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[''■' Chemists.. . ' •_ . (|ORI UDKAL lllfiJ, PHOSPHORUS! PHOSPHORUS ! j ..OIL OF RHODIUM 1 ■ tEALAsimA mmp dip • i ' '' ' • . " . , ( At Dunedin Pbices'l .. i ' '■ ■:'•'■ Jiust Received, Large Cbniaignfiient I of the above. : B, B. ESTHER, \ CHEMIST AND iDEtTGGIST, GORE .. Gr. P. D. S. PHOSPHORUS I PHOSPHORUS I At Lowest Rates. :; ' • €HARL£B ""WOODMAN, CHEMIST, GOUE. Nurseryman : GLADSTONE AND NORTHEND NTTKSERIES, , Nbak Inyercahgili; 43» One of the Finest Cblleotions of Fruit Trees in the Colony. ROBERT BIRRELL, IN - again soliciting the patronage of his numerous customers and the public generally, tenders his sincere thanks. for. their, very liberal support in past seasons, and solicits a continuance of their patronage, and assures them that all orders entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention, ...... The lease of Northend Nursery being about up, and the Stock therein being unasually large, prices for large quantities will be made very low to effect a clearance. ; BLIGHT-PRQpi 1 YAEiETtE^.. I have a few varieties of, Apple Trees that are blight-^proof, root and branch Y and a large assortment on the blight* proof stock, guaranteed blight-proof below, the graft. ■.< I would call the special attention of Planters to my stock ©f Fruit and Forest Trees and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, which is remarkably large, : varied and healthy this season. Tne Trees are all strong and vigorous, and in excellent condition for planting out, NOTES TO CORRESPONDENTS. Addresses for Goods- -Correspondents are , particularly requested, when ordering goods, to give their Correct Address, with each Communication ; and, along with every Order, to instruct me, if necessary,' by what conveyance they wish their goods to be Bent,and to whose care they are to be consigned. . ; ■ ,-■•;. All Plants or Trees leaviDg my Nurseries, for the country are carefully packed, and every precaution is taken to ensure their arrival in good order ,* and when delivered to railway, or elsewhere as directed, a receipt is taken for the . goods as received by them, (iv good order and condition), after which my Liability Ceases, and no complaints will be entertained unless made within li days from date of invoice. ' ••-•• , For Fruit Trees by the hundred and Forest Trees by the thousand special quotations will be given on, application, . ,-, , ./ _..\. t Value to the amount of 5 peV cent. Allowed for cash within a month; ! ■ " Mi A discount of IS per cent will , be allowed on cash forwarded with order. ■, . Only cost price charged, for material, and packing. , . ... FRUIT AND FOREST TREES FOR SALE AT GLADSTONE AND NOJtfTfiEND NURSERIES,. i • Apple trees on blight-proof stocks, from 15s t0224s per dozen Apple trees on common stocks, 9s to 1 2s per dozen Pear trees, from 12a to 24s per dozen Cherry and plum trees, from 16s to 30ff per dozen , Peach and apricot, from 24s per dozen Gooseberry and currant bushes, from 3s to 12s per dozen Filbert, cob, and hazel nuts, walnuts, and Spanish chestnuts A large assortment of fruit trees, dwarf - trained, from six to ten years' old, in full bearing . . , . . English oak, ash, beech, lime, birch, alder, sugar maple, and other deciduous trees , Araucaria imbneata from 20s per dozen to 10s each Larch (transplanted), from 10s per 100 Pinus insignis, two years old (transplanted), from 5s to 10s per 100 Pinus insignis, three years old (transplanted) 10s per 100 ','".'' Pinus insignis, in olofch, from 20a to 40s per 100 ' Bitter willow, frora 6s per dozen Norway spruce, from 10s per 100 • Cupressus macrocarpa (transplanted), from 10s per 100 Cupressus macrocarpa, in cloth, from 5s per dozen Cupressus lawsoniana, from Gs per dozen Quicks — 1,200,000, three years old, 10a per 1000 Quicks — i, four years old, 12s to 15s per 1000 English holly, from 20s per 100 Variegated holly, from 2s to 10s each Dwarf box edging, 3s per 100 Wellingtonia gigantea, from Is to 5s each Rhubaro routs, named varieties, 10s to 15s per dozen. Rhubarb roots, Stott's monarch, 3s per root Strawberry plants, 4s per 100 Flowering and ornamental shrubs — cheap A large and varied assortment of roses, from 12s to 18s per dczen jcg* No complaints will be entertained unless made within Fourteen Days from date of invoice. Note the Address — BOBEET BIRjaELL, , Box SB, Ppsfc.omce InvcrcargilJ, 06k
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Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 1
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690Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Mataura Ensign, Volume 10, Issue 677, 14 June 1887, Page 1
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