - WOOD'S BEAFJSMS & BINVEnS! | From £40 and Upwards ONLY A , FEW 'TJWT UNSOLD- „ .; wool & grainjbrokers, 'Are Cash Purphosgrg of , all. kinds q£ WOpjne .: Sheepskins, Hides, Tallow. "Produce b'oughii and sqlil'ai highest market , I"";..-!'!?-: i."P4^-f 'All.: ■' !'• t'^V Have for sale — Corn Sacks, full weights ' : M Hemp and Manila Twine, etc. : * '-* . All kinds pf Oils .f . - .....,.,,, ,;-- i .., il^ . Barbed and Fencing Wife, best'brands Roofing iron, " Orb '-Sbrand Best Butter Kegs in the market Tea and Sugar Al« '/'~?\ • , seed bia»-i% ; pf superior quality, speci*ll^^^cted for ; / farmers. . • '. : T^^sl c. Also Grass Seed, Clover Secdi^fc, % Liberal Cash Advances nf|cle*on growwfg j Clips Of Wool, Crops^Produce, etc. •j ■ -~~S . 4re Agents for the follo^ifig*4— . ; W. A. Wood's ;-Reape¥s'anor Binders (see ; model machine for 1886-7) | Cooper's Shefep 'Dijr? ? : ■•.'. ■ '- : ! New Zealand Drug Company, Limited, ; ; : '- •-: fManttr«B |; J ■;.-:•" .; ■. : ' -■]'* : '"A k Nightcaps ,Cpai Company , ... ->■■■* i South British Insurance Cpmpany 0 : .^ | . ■ MONEYS %Wti'^, i 9 i On Ff eenoid Security Jat Lowest ' Rate ; NOTICE TO FAEMBESi^ " r .tpHE NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND iJLi AGENCY CO/CLtdj); Capital ,J J/].ij¥aie'MMi6nßSWu4f • The above Cbmpauy me^e liberal advances to Farmers and others engaged in developing the resources of the. country at. crirrent rates, , of interest on Freehold Properties, Growing, . ; Clips of Wool and Crops. And^also, on WOOL, GRAIN, AND^O^H^Pj PRODUCE consigned to their care either for Local Sale or shipment- to aiy of their numerouß Agenci throughout the Australian Colonfa .. : '.- '.V. i-WItLIAM DOUGLAS,' ''.., Z.^- --;■••■■•; AgenV.QoJfi .■>.->.'• •' ; : . ; . • , J,OHN, .TURN^ UL^»f ■ .' ; ' "* j Manager for Southland, r ; i P.S.~The Coiripany'are Agents : ior Graw/ Clover, and other seeds, Woolpacks and;; Co nsacks always on hand. v '■■'■ '■ i ' : ' : Gore, 14th September, 1883. : . cl»n '; NOTICE. ■ ;;;;!\~ _»,'^ ! 4 LEXANDER STEWART, CombusslW''' r**- Agent, . Wellington A (late j oif) Stewart and, Gow, Balclutha), desires to, inform. th» pijblic .of. Otagp' . Qia^he;/ is , prepared to .-. ' transact all kinds of business at the Seat o£ ' Government on behalf of^'^riyate'pierbdnaf • business. „ firms/ contr^ct^, ' .^o.B^-, '!s&s$ a County, and Borough Opiinciis, and.ot|iey ll ,i pubfic bodies or institutions* Patent OflEUiftp work attended to for inventors add jpaten|ee^/; Openings , lor sale ia \\f ,e illing^o^ and the North. Island*:: Press correspondency.! supplied- for the .session. Advertising^^ Sic. Address next • Evening Freft* Offic4 Welh'ngton. ' - H*67' f ! ■ , : -. -. ; il-ii__l_!-^Lil^ ; ; l j [ -- ; ' v ' ; * :{ ' ■ Butbhers.- ; "'■/'■ - i "' •'■ -- 1 . •)■!••; ■-■■■•■• > i '■- . (.• : i :., , ?/.;,-!•; : ft"i I . - - <*•< q mjßNDJl^4b.eiif^amgsrA^>akfl^ ?*• patrons fpj; K tlie)^hea^t3r;jßupporti the/ gave their new venture ~last month. The system haying been foupij a sjjicce^jti Yti\\ be-g ■ dontinued infuturejttndthis' month w&^ill ; ..:i ,...-; .---.7/ .'..-I .j.-.;-! -■/. ury .>« ...:-. ... f ;-,, » ,.,. (,•,.■;■.,... -: ^ ; LEGS OP MUTTON OF PRIME QUALITY ! from the local Boilingndown Works at}: ?u i ROAST BEEF AND SMALI^ GOODS I \ AT i THETTSirA ; L'PBICE^;;;:; ]■■■-■ -■ •-- -■•■ - • .- ' - ■•■■■■■■ ..<'.;'■ : ."t '>::T MILLS, DICK & GO. 'S'-' -?j ALMANAC AND DIREOTOBY, 188^. i .-. .i i i Now.Eeadyt-tP.biob, Is 6d. ;v^ everyone } _ . ,_AaBMUB ; _ .;»...i _,.--, a y/ ; ; .D. B.Esther, -Gore^.^fV . .j,"j ; John Jamiej Gore :.«-..;•.—;:..... :./f A. Brown, Gordon { ; u-,,. / n, ; ! . • F. M.. Dawson, : Pukeraa . -^-j ,-. ; v w - j.MacOibbon and. SouSj Mataura..^ j ... . Tarlc and. Winning, Mataura, :_ m I j R. M. McKay,-; and -C0.,. Wyndhaai,o H. G. Beecptt^Maedeville D J Manson, Bivei^dale. CHAFF CUiTJERS : AND HORSE GEARS Bentaina.GhajEEcutters for..Han"iiiEoweri j Bentall's Chaffcutters for Water Power Bentall's Chaffcutters -(oiv Jlorje, Power,, a ■ fieufcalljs' <3haffciitter*-f oi^ieao^lWer--.^. Bentall'a One-horse Gears Bentall's Twfchifrstf Gears.'' l '"' c P RICE S GRrf.A.tl.f RE DUCE D. A good one-horse gear and chaffcuttertofi TWENTY POfJgX^cunjplete' ! COWPEK, AND WILSON j : -. .» Dee-StreetvlavercwgiU.-. -^ »-,jj;c