War in Europe.
London, January 4. Tip Daily Telegraph's correspondent at Rotterdam state- that a neutral from Berlin, in c!o<e touch with the lioin.iii Government and diplomatic ciifies wha-e wi-e judgment is exceptional and whoso knowledge of German affairs has been proved previously, iiiierprets the j>eace manoeuvre afoilows:—The German Govu wants poire in jrder ,o pre»e,n economic ruiii. Tue L.iniedia.e motive wi> the imernal s i;ua.:on, wnich wa> primaiiiy duo to tue fai.ure of the potato ciop, and it became necessary to take special oteps to keep a hold on ilio people. Tiie rulers do not regard the military position a.- dangerous, but fear t.iai eiviuan coiisc.iption will spoil economic ruin, although it «a.> necessary in order to continue the war. He adds that the mass of the German people now regard that Government as being guiltless so far a>
future warfare is concerned. If the Government had not acted a- they have done, they might not have lived through the spring. RUSSIA'S TERMS. INCLUDED IN THE ALLIED NOTE It i- understood tiial the Russian !>eace terms, embraced in the ai ic 1 reply, include the |>os."-es iori of <>nstantinople, the evacuation by ihe enemy of occupied territory, indennideation eitner in land or money for property and human lo>.-e<. These terms are based upon the claim that Russia refased a separate ]>eaee w th Germany, and has suffered the heaviest of the Allie.-. REQUEST TO THE KAISER. Amsterdam, January 4. The Pope has written to the Kai.-er requesting the German High Command to a.iiow, under certain restrictions, the immediate restoration of Rheims Cathedra.!, as it is feared that, the building will collapse.
DESI ERATE STROKE MEDITATED. WAR AGAINST THE ALLIES. Lot.don, J.muany t>. The Monuii'.' I'o-tV Athens eorre—pondeni write. :"Judgiiig from the tone of tlie local pre*s, Greece wi'l shortly declare war., The entire press is exclusively pro-Government. Under the Kin:'-od '■ i' dedare> i-assiouatr-ly :':al the sit nation is intolerable. ai d .'■ eere i> r h di i used t" allow herself to be forced by Imuuer into meek acquiescence in the A. e ' ;i • '■?. trarv wishes.
The Government i- a> na-ently mediating a desperate stroke » l?c- - being sejretaly onv 'Led and no Lied to remain in re -. .1''!.--.-. Measurra regarding artil'ery, >;'<- ■>•.-. and i. n..lions are being exhau live V taken REIfiX OF TERROR IN ATHENS. I.oiml hi. Jan. ~>. The Daily Chroni.de's Athens<o rC'iondeiit O'der to avoid Greex censorship, says: "'There has Decn no abr.ct! ctit o? l;:e reLrn of terror . Re-ervi<t< continue ! i arrest political opponents, and numbers of the population a >• !t*r■oiel, feaing s;-u:ious denunciation. ife-f-rvL s a-e rea;>imr a h.vvest by black' :aii. Tne revival of ce emonial "~:ra-i-tn against Venize'os is merely a • ic-e of statecraft, in wlii h priests •e'.uftantly participate under threat*. The blockade lias i.o! yet .-e-iiously affected the food supply, kit trade i-di-oriranised, and this Ls moal likely to reduce the Government to rcison: Thoti'-'h the King is believed to hi" r.ot disponed to go to extremities, the nri'itary officers are t: uvu'ent aid have >e:;t a petition to the King in favour of war. They believe that Ma 'ken-en wi!l soon sweep south, and that the Entente a-e irn;-orent. Tiie possibility of hostile Greek action immobilises a portion of Gereral Sarrail's army.
A GERMAN i I.AIM. London, January r>. The Be-liner Tasrebiatt says the Entente War Council, which is hem,;: held at Home, ha« piohably assembled 'o obtain Italian co-operafion in the Ri'kas; otherwise Sarrail Lsirreparatfv lest. Tlti' iiid'atos th*> F.ntente's (••! iea! j-ltuta-'on in the Balkans.
Western Theatre
New V<rk, January 5
The N>w Yo'-k Timer's. Paris cor-re-i-ondent i- of ophbn that the Germans wi ! attempt to de'ive: a do-pet-••ite li'.ow in the nc-t ear'y n tin' year. M. Ou-t.iv Flo v" v,t > t'..e Frown •:a'k)M to nrepare f<>" a-t '»Ti<!auirht in '•"oiirua-y. They mu-t In- re ily to rein, it then, hut if it eome< later all ":e better. He :i!i ! i ■i'M'o- a -irl lon attack with picked troop-, supported by heavy artillery, automnlires niouut- !!'.' cannon, and- "inoatily "tanks." It i- safe to a*sn >, ■ ih r ~f .• -aptuiinir the first British tank the HitMian- hcran repiodiicini: them. He docs r.ot think thp Germans will have !ar_-e manoeuvri'i*.,' bodies of men. HIGHLY-SUCCESSITL RAID. London, .) innai y 7. Sir D. Hai?h report-*: \Ve.-e//.ed and i-on oiidated two ]>osls north of Beann:oni H iniel. W'e successfully raided i wile front south-east of Ana-, a.id • ■••.--irate I far into the third line, de -tro\i- z many tlir.'-ouLs and greatly da?: tu'i.ij: the enemy'- defence-. i Mi-- ao opiate- i uiuoed a number of place- of mi';'ry Importance neiii id the lines, v\:th',-o'id le.-ll';-.
SWISS PEOPLE UNEASY. WARNINGS AGAINST GERMANY. London, January 4. The D<i!v Mail's Benu' rorres[K)n--lr.it <| ite.s' that t here is a public mieasiness, and there have been reiter-;i;i-d warnings thai Germany may attempt to fore* a pas.-ane through Su i-s li'rritoiA". Those h ivc eaiLsed Hie President i! 1 members of the Government to statt! that Germany has driven most definite, thonvh formal, assurances that she will respect Swis.-. neutrality;
liut. should Mich a mad folly be committed, Switzerland will resist to the last man. ENEMY LOSSES. IMPOSING FIGURES. London, January 4.
Router's Headquarters correspondent ■states that the Allies in 191(5 took 582,423 prisoners, exclusive of the Roumanians' captures in Transylvania .r:r| of the British captures in Egypt and i:a<t Africa: The French took 7N.500 prisoners of which 26,660 were "aken at Verdun and 51,840 on the Somme: by the British, 40,500; by the I a'.ians, 52,250: by the Russians. 100,000, and by the Macedonian army, 11.173. It 'i- estimated that the f'-omv's casualties in France in 191 H lot ailed 1,000,000.
EXTEXTE roXFEKEXCE AJi ROME. London, January 5. Mr Lloyd Gco-ire and Lord Milner, v\:h ihc' - olli -i.il advisers, have ar- ■ ived at Home to oartieipatc with the French and Italian Governments in an exchange of viows on the general ■ i nation.
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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 3222, 9 January 1917, Page 5
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1,001War in Europe. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 3222, 9 January 1917, Page 5
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