The Helen Denny.— From an Auckland telegram published elsewhere it will be seen that the Helen Denny, the Tioton woolship, arrived at Auckland on Sunday, 98 days out from Glasgow.
Caledonian Society.— A meeting of the Committee will be held at the Criterion at half-past seven to-morrow evening, to pan tht balance sheet and report for the general meeting, which takes plaee next week, VlsiToae Welcome.—An impression having somehow got abroed that, during tho training of the Hussars, no one is to visit the camp, we may say that the idea is altogether erroneous. The camp is open to visitors at all reasonable hours, and we are sure the Hussars will be glad to make all welcome who may feel inclined to pay them a visit. ’Frisco Mail. —The U.S.S. Co’s Penguin with the Marlborouah and Nelson portions of the ’Frisco Mail arrived at Picton last evening. In acoordanoe with custom the Postal authorities S6nt the Blenheim bags ou by trap immediately after the arrival of the steamer,aud letters were sorted into the private boxes shortly after 9 o’clock,
The People of England.— Queen Victoria's Dislike of Mr Gladstone is well known, but the cause of it is not generally dates back to tho time when she hesitated about signing the Irish Church Disestablishment Bill. “But, madam, you must sigu,’’ said Mr Gladstone. Tho Queen indignantly rejoined: “Sir, do you know who I am?’’ “Yes, madam,” responded Mr Gladstone, “ the Queenof England. But does your Majesty know who I am ? I am the people of England.”
R.M. Court.— At the R.M. Court yesterday morning Mr Allen dt-alt wi’h the following civil cases :—J. H, Marple v. H. Thompson, claim 8s lOd ; judgment bv default for plaintiff for amount claimed and 6s costs. Litchfield find Son V. J. Old, claim L 9 I2s 2d. Defendant paid L 4 Ids lid into Court, filed a»set-off for Ll 3s, but disputed the balance, which was interest for 6 years on the debt, Judgment for plaintiffs for L 7 1 2a Gd and 10s costs. vV, Simpson v. J. Iliggins, a judgment summons for L2 2s. Defendant was ordered to pay the amount within seven ays or in default seven days imprisonment. The Court then rose,
Picton Road Board —At tho monthly meeting of the Board held on Saturday last, Mr C. O’Sullivan presiding, a letter was read from settlers in the White’s Bay district directing attention to the bad state of the White’s Bay road. The Board decided to provide culverts for the road on condition that the settlers themselves laid them and did the other necessary work in connection therewith. Mr Murphv, of Tua Marina, wrote to the Board pointing out that a nuisance in the shape of stagnant water existed on the road nearhis premises. It was decided to vote one pound towards remedying the evil, the work to be carried on under thelnspector’s supervision. Tenders were opened for work on the Waikawa Road, and that of Mr McLean was accepted, It was resolved to call for tenders for repairing the main road and breaking 100 yatds of metal. Accounts amounting to L 72 odd were passed for payment,aud the Board rose. Wairau Riter Board.—An adjourned meeting of this Board was held last evening to receive tenders for a number of worke proposed to be undertaken by the Board. Present—Mr Litchfield (Chairman), and Messrs Douslin and R. W. Parker. The following tenders were received No. 1, Dodson’s Bank, H. Dodson, LUO. No 2, embankment, Dodson’s property, Joseph Wooster and Co, Ll 17 5s ; Fred Brown, L 192. No. 3, Dodson’s Bank, H. Atkins and Co, L 65 ; T. Neville and C >, L 49 10* { Andrew Curry, L 157 10s ,T. L. Buick, LlB3 ; P. Con nell, L 149. No, 4, Dodson’s Bank. Andrew Curry L 225 15s ; T, L, Buiek L 250-, J, and O, Bubb, L 163 10s ; P, Connell, L23111a, No, 5, Dodson’s Bank, J, and 0. Bubb, L 137 15s. Seymour Bank. Eastern Extension, Heelev, Costello and Co, L 93 10s Sd ; Meighan snd Conway, LBo;John Higgins, L9B 8s ; John Me Donald, LlO2 ; G. Brenchleyand Co, L 95. Seymour Bank, Western Extension. Heeley, Costello and Co, LlO5 17s 61 ; H. O’Leary,Ll4B Ss; W, Ronowitz,L24s. Eor work on R.* Lees’ property, section 5, Omaka, T. O’Leary, Lll 14s ; R. Register and Co, L 22 10. Proposed by Mr Douslin. seconded by the Chairman and carried, “ That tbVTo'wefT tender be accepted fQg-.rqpairing the bahlfon section 5 then decide 1 to adjourn the'Speeding till Thursday next at 7 p.m.
The Weather.— Captain Edwin telegraphed at 419 p.m. yes erday—“ Indications of b*d weather approaching between north east and east and south wi h heavy rain, and glass further fad. Every indication of heavy gale.” The River Steamers. — the Waihi and Neptune, which,wete .to have left Wellington -for Blenhbim at midnight on Sunday did nut get out and at a late hour last evening there was no intimation. of the movements of these steamers notified at the telegraph office. A Patent.— The Gazette cpnta? application for letters patent from Mr r . Williams, of Blenheim, for his bar and grooved tie-plate. Mr’ Williams has some tons of ips toe-plates on view in his shop in Market-street north. Making itKPay.— By her recent smart run from Plymouth the R.M.S Kiikou a earned for the New Shipping Company a bonus of not less ban LSO
Disorderly. —At the R.M. Court yesterday morning Mr Allen R.M., fined a man named Joseph Gui ford Ll or in def i.ult 14 days imprisonment for being drunk and disorderly on Saturday evening. . .
Kaikoura Wool. —Some of the Kaikoura wool has been bringing a goa l price in the Home market. Mr Bulled said 70 bales pt.UOJlb per ib, and another oavuct disposed of 12 bales, at Is Id per lb, both lots being greasy,*? , Generosity.—At Saturday’s meeting of the A & L’ Society Mr Paul stated that he lmd received on behalf of the Soc’oty from Mr A. G. Hyde, of the Giove, the prize money won by him at (lie last show. We understand that Mr Hyde has, for several years pist ac el iu the same generous manner.
Outside Judges.— Mr J. B. Green, secretary of the A. & P Society, is •communicating with the owners of.. merino sheep in the district to ascertain if they arc wi ling to contribute pro rata to the cost of securing the services of an ousside judge for the meiino sheep cla-s at the forthcoming Show. This is a step in the right direction, and, we unders’and, ft similar movement is afoot to secure tho services of a good practical mm as julge for draught horses. This will be good news for intending exhibitors.
New Zealand & South Australia. — Mr Thomas Hardy, a large South Australian wine-grower, recently visited this colony and is much impressed with the possibilities of a large trade between New Zealand and South Aus’ralia—even in New Zealand frozen meat, which is greatly superior to that of Australia ; and our New Zealand-made doors and sashes could be profitably exported to Adelaide.
Land and Lite Stock.— The Minister of Mines of New South Wale?,’ iu opening the Stock Conference, said he found that the value of the horses, cattle, and sheep in the various . colonies- was estimated at L 78,984 871, and that the gross income from Btook was estimated atl L 33,669 973. : TheWpital .vajmf of laud improvements and plant, witn the value of the stock, represented L359,00C,080.
Mahlboboughtown.—Thi* evening at Marlheroughlown the members of the local Mutuat Improvement Society, will continue the adjourned debate on Home Rule, for which there has been considerable study and preparation. Thospeeches we are informed, promise to be most entertaining and instructive, On Thursday what is known as a “Christmas Tree” wil l be held' in the Public Hall, which will be open both afternoon, and evening, Admission is free. This day fortnight the adjourned concert in aid of the lighting fund will take place, It. is to be the last entertainment of the series.
Inti the Lion’s Mouth. — Consider able amusement was caused in the Supreme Cou-t, Wellington, the other morning, by the appearance of a young woman on the Bench during the charge of his Honor the Chief Justice to the Grand j urv . She was under the influence of liquor, and appeared not to understand where she was wandering to. The sheriff, was equal to the occasion, and assisted the misguide 1 female down from the exalted position she had attained. On her arrival in the lobby she was speedily run in by the nimble boby ;pn duty.
Wakefield v. Froudß;— I The Adelaide Observer is exceedingly severe «n Mr E. Wakefield’s article in the Nineteenth Century in criticism of Mr t'roude’s Oceana. In that article. Mr Wakefield challenged many of Mr Fronde’s ?tHemen ts about South Australia, and made several assertions of his own about that colony. The Observer, in its turn, cbaL tepees' thes-; and. Altogether, we are bound to say that, while Mr Aakefield tiikkes out a ! good case of inaccuracy against Mr Froude, ho h’im-'elf, with vastly less excuse, falls iuto several egregious blunders.”
Marlborough A. & P. Society.— At a committee meeting of this Society h*-ld on Saturday, at the Club hotel, Mr Macalistef in the chair,the following membprs were present—Messrs GouDer, Paul, Vavasour, J. 11. Redwood, Richardson, Gomez, Henderson, Parker and the secretary. A letter was read from Mr A. E. Hyde, in reply to one f oin the secretary that ho would leave th? matter re Homles and Bell’s cun in the hands of the committee. Resolved —That Mr Hyde he thanked for his offer and requested to bring up the cup for competition for the coming Show. Mr Paul intimated that Mr Hyde had given the prize money due to him to the Society and thought that his donation should he recognised. Mr Holmes at the request of the committee decided that the silver tea and effee service presented by Mr Thomas should bo given to best pen or pens of sheep, dipped or to be dipped during the present season, in Thomas’ sheep dip, and taken from a flock of sheep of not less than 100, the bona fide property of tho owner. Resolved—That Mr Thomas’ prize be given to the best pen of five fat sheep (ewes or wethers) to be shown in the wool and to be shorn on the ground, subject to the conditions imposed'by Mr Holmes. The meeting then adjourned till Saturday next at 3 p.m.
The Taniwha.— The Hamilton corres' pondent of the New Zealand Herald give* a lively description of the alliga'or chasing the two sons of a Mr Casdeton, as mentioned in our Auckland telegrams. “ The creek where the reptile was seen, is about 150 yards from Mr Castleton’s house. The boys—one of whom Is fourteen and the other twelve—are intelligent Tads, and tell their story-with every appearance of truthfulness. The elder, who first saw the creature, noticing the commotion in the water of the creek, thought it was caused by a Urge eel, w hich had been there before, until the beast put its head out of the water, when its enormous jaws and teeth caused him to run, and none too soon. Both boys adhere to the description given on Tuesday as to the width of the body, and its being covered with light brown scales the same as a schnapper, only that the scales s emed :o be each as big as a penny.” A few months ago Mr Joseph Renall reported to the Masterton papers that he had eaptured a similar kind of reptile Dear lus farm at Gladstone, that he had chained it up, and that it had made its escape one day, when he was absent from' home. It required a grainj of fsalt to swallow the story,
L Provincial Rifle Match.—lt has bee a suggested that a rifle match stio'iil t" be arrmged between the Wellington. Nelsoa and Wanganui City Rifles and Blenheim Rifles, each corps' team to fire on its own range. We shad be glad to hear that the suggestion ean be carried out.
Not TO BE.—At a meeting of volunteer officers arid' the Mayor,.'held yesterday to consider the suggestion of holding some kind of public entertaiameat-on the evening of the day of the review—next Friday —the question Was decided in the negative. 1 We hear'it is suggested to entertain Colonel Whitmore privately at dinner. ■
State Forest!— The ‘Gazette contains a „ proclamation declaring State forests it), the Land Districts of Auckland, Wellington, and Marlborough. The Marlborough blocks are situated in the Tennyson and Wakimarina Survey districts (21,000 aer s) and the Wakamarina and Ileringa Survey districts (900 acres). Fire Brigade.—At a meeting <f the Fire Brigrde held last night,Capt. Bythsli in the chair, the secretary submitted the monthly report. It was resolved that the rasolution of June 2Sth, providing fir the payment of owners of horses taking the engine to a fue be amended by the addition of the f blowing words: that the horses take the engine back to the shed.” There was no practice and after a vote of thanks to the chairman the proceedings closed, ! The Mayobaitv.—Or Douslin is now properly before the ratepayers as a candidate for the Mayoralty and as Ilia Worship the Mayor is also duly announced sothereare two Candida es in the held. , Rumor mentions <t>wo or three more names as probable candidates. As nomination day is still some weeks off there i 3 plenty of time for consideration, and neither emdidates, ratepayers nor supporters need gut into a fume about the matter just yet, We hope the best man may be returned apart frompersona • feeling, and without too much l> electioneering,.” The Last Tribute.—The funer of. the unfortunate man, Robert Aroa, who met his death by a fall from a dray on Thursday evening took place at the Taylor Cemeteiy on Sunday. The remains were followed by the Odd Fel’ows, of which. Society deceased was « member, and the following were the pall bi-arers, R.P.G.M.’s N.--T. Pritchard, John Taylor, H. S.-Simtnonds, and Thomas Taylor, and P.F.’s William Compton and Frank Watson. P.P.G.M. Joseph Taylor, Jun. acted as Marshal for. the procession. The Veti. Archdeacon Butt read the impressive service of ,the Church of England at the grave and the Odd Fellows’ service was read by P,P,G.M. William Gillespie, Permanent Secretary of the Loyal Marlborough Lodge. Worthy.Examples.—Mr J. B, Green has our disposal, the following list of special prize donors, for the forthcoming A. and P. Show. We make the particulars public in the hope that, attention ffikviiig “ tluis been drawn to it, the list may be yet increased, In some , owes the prizes, to be given , are- not ! specified aod in others the prize* hare not been allotted ipr soy pirtiqular .ela'se r but -.this will be done hereafter, the schedule not yet - being complete,* We haVe previously notified. th»t cups are to? be. given by the Loan and Mercantile Co., and Messrs Holmes So Bell, and that Mr Thomas, of sheep clip fame, has forwarded through Messrs Holmes and Bell, a tea and coffee service for presentation, In addition to these, the following gentlemen have intimated their intention of giving special prizes A, Munro (Bankhouse), for the best three merino runs, under 15 months in the wool, bred in the district; P. Dillon, shearing prize for men ; S. J. Macalister, shearing prize fur boys undt-r 17 ; T. Harding, shearing prize for men ; Walter Litchfield, for the best Ayrshire calf under 18munths,bred in the district; Green & Nosworthy, for the best weight-carrying hack -, J. C. Chaytor for the best team of farm horses ; liedwood Br>s., for the best draught foal ; 11. Dodson, for the best ladies’ hack ; T. Horton for tlie gentlemans’ hack ; IV. E. P. Clousfcon, for the best Berkshire sow an>l boar, tiny ago ; E. Paul, prize to be allotted by the Society; J. Kilpatrick and D. Burns, each a horse colla-, to lie Rll olle 1 by the Society ; J. M. Hu'chc-'son, prize for the best butter ; G. Henderson, for the bed cheese.
Tub Nkw Gas Light.— Mr I looker again exhibited liis patent light at Mr ICi Patrick's shop in Alfred Street, yesterday evening, in the presence of a large number of spectators, including His Worship-the Mayor and some members of the Borough Council. There were also present a number of both town and country peoplo, who had not previously seen the new light. Mr Hooker gave a detailed 6ta’ement of the manufacture of the gas and the proportions of atmospheric air and gas employed in bringing the burner to an incandescent state. Jle also ex • plained an erroneous impression which appeared to prevail in some quarters that the new gas could not bo manufactured without the use of the coal gas as supplied to the Borough at present, showing that the proportion of gas used by him in mixing with air was taken direct from shale oil by a process under which air wasforeed through a drum of shale oil and in its passage, embodied the requisite proportion of gas necessary to mix with the air pumped in to bring the desired light to au incandescent heat. The light shown lust night was generally considered more brilliant aud of greater illuminating power than that shown on Saturday night. One feature whi;h to our mind made this attractive arose from the fact that the burners were on this occasion unshaded by globes, and therefore, the rays from the naked light dispersed themselves with more brilliancy and striking effect than when shaded by clouded globes. The opinions expressed of the light were many and various, but all agreed that the light shown last night was quite equal to the ordinary gas and, indeed, in close quarter# was strikingly brilliant aud well adapted for commercial and private U3ej.
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Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1989, 19 October 1886, Page 2
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2,992Marlborough Times. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1886 Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1989, 19 October 1886, Page 2
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