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Our New Winter Goods have arrived. The steamships Kaikoura, Doric, and Tongariro having brought to New Zealand something under 3,767,843,570,000,000 PACKAGES. -» «r 3,767,843,570,000,000 PACKAGES A good share of which were for LITCHFIELD & SON, Blenheim, and contain all the latest Novelties for the Season.

For Sale ORACHES of tin Best AgriculPjlj tural Land, lit to receive Winter Crop—Within eesy distance of Town, at a low price. A never failing Stream of Water runs through the land. Immediate pos session can be given. TERMS EASY Apply to S J. MACALISTER 217 Auctioneer.

W. B. GIRLING 4s CO. Blenheim and Picton. DIRECT IMPORTERS from the MANUFACTURERS by which YOU SAVE the MIDDLEMAN’S PROFITS. Beautiful Dress Materials. With Silk Flush to Match each Shade. Louis Velveteens. In BLACK and ALL COLORS, Manufactured to our Special Order bv A Louis. These VGveteeus have a tery RiC*h Appearance, unsurpassed by any other Maker. Homespuns. That give great wear Sid, 9&d, I . You have the largest Stock of DRESS MATERIALS in Bienli un to Select from, Estameul Serges. In PL VC K, NA V Y and 1> UO >V N. Cashmarettes. In Navy, Mu toon, Bronze, Shawns, C arets, Prunts, Myrtles and Black, la Gd a yard ; the usual price foi these goods tsgL Gd, French Flannels Twilled. In Scarlet, Plush, N.vy, Maroon, Ac. The Assortment in ~ BLACK GOODS for Mourning and is very great including Fine Bmc (all wool, Fiench Cashmeres, trench Merinos, line Black Serges, eic, etc. Blankets, in White and Colors. The order for these was placed with the Manufacturer in England 1 efore the rise in Wool, they wi 1 be found fully ss|a pair cheaper that the same good ■> ought, in the Colony. We -would much like the good people of Bon In ini t> hatniie our Wellington (Bade Blankets, they are si uply beamitul bej ond comp tro. /' Flannels. Made if WmlingUn, Kaiapoi, Oaniaru, aijd Mosgie! ; also tin Celebrat'd REAL WELSH FLANNEL', Ouse we received oy the Tongariro. Winter Hosiery. ffr avy Knitts in B vs ami Women’.; !’• *i ' and Ribbed Oasiirnove Hose in ihe very best makes. Wear Gm'irunieed, Rvmy description cf Hosiery. The Sit ami rs T.uiui, Arawa, K likoura a id Tongariro brought us a vry extensive supply of Wimer Drapery, including Men’s Mercery. All the L adino and Most FaMuonuble Shapes in Men’s Collars, Scarves and Warm Lined Winter, Cloves, -•hins of every description from Mosgiel j Orini".>n ehirts, with ami without C iJ »rs. Also, ( vey and Fancy Crimean Flannels, by the yard. Also, Heavy Ribaed Wool Under Pants and Plain Lambs Wool Unde Vis , no better made. Our Men’s Overcoats At 19s 6d and 92s Gi, are worth doub.e. We have also Co onial Made Overcoats, grand value. Men’s Clothing. Our Stock in this Department is enormous, we purchased largely when wooi was low, and our customers re :p Hie beaelL. as will b • seen by tile extraordinary low priors ticketed inside ami outside our establishment The Dressmaking Department Will he\e to be enlarged, double the quunity ol y ung lady assistants being required to meet the increasing Lade in this department VV ED DING DRE'SKS made to perfection, love y dresses in that way lately turned out which should largely increase the demand for them All Wedding Dre-ses m ide by us bring good luck. NGi- AND CO., HALL OF COMMERCE Ci „ rva£L U. tv I aduiy, WATCH MAKE It AND JEWELLeK Kotheram’s Celebrated ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES [From L 7 SWISS WATCHES From L2 lOi and upwards GOTO AND SILVER WATCHES oiuJ Earrings, Ch ins, Lnekots, Pundaute, S lids, Necklets-, &c Eight Diy and idriy it ms.* American Cl cks and Alarums Every dmoripiivD of \V:f clan, I,lj Ah aid ireful!y clean*"’ _nd • -m-ur PLACE BLinN cISIM

j. SCOTT & CO. F4NOY BREAD, BISCUIT AND Confectionery Manufacturers BLENHEIM. A Larg" Variety”of PAS TRY, CONFECTIONER Y BISCUITS , CAKES , Ax. Always on hand fRESH JrASTRY DAILY. I 'urrmt, Se r <Jt, Madeira, ana Gf-uoa | Cukes kept in stock and made to I order. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALITY Self-Raising Flour Prepared on the premises. is we are direct importers and also a manufacturer of FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, can oTer Goods at a very low price. Goods Delivered to all Parts of the Town Free of Charge, TO LET, CHEAP. * SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE j~\ with Store - room, Stable, ami Coacli-ltous". Artesian well on premises, Qub't and rmir'd • about J 0 minulc3 wa'k from Dost Ollico, Apply io TIMES OEL'TCE. OTICE. GENT LEM UN’S Clothing made to order from the Fines'. N>w Zealand Twt eds on the shortest possible notice. Style & Fit Guarantuki’. JAMES SOOLLARD, TAILOR, if.*., Market Street, SouthNext Maxwell Uriel c*. LAND TO LEASE IN THE AWATERE T3IIIE Undersigned is prepared to a Lease Fat ms on the Awatere Flat, of from 100 to 500 acies 85 WM. CLIFFORD. To Let or For Sale, on Easy Terms A SEVEN-BOOMED House, with Pantry, Scullery and Wash-house attached ; within live minutes walk of Government Buildiugs. Apply to A. 11. PASS AC, 331 Hi. h Street. TO LET mO LET—A Four roomed Cotx tage, corner of Alabama Road and Rid wood street , one acre End attacked. 149 H. O.LEARA, U.A.O.D. Blenheim Mistletoe Lodge. rfTVIIE Anniversary ox the above a Lodge will be celebrated by a PUBLIC DINNER at the Criterion Hotel on WEDNESDAY, May 18th, 1887, at 8 p.m. His Worship the Mayor will preside. TICKETS—FIVE SHILLINGS HENRY S. SIMMONS, Secretary. 10 LEI HOUSES of various sizes n the East and West Wards of the Borough of Blenheim. Apply to J. M. BREWSTER, 73 High street, Blenheim. Government Insurance T;iIE Resident Agent for the District (Mil Louie) being here for a few days will be pleased to meet any policy holders between 9 and 10 a.m in the Chief Postmaster's Room Post Oliice. 392 To Tradesmen and Others PERSONS desiring to advertise may obtain an advertisement page in a new book about to be published in Blenheim. For particulars, apply to CARLOS L, FI in CI f. M, Club Hotel, 373 Blenheim Market Street South, Blenheim COME and Try the NEW TOBACCOS (full flavored) : Bough Cut compressed (mild) Long fine cut com pressed Virginia It is At. Also, the Durham Chewing. I also keep Colonel Colonel Ross’ Patent Filter ID PL. GEO PAiCHETT, 356 Hairdresser and Perfumer.

EVERYTHING SELLING AT COST PEIuE AT CARD I RABONE DIRECT IMPORTERS, Blenheim, WANTED KNOWN rp.HE following Persons sending JL their add leases to the Times Office will hear of something to ilieir advantage : Mr jVPPhersoa (last address), Birch iiill JR. E. Kimiian, Awatere James Judge, I ar.gley Dale Mr Ooieman, Awatere M,r Goo on, Cairence Bridge Mr Milne. Olarence Bridge, NEW EOYAL READER TO HAND. NEW ROY AI j REA 1) Bit, No 1 NEW ROYAL READ R, No 2 NEW ROYAL READER, No 3 NEW ROYAL READER, No 5 NEW ROYAL RKADER, No G CARD & 11A RON Ifi, (Stationers. Opening Notice /T ISO PATCH ETT Legato iufonu ,the Public,of Bb uheiui and Surrounding . District that he lias opened in M.ark<t Street, South, (opposite London 1 [oust-) as Hairdresser Tobacconist, Perfumer, Where he hq.n K to obtain a fair share cf l he Public Patronage. 257 SPRUS i CREEK If LOUR MILLS A RE Oaslt Purclia ('rs in an (jn mi’ ui'-s, and art; prepared t.o gris , hr ugh their new roller process, a G pa' bushel IN u T . C fc, fIYHE Undersigned begs to inform the Public of Blenheim and Surrounding District that he lias started business as Plumber, Ti smitli, Gasfitter, Gunsmith, &c, and trust to receive a fair share of support. Waxed, Tajiks and HydbaulilC Rams, a speciality. Eoiice and Lift Pumps fitted and repaired, at the shortest notice. I am a Competent Tradesman and know my trade, and will turn out nothing but good and genuine work. Note the Address : ARCH. PYE, [(Late of K, Foster.) HIGH STREET BLENHEIM (Next Ewart’s Hall.) N.B.—Phosphorus Vats, made with despatch. noticeT^ J’ELBRUS ROAD BOARD. fi'ENDERS will be received by JL the Secretary at his Office until Nook on Saturday-, the * ttli inst, for — Eorming a piece of the Main Road, near Mr John Bown’s in accordance with the specifications, Mr Dillon will show the work io intending Contractors on Tuuns dav, ihe 12th inst, at ‘1 p.m, The lowest or any tender not i lecessary aecepted. By Order of the Board. :!79 ' C 11. MILLS, Secretary .Pelorus Road Board. A - 01 jD : iRS aA W, MANUFACTURER CO NF ECTIO v RR, FKt ITER Ell Market Street. Blk.vhrim.. fYIPK Fruits or the Season hand. Best qualify, A order punctually attended to

; Valuable Property for Sale \ LLOTMENTS 39 and 71 of ■t\_ 48, OpiWH, containing about | of an aero, tbo same being corner allotments, having frontages to Grrove Road, Budge street ami Herbert street. There is a Ten—Boomed House wi h Wash house, Stove room etc ; n s', Stbleund Coach house, and a jmod Artetnn Well on a lotiner t 39. This pi openy is let at the annua! rent ot i fiO. Also, A four-roomed House and Wash house, wi ll Art-:, sian Well on allotment 71. Also, T>vo i'.ur-roomed Cottages situate in Keihert stro-t. The whole of this property is above the hi host (loeds. Also, One Acre of Lind p-irt of 48, Omaha, iroiita-.e ti Alabama Road, fenced ail round. Apply to ]‘> WEMYSS. 2G7 Grove Road. FOR BALE OR TO LET EASY TERMS. TUVIN ROOM ED Brick Cottage. • Apply on Premises SINCLAIR, Bricklayer, Grove Iload Havelock! Havelock ! ! WANTED KNOWN. PRIVATE Bond and Residence can be obtained at 0. F. Horton's, Union Street. Havelock- 1 Good Accommodation for boarders or for Families visiting the district. TERMS REASONABLE. C. F. HORTON. 2 Havelock SPRING CHEEK ROAD BOARD is hereby given that MR PIIILLIP RUSH, Has been appointed Collector c ? Rates with fu’l pnver to sue for any monies that uniy be due to the Board. T. A DICKENS, Secretary. JOB PRINTING THE Marlborough Times MACH IKE Printing Works MABEL T SIR ERR. BLENHEIM Coloured Printing In any Variety of Style. Promissory Notc3 (in book or form) Billheads, Cheques Statement Heads Letter and Note Heads Circulars, Menus Pesters, Handbills Catalogues, <fcc Ball Programmes Memorial and Show Cards, jq [ rect impo kte rb of Printing Stationery, &c We execute all work at the LOWEST PAYABLE RATES!! Tho Newest Sty’esl 4q Types and (Mina siefts, and the Latest Typographic Novelties are consmnMy being added to < lie Plant Our Specimens Cannot bo Surpassed either for ! Style or Price j CARD AXITItABONE 1 ! RORRIETURS.

Don’t Forget to Call AT ’ n s t \\ I) IXSL'KC'I NEW STOCK Tobacco, Cigar?, Cigarettes and Pipes, JUST TO HAND.

Marlbor ugli Arc an ! Industrial Society. milE EXHIBITION will be JL opened to the Public on TIIII RSI) AY, the 12th MAY and two following days from 2 to 5 in the afternoon and from 7 to 9 in the evening. Charges for admission, is ; for children under 12 years of age, Gel. Subscribers who have paid their subscriptions will be admitted free cm presenting their tickets at the door. Subscribers’ tickets only admit the persons whose names appear on the tickets, and arc not transferable. ALLEN, BS4 lion Secretary. Spring Creek Foad Board. mENDKKS will be received un- & til 2 o’clock on WEDNESDAY', the 11 tli of May for the following works : Cleaning Kelly’s ditch, Mills and Ford’s ditch, Sandhill Hoad ditch, and metalling two portions of Mills]) and Ford’s Hoad. Specifications can be seen on application to the Secretary. T. A, DICKENS, 307 Secretary. E are now taking And in order to reduce the same have decided to oil.or goods AT GOST PRICE ■77/v,> /s nosri'/vui/r a pact FOR CASH ! I (;ARI> & R A BONK, J lb>ol<sellers. Stationers, Etc., Blenheim. TRY Fancy Stationery. | CARD & RABONK

OPENING NOTICE. J. B. riGOTT | if' y o u Want a cuud GUP OF COFFEE AM) A HOT PIE to in torn) his frien !s ami the public of Blenheim and Stir- j rounding Districts that ho has i COMMENCED BUSINESS IN Market Street x ! (Opposite the Ouiteii'on Hotel) j As CLOTHUSK, ii TIE it j A N li GEN EKA LOU L' FITTE! i j And will show a first o’ass vat ieW of ® Gents' White Oxford aud Begat'a j Shirts, Undershirts, Pams, £ linsy, j Ties, SearG, Belts, Braces, Hard j snd Soft Felt Hats, -.fee. All of the les* quality 'nd Fit- j TliC Tailoring Department j will he a speciality and a pci fee td i guaranteed. Ili.rd Felt Ha 1 ? in any parti nlar j shape O’" color made to order. J. 3 PIGOTT | of W; B. Girling k Co G ) TO A.. OLDARBHAW. Be; w.him 9 am & 10 pm. Daily. (i.\ i iiOLIO (■ ilii J ten HAVELOCK A BA Z A A S N V/" n.i. he held in the T.,wv V\ 11, YIJ., !i at dock, on the QUEEN'S BlTil DAY, May -J I, in aid of -.ln- funds of the CaUioiG Chun-h. 207 NOTiCE. I’lG.niniS load IIOA'H), 5 ENDEBS will he received by ; the Secretary al his nilice until NOON on sA’iT. HDAN , the nth I nst— For Forming a Piece oi ’the Main Hoad near Mr John Bowes. in accordance with the specifications. Mr Dillon will show the work intending contractors on 1 hur-fiav the 12th inst at 2 p.m. 5 The lowest or any tender not necessarily acejd ed. By order of the Board. 0. H. MILLS, Secretary Pylorus Load .Board,

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Marlborough Daily Times, Volume IX, Issue 20902, 11 May 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Marlborough Daily Times, Volume IX, Issue 20902, 11 May 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Marlborough Daily Times, Volume IX, Issue 20902, 11 May 1887, Page 3


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