CHRISTCHUBCH. The quarterly meeting of the Christchurcli Licensing Committee was held at tho Magistrate's Court yesterday; present—Mr S. E. M'Cartiiy (chairman), and Messrs T. C. Ei'eld and Kenneth Mathesou and toe Rev J. Cocker. Sub-Inspector MuiJany appeared for the palico. . A transfer of the license of Storey's Family Hotel from George S. James to W. J, Blake was granted. Mr Cuningham appeared in uupport of the application. Mr Hoban appeared in support of ;\n application for the transfer of the license of tho Empire Motel from Morgan O'Brien to George M. Ryan. The transfer was granted. A transfer of the license of the Excelsior Hole: from Patrick Mahoney to 1 nomas Tansey was granted William Henry Young applied for the transier of th o license of the Eastern Hotel from himself to Alfred William Wells. The application, which Mr Cassidy appeared to support, was granted. An application by D. J. KeJleher (Mr Hoban) for tho renewal of ihe license of the Wellington Hotel, which had been adjourned in ordc-r that certain structural alterations could be made to the hotel, was granted.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17966, 6 December 1918, Page 3
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17966, 6 December 1918, Page 3