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—.—* LEADING EVENTS OF THE CAMPAIGNS. 1914. JUNE 28-Aseaeeination S«r*j«vo ©i Archduke Frauds Ferdinand, of Austria. JULY 28.—Declaration oi war cn Serbia, by Austria-Hungary. AUGUST I—German declaration of war oa Russia. AUGUST B—German declaration of war on France. AUGUST 4—British declaration of war on Germany. AUGUST B—Austria-Hungary declares war 8n Husain, AUGUST 20—Gormans oocupy Brussels, AUGUST 23—Japan*** declaration of war on Germany. AUGUST 36—Naval battle -near Heligoland. Three German cruisers and tv o Gorman dcotroyera sunk. AUGUST 29—German Samoa surrendered to Expeditionary Forco from New Zealand. AUGUST SI —Bussians defeated at Oaterode, Knot Prussia. SEPTEMBER S—Lemberg. oooupied by Bussians. Austrians pouted with enormous losses. SEPTEMBER 7—Germans reaoh ths extrema point of tbeir odvano* in France. Battle of Marne opens. SEPTEMBER ' 10— Bout of the Austrian army in Galicia with losses of 250,000 killed and wounded, 100,000 prisoners, 400 guns and flags and stores. • ... SEPTEMBER 13— Germans -check Allied advance on River Aisne. OCTOBER I—German invasion of Grodno distriot, Russia, chocked. Germans repulsed at Suwalki and Augustovo. OCTOBER 9 Germans oocupy Antwerp. OCTOBER 17—Germans .epulsed irons Wsrsow. OCTOBER 18—Outbreak of rebellion in Orange Free - State teported. De Wet and Bayers lead rsbels. ... OCTOBER 60—Turkey commits hostile acts against Russi®. ' NOVEMBER I—Naval action, of! Chile coast. British cruisers Good Hope and Monmautb sunk; Glasgow damaged. NOVEMBER 9— Sanguinary battle, »» Flanders. Germans repulsed from iprea vrith groa-j slaughter , . NOVEMBER 7 —Surrender of Ki«o-chau. NOVEMBER 16—Second German advanoe to Vistula develops. NOVEMBER 22—British occupy Basra. t DECEMBER 3—Do Wet, Boerrebelieadol, captured. Australian and New Zealand contingents landed in Egypt. DECEMBER 8-Naval engagement near Falkland Islands. German cruisers Soharuhorst, ‘Gnoieonau, Leipsig and Nurnberg sunk. Boer revolt suppressed. DECEMBER 17—Egypt declared British protectorate. Khedive deposed; Prince Huesein nominated Sultan of Egypt. DECEMBER 25—Gorman attack on War* satr fails. 1316. JANUARY 18—Austrian* recapture Oseraowitz. JANUARY 2*—Naval engagement m North Sen. German armoured cruiser Bluches sunk. FEBRUARY 2—Turks advance on hues Canal; repulsed at Tusurn and Ismailia. New Zeaianders iu action. | FEBRUARY 18— Russians defeated in battle in Masurian Lakes district ' FEBRUARY 19—Alii** bombard Dardanelles forts. FEBRUARY SC—Russians beat back G<wmais at Prsasnyss ' MARCH 10—Neuve- Chapalle captured by British. MARCH IS—Allies declare blockade of Germany. MARCH 20—Fall of J’rsemysl. APRIL ,92—Germans open offensive, in Fiandors, using asphyxiating gases. Second battle of Yprea. APRIL 25 —Expeditionary Force at Dardanelles lands. New Zealander* and Australians in action 'on Peninsula of Gallipoli. MAY I—Germans develop attack in Western Galicia. MAY 2—Russian line broken on Biala. MAY 3— Russian retreat in Galioia commence*. ... . , . MAY 7— Sinking of Lusitania; 1100 lives MAY 9—French offensive in Artois open* successfully. MAY 12—Great battle develop* oa San, Galicia. MAY IB— Turks repulsed by Auijtralaeiaiu, Bui Bair front, leaving 2000 dead. . I MAY 23—Italy deolarts war on Austria. I MAY 25 —British Coalition Cabinet an- S nounced. t MAY 29—French capture Ablain St No*}s&ire, | ' JUNE 2—Austro-Gernian force* recapture | Prsemysl. , | JULY B—British occupation of South-West | Africa completed. j. JULY 17—General Russian retreat in [i Northern and Central Poland. \ JULY 29—Crisis develops in Poliuh o struggle. Battles on Narew front and south » of Lublin. Italian* commune* general offencive on Ison no.

AUGUST s—Germans cccupj War* aw. AUGUST 7—British ioioo landed at Suvla Bay, Gallipoli peninsula. AUGUST 19—Novo Georgievsk captured by Germans.. AUGUST 35—Brest Litovsk occupied by Austro-German force*. - SEPTEMBER 18—German* occupy Tils*. SEPTEMBER 25 —British advance between Lans end La Bnsseo, Loos occupied. .idvanoo in Champagno, alter. fierce general engagement. SEPTEMBER 29—Important Briiiel *,dtrance on Tigrii. Knt-el-Amara occupied. OCTOBER. I—Russian* claim to have stopped German advance. OCTOBER -I—Allied ultimatum delivered to Bulgaria, demanding dismissal of Gorman officer* and a definite statement regarding Bulgarian intentions. OCTOBER 6—Allies land troops at Salonika. OCTOBER 6—Germans occupy Belgrade. OCTOBER 11—Bu.garians invade Serbia, NOVEMBER 28—Battle of Ctesiphon. NOVEMBER 24—Heavy Italian, attack on Gorisia. NOVEMBER SO—British retreating front Ctesiphon. DECEMBER 9—Ailiod forces rstreat from southern Serbia. DECEMBER 18—Retirement of Sir, John Frenoh announced. Sir Douglas Haig assumes command of British forces in the field. DECEMBER 18—British, evacuate Anzac and Suvla Bay positions without loss. DECEMBER 25—New Zealanders in brush with Arabs near Afafrtih. western Egypt. DECEMBER 27.—Imperial Government decides to apply principle of compulsion in recruiting unmarried men. 1918. 0 JANUARY S—Evacuation of Cape Hellea bv British, JANUARY 9.—Tovmshend’s force held up at Kut-01-Am&ra on Tigris. British column advancing to relief. Fighting at Sheigh Shad. ■JANUARY 13—Austrian* occupy Cettinje. JANUARY 27.—Military Servieo Bill pawed in House of Lords. JANUARY 30—Germans open aeries of local offensives in Franco and Flanders. FEBRUARY 14—Conc'uaion of close alliance between France and Italy announced. FEBRUARY 15—Russians occupy Erzorum. FEBRUARY 20—Official announcement of completion of conquest of Cameroon#. ' FEBRUARY . 22 —After three weok’* gen-’ oral activity, Germans reveal concentration against Verdun. FEBRUARY., 23 —Germans capture Frsnch trenches north of Verdun. FEBRUARY 24—Great attack against Verdun compels contraction of French front. MARCH B—Russians capture Bitlis. MARCH 3—Fierce battle raging on Verdun front. Germany declares war on Portugal. British invade German East Africa. MARCH 13—Russians open ■ offensive cn Dvina and also on Dniester front. MARCH 20~Aliicd air raid on Zeebrugge. MARCH 26—British raid' on Sohlflewig coast. German, destroyer sunk. MARCH 28—Important -allied war conference in Paris concludes. Austrian attack on Podgora breaks down. . I MARCH 31—Zeppelin raid on East Coast. One Zeppelin brought down. I APRIL I—French contract front west of Meuse. APRIL s—British Budget shows a total war indebtedness of £2,140,000,000, including

£368,000,000 ■ advanced to Allies and Domiit- . ions. APRIL 7—British success ,;n Arusha die-, trict-, East Africa. 1 " " ' . APRIL 9—Great German attack west of Mouse fails. ■ • ■ APRIL 15—At; rocs landing in France. APRIL 17—Greek railways commandeered • for transport of Serbian troops to Salonika* APRIL IS—Russians capture Trcbiacnd. APRIL 21—New recruiting'proposals announced in Great Britain. Russian .force landed at Marseilles. , . ■ APRIL 24—Outbreak of rebellion in Ireland. Rebels scire Dublin Poet, Office and ether buildings. Sir Roger Casement arrested on Wat Coast. APRIL 29—General TWnahccd, after enduring a long eiege at Kut-el-Amara, on the Tigris, surrsnders with 9900 men. MAY I—End of Irish-rebellion. , MAY 4—General Compulsion Bill passe* second reading in House of Commons . MAY 7—Auescs in' their first action in * France. ' * MAY 10—Germans attacking violently on 1 west bank of Meuee at:Verdun. -A../ MAY It—Austrians- open great - offensiva in Trentino. Italian* in retreat: MAY 31—Great naval baitle off Jutland roast. British lose 3 battle cruisers, . 3 ir’'cy oruieen: ttr.o 3 destroyers: German ioeres. 2 battleships, 2 battle, cruisers. 4, cruisers, 9 destroyers and 1 submarine..JUNE 4 —Russian* open great offensive on Lutsk'sector. ■TUNE s —Lord Kitchener drowned in lose - of H.M.S. Hampshire, which struck a mono off the Orkneys. JUNE B—Germans8 —Germans capture Yaux Fort. JUNE S—Russiana occupy Lutsk. 'Allies demand removal of Greek Government and institute blockade of Greek ports. JUNE 10 —Russians capture Buczoos, o» Strypa. Italiftn retreat ended. JUNE 13—Italian Government resign*; _ - JUNE 17—Italian* open l countcr-offeiiriva on ’ Sette Comuni plateau. Greek Government oonoedes Allied demand*. JUNE IS—Russians occupy. Czsrnowitz,, JUNE 21—Gormans fill breach in Anglican ■ line on Lutsk sector. Italian* advancing.-/ a Setto Comuni plateau. Greek Government ; resigns. „„ . r.-.'-.a I JUNE 52—German* capture Thiaurnnr.t Farm and enter Fleury Tillage, on Verdun . front. „ I JUNE .24—Russians claim to. occupy-All ; Bukovina. Austrians in retreat on Itausa frontier. . JUNE 26—Britieh .bombard German Jnr*. JUNE 29—Austrian* defeated east of Kotomen. , . , , JUNE SO—Sir R. Casement sentenced to. death for high treason. , ' y JULY l—Franco-Britiah offensive opens <tn Ancre-Somme sectors, Montauban, Dam--1 piCrre and other villages oaptured. ■ ■ JULY 2—British capture La Boissehe. and Fricourt. Russians occupy Kolomea:. ■ . : I JULY s—Russian. force crossing of Styr, west of Kolki. . ■ I JULY 7—Right Hon. D. Lloyd George »P- , i pointed Secretary for War. ' " >•* . JULY B—Russians advance to lower btoc- ! hod. Frenoh capture Biaches. . . „,. JULY 12—British capture Contalaoison, - JULY 14—British capture Baientin-lo-■ I Grand and outer Longueval. Russian offensive developing in Armenia. , JULY 16—British capture hazentm-is Petit and Oviller*. Rusritna advance southwest of Lutsk. , ~ . ,4 JULY 18—German* counter-attacking ea*» ° ? JULY Si—French capture Berleux,: Ru.saians open now offensive °n “=y®‘" ‘ JULY 25—Australians and Lonflonerj; capture Poziere*. Russians occupy ■ Erztngan, AI JULY 27—Russian* occupy Brody, :n east of Suez Canal. '• N" AUGUST B—Ruestan advance south or bead. , . AUGUST 10—Italians occupy Gonsto, taking 12.000 prisoners. - v - AUGUST 12—Russian* occupy Stanislau. AUGUST 13—Russians occupy Pcdhaytw •nd Mariampol.' ; " -2.AUGUST 14—Russians occupy Zboroff.. AUGUST 16—Russians occupy JahloniGa. AUGUST 20—British cruiser* Nottingham and Falmouth sunk in North Sea. One enemy submarine sunk, another damaged. AUGUST 23—German* Dreadnought:: torpedoed by British submarine. AUGUST 25—French capture Maureens.,. AUGUST 28—Italy declares war on Gerctar.v.. AUGUST 29—Rumania declares war on Austria. AUGUST 31—Austrians abandon southeastern Transvlvania to Rumanian*. ; SEPTEMBER 2-Allie* support on Greece by presence of fleet at Ptrseus. 'y, SEPTEMBER ■ B—Zeppelin brought down by aviator near London. , SEPTEMBER 4—British capture Grnllemont; Ft each capture Clory and Le Forest. Bulgarians under von Maokenien invade the Dobnidja. _ SEPTEMBER s—French take Soyecourt, . Chilly and enter Vermandoviller*. Bulgnr* occupy Tutrakai, on the Danube, SEPTEMBER 9—British occupy Ginchy* French advance west of Meuae. ■SEPTEMBER 1-4—French occupy Bouoh# avosmee. , , ■ ' SEPTEMBER Li-British atom Courc*. latte, Martinpuieh and Flew. Nyw Zealanders distinguish themselves in action. SEPTEMBER 18—French capture Betsy and Yennaiidcvillers. • • ‘ SEPTEMBER 20—Strong German coun-ter-attack north of Somme repttleed ,by French.- ' SEPTEMBER 21—Bulgarian* and Germane defeated in Uobrudja end foroed to retreat. ' , ‘ SEPTEMBER 29—Two Zeppelin* brought down .during raid ott southern England. SEPTEMBER 26—British etorin Morval •nd Lcsbroufs: French take Ranccurt. ./ September 27—aiuos occupy OombUj., British storm Tiiiapv&l and GueudeccuA.

Grcei revolutionary movement, deralopa in | Crete. ! SEPTEMBER 80—Serbian* defeat Bui- , tarians at Kayxnaktchalan. Von Fallenfjayn attacks Roter Turm Pass. OCTOBER I—British capture Eaucourt l’Abbaye. Zeppelins attack London; one brought down at Potter a Bar, . I OCTOBER 2—Heavy fighting m Galicia. OCTOBER 4—French advance east of Morval, capturing guns. British cross Struma in Macedonia, and Serbs and French cross Cerna towards Monastic OCTOBE'R 7—British capture Le Sara. German submarine U 53 raiding off American coast. _ OCTOBER 10-Great Italian success on Carso and, south-east of Gorizia French :apture Bovent. Allied ultimatum de- ( mania surrender of Greek fleet. . OCTOBER 13—Austro-German* invade Rumania by Torzbure Pass. OCTOBER 15—French capture Genermont. OCTOBER 18—Serbs captur* Brod. OCTOBER 21—Assassination of Count Stursrkh, Austrian Premier. OCTOBER 22—Germans and Bulgarian* capture Constanza. ' OCTOBER 24— Important French success at Verdun; village and fort of Douaumont recaptured „ , OCTOBER 26 —Enemy occupies ChernaT °OCTOBER 96—German destroyers raid Channel shipping. Two British and two enemy destroyers sunk. NOVEMBER 2—German* evacuate Fort Yaux. . j NOVEMBER &—ltalian advance on Carso t 0000 prisoners taken. > NOVEMBER capture Salhsel ! village. „ ...... j NOVEMBER 6—Continuous fighting in j Prahova and Alt Valleys. NOVEMBER 14—British capture Bonu-mont-Hamel and St Pierre Divion. Enemy advancing in Alt Valley. ( NOVEMBER 18—Rumanian* retiring In Jiul Valley. NOVEMBER 28—Allies capture Monastir. Enemy advances on Craiova. NOVEMBER 21—Enemy occupies Craiova. 1 NOVEMBER 22—Hospital ship Britannic *unk in iEgean Sea. I NOVEMBER 25—General Austro-German 1 idvance in Western Wallachia. Rumanian* > in retreat. _ . 1 NOVEMBER 28—Zeppelin raid on East Coast of England; two Zeppelins brought comes First Sea Lord of tho Admiralty, bein" succeeded in the command of the Grand Fleet by Sir David Beatty. NOVEMBER 30—Crisis in Greece and Allied troops landed at Piraeus. DECEMBER 2—Cabinet crisis in Great Britain. Allied troop* in Athens treacherously attacked. _ DECEMBER s—Asquith Government reeigns. Mr Lloyd George undertakes to form Administration. ' , DECEMBER 6—Fall of Bucharest. Blockade of Greek coast declared. DECEMBER B—Personnel of new Ministry announced. DECEMBER 12—Central Powers, through neutral States, announce their xeadir is to j make peace. General Joffre hand* over command of Frenoh armies '■> France to General Nivello. British ein Meso- ! potamia. | DECEMBER 16 —Great French advance north of Verdun; Vacherauville, Louve- i mbnt and Bus. nvaux captured: 9000 prisoners taken. Rumanian retreat continues. DECEMBER 19—Mr Lloyd Georg® outline? policy of now Government. DECEMBER 20—President Wilson invites belligerents to state terms on which 1 they would make peace. DECEMBER 21 —El Arish, east of Suez Canal, cap.ured bv British force. DECEMBER 25—British front in France extended to Somme River. December 81—Enemy reache* Soreth line. Rumania. 1917. JANUARY 7—Russian* open series of local attacks west of Riga. JANUARY 9—Anzacs and Cornel Coip, occupy Rafa. British offensive on Anoro sector. JANUARY 11 —Allies, in Note to America, outline their conditions of peace. JANUARY Sl—Gormans announce campaign of untestricted tmbmarino attacks, to commence on February 1. FEBRUARY 3— Diplomatic relations with Germany broken off by United States. FEBRUARY 7— British capture Grandee urt. FEBRUARY 15—Germans succed in local Wttakk in eastern Champagne. FEBRUARY 16—British war loon realise* ever a thousand millions sterling. j FEBRUARY 23—British force passage of, 'Tigris above Kut-el-Amara. FEBRUARY 24—Kut occupied; complete rout of Turk*. FEBRUARY 25—German* in retreat on S’Ancre. FEBRUARY 28—Methodical British operations against Bapaume continue. MARCH 3—Germans retreating from Gomjmeoouit. . MARCH B—French success m Champagne. MARCH 11—Britisn occupy Bagdad. MARCH 12—Revolution in Russia. Czar deposed, and Provisional Government elected. 1 MARCH 17—Germans reLieating on front 1 W 100 miles in France. Bapaume occupied. I MARCH 18—Peronne, Obaulnca and Nosle , Occupied by British. 1 ’ I MARCH 24—Germans fall back to line from south-east of Arras, through Croisilles »nd Havrincourt Wood to St Quentin, La /Fere and Vregnv, north of the Aisne. MAitOti 27—British defeat 20,000 Turks aonth of Gaza, but fail to capture town, i APRIL 3 —Germans capture Russian bridgoJbeed on fetokhod River, taking many pri- 1 APRIL 6—American House of Repiercentar •iive* passes resolution declaring that a state Wf war exists with Germany. ATTR.TTj 7 —British two miles from St QuenSnt opens. Vimy Ridge carried; many viles captured. ... APRIL 10—British advance on Arras trout pontinues. APRIL 11—Front of British . advance .extend* southward*; heavy fighting at BulleLens. , .... APRIL 18— British now advancing on thirtymile front. ...... APRIL 15—German counter-attack failsAPRIL 16—French open offensive along Aisne and in Champo-gne. APRIL 19—French cross Chemin dea Dames, gaining crest of ridge north of Aisr.e. APRIL 20— Destroyer action in Dover f trait- Two cncmv chips sunk. APRIL 23—British resume offer Five m Franco on ten-mile front.’ Satuara, on Tigris, captured. , MAY I—French1 —French advance on sir.-mue front ®»*t of Rheims. Y B—British8 —British attack on twelve-mile front east of Arrts MAY 6—French attack on twenty-mile front north of the Ai3nc. MAY 14— Italians open sttack on Ju.isn mak Carw iiont*.

MAY 15—General Petain becomes Fronch Commander-in-Chief in France, with General Foch Chief of Staff. MAY 16—Major-General Van Deventer appointed to command in East Africa. MAY 17—Italians capture crests of Kuk and Yodice, east of Isonzo. MAY 23 —Important Italian advance between Kostanjevica and the coast. JUNE 7—Capture of Wytschaete ridge; New Zoalandeis capture Mossinos. JUNE 11—Allied coup in Greece; abdication of King Constantine. JUNE 13—Air raid on London. JUNE 15—German peace offer rejected by Russia. JUNE 27 —Russians open offensive on Brzezany sector, Galicia. JULY I—Germans commence attacks north of Aisne. JULY 6—Enemy aeroplanes attack London. Russians attack successfully south of Dniester. JULY 7—Repulse of Germans north of Aisne. JULY 10—Russians oapture Halic*. Local German success north of Nieuport. JULY 14—Political crisis in Germany. Chancellor resigns; Appointment of Michaelis. . JULY 16 —Germans open offensive in Galicia. breaking Russian front. JULY 22—Germans occupy Tarnopol; Russians retreating on wide front. JULY' 31—Great Allied attack on fifteenmile front east and north of Ypres; British advance to dopth of two miles. AUGUST 3— captures Czernowitz. AUGUST 10—British advance cost of Ypres. Austro-German offensive in Ruman a. AUGUST 15—British advanco on Lens sector. Popo's Peace Noto published. AUGUST 16—British occupy Langomarck. AUGUST 19—Italian offensive opens on thirty-mile front along Isonzo, Austrian iotreat on Bainsizza plateau. AUGUST 20—Fronch attack succeods on elovon-mile front north of Verdun. SEPTEMBER 2—Gormans cross Dvina; Russians, evacuate Riga. SEPTEMBER B—Dispute between Kerensky and Kornilov; Kornilov marches on Prirceiad. . SEPTEMBER 13—Failure of Kornilov's revolt. SEPTEMBER 20—British advance oast of Ypres. SEPTEMBER 28—Turks defeated at Ramadie, on Euphrates OCTOBER 4—British advance towards Posachcudaolo ridge; New Zealanders engaged. OCTOBER ' 12—Further British attack stopped by bad weather. OCTOBER 13 —Ge:mana active in Gulf of Riga. OCTOBER 15 —Germans occupy Oesel Island. OCTOBER 18—Five Zeppelins returning from raid on England carried over France, whero four are b/ought down and ono falls in Mediterranean. ■ OCTOBER 23—Important French advance north of Aisne. OCTOBER 24—Austro-German* open offeneivo on Upper Isonzo. Italian front broker,. OCTOBER 25 —Germans retreat to north bank of Arietta. Enemy invade 3 Italy. OCTOBER 27—Italians recreating from Isonzo; enemy ocoupiea Cividaie and Gorizia. OCTOBER 31—British offensive in Palestine; Beeraheba captured. NOVEMBER I—Count von Hertling succeeds Micbaeiis as Gorman Chancellor. NOVEMBER 4—Enemy crosses Tagliamento. NOVEMBER 7—Turks heavily defeated at Gaza, Maximalist coup in Petrograd; Provisional Government ejected. NOVEMBER 9—Enemy occupies Belluno. NOVEMBER 11 —Italians retiro to Piavo line. Allied Conference in Italy decides on unity of control of Allied annies. NOVEMBER 16—Defeat of Kerensky by Bolsheviks. NOVEMBER 17—British oapture Jaffa.. NOVEMBER 21—British advance on wide front towards Cambrai; Hindenburg line broken. NOVEMBER 23—Bolshevik Government in Petrograd seeks armistice. NOVEMBER 28—Germany agrees to armistice on Russian front. NOVEMBER 30—Gormans heavily attack from Yendhuille to La Yacquerie, forcing British retroat on new tront.

DECEMBER 3—British and French reinforcements on 1 iave lino. DECEMBER 4 East Africa declared clear of armed Germans.

DECEMBER 6 British withdraw from Bourlon salient-.

DECEMBER 7 Heavy Austrian offensive opens on Aaiago plateau. Rumania agrees to armistice. United States declare war against Austria. DECEMBER 8 Jerusalem delivered from Turks.

DECEMBER 25—Sir John Jelliooe, First Soa Lord, resigns.

1918. JANUARY 14. New Man Power Bill introduced in Britain; 450,000 men needed for munitions and shipbuilding. JANUARY 20. Goeben and Breßlau emeTge from Dardanelles, Breslau sunk. JANUARY 27.—Bri.ish front extended to point north of St Quentin. FEBRUARY' I.—Announced that American troops aro in battle line, FEBRUARY 16. Sir Henry Wilson succeeds Sir William Roberteon as Chief of the Imperial General Staff. FEBRUARY' 18.—Germans advance against Russians, sweeping disorganised forces aside. FEBRUARY 21.—Gonoral AUenby enter* Jericho. FEBRUARY 26.—Hospital ship Glenart Castle sunk in Bristol Channol, 162 lives lost. MARCH 1. —German attack on Rheims front fails. MARCH 2.—Brest-Litovsk troaty -Signed. MARCH 14.—Germans reach Odessa. Soviets’ Congress st Moscow ratifies peace treaty. , , MARCH IS.—Allies refuse to recognise Brest-Litovsk treaty. Holland agrees to Al.ies’ shipping terms. MARCH 21.—German offensive' between tho Scarpa and the Oise begins. MARCH 22.—Enemy break* through west of St Quentin, claims 16,000 prisoners and 200 guns. Paris shelled by long range gun. MARCH 24.—Fa1l of Peronne and Hum, Bapaume evacuated. MARCH 25.—French in fight. Noyon evacuated. MARCH 26.—British surround Turkish force at Khan Baghadie, on tho Euphrates, taking 3000 prisoners. MARCH 27.—German rush chocked west of Albert aud Monididier. MARCH 28.—Heavy German attack in Scc.rpe valley repulsed. APRIL 4.—Groat Gorman assault on lines defending Amiens repulsed, 20 divisions employed. APRIL s.—British and Japanese marines land at Vladivostok. APRIL 7.—Germans attack between Armentieres and La Bassee, overwhelming Portuguese. APRIL 10.—Offensive spreads to Mesemes ridgo. APRIL 15.—Count Czernin resigns, following revo ation of Emperor Karl's peace overture to France. APRIL 16.—British withdraw east of Ypres, giving un Pasgchendaele ridge. APRIL 17. British withdraw from Meteren and Wvtscliaete. APRIL 18.—Lord Milner War Secretary. Military Servico Bill passed. APRIL 22.—Naval raid blocks Zcebrugge canal oxit, but fails at Ostend. APRIL 25. —Australians retake Villers Bretonneux. APRIL 29.—German attack from Meteren to Voormezaele repulsed with heavy losses German offensive in Flanders definitely s'.onocd, MAY 9. —Ostend entrance blocked. MAY 19. —Arrests in Ireland, Government announcing discovery of pro-Gorman plot. MAY 19.—Big air raid on London, 74 killed, and 316 wounded, Germans enter Sebastopol. MAY 2(. —Germans open offensive on Chemin des Demos front, Allies fall hack. MAY 29.—Germans having crossed Aisne, take, Soi??ons. MAY 31. —Enemy reaches the Marne. JUNE 2.—Bolsheviks o.ccept German proposal to code Murman coast to Finland. JUNE 3.—German drive turns west and is chocked before Villers Cotiorets forest. JUNE 9.—Americans reinforce French cn Marno front. Germans open offensive between Monididier and the Oise. JUNE 10.—Italian torpedo boats sink two Austrian dreadnoughts off coast of Dalmatia. JUNE 12.—Brilliant French attack west of the Matz checks German offensive. JUNE 13.—Austrians open offensive from La "arma Valley to tho sea, cross the Piave, bur fail on mountain front. JUNE 21.—Austrian retreat on Piave front commences. JUNE 4-I.—ltalians regain old linos on JUNE 27.—Hospital ship Llandovery Caatlo torpedoed and sunk. JULY 2. —Germans claim capture ol 191,454 men and 2176 guns since March 21. _ JULY 3.—Announced ihat 1,000,000 Americans have been despatched to Fiance. JULY 4.— President Wilson announcing Allied, war rims says that militarism must be crushed. ... . JULY 7.— ltalians drive Austrians from Piave dolfa. ~ JULY 9.—Allies commence advance in Albania. , . , . JULY 10.—Von Kuh’.monn driven from office by German military party after declaring victory cannot be won on the battlefield. JULY 12.—Allies occupy Murman const. JULY 15.— Gormans commence offensive between Chateau Thierry and Main do Massiges, small progress. Hayti declares war on Germany. . , , , , _ JULY I.— Ex-Czar Nicholas shot by older of Bolsheviks. , , JULY 18. —Allies counter-offensive between Aime and Marne opens successfully. JULY 20.—British retako Meteren village. JULY 21—Germans retreating m Marno salient, Allies captured 400 guns. JULY 22. —Honduras declares war on Preimany. , , . . JULY 25.— Japan agrees to Americas proposals for intervention in Siberia. JULY 26.—Germans abandon Marne front. JULY 29.—Allies enter Fere-en-Tardenois, Germans attack cast of Rheims. Reported that relations between Turkey and Germany are severed. . , AUGUST 2 —Frencn re-enter boisson*. AUGUST 3—German withdrawals on tne *—e and Avre. Hospital ship Warilda 4—Germans retire north of tho

Tttottct 7 —Enemy withdrawal east of Arraenti6res. , „ . ■ L-.UoT B.—Anglo-French offensive in Picardv opens with brilliant success*. Allieu forces "advance in Northern Russia AUGUST 33—Lenin declares war on AUie*. French attack between Aisne and Oise. AUGUST 14—British forcer reported W I—British1 —British attack extends to north of the Ancre. . , , . AUGUST 25—British offensive extends to north of tho Scarpe. ~ • AUGUST 27—Roye taken. Canadians in Hindenburg line. .. AUGUST 29—French take Noyon. - N - f Zealanders take Bapaume. _ AUGUST 30— Enemy retreat in FlaiKters. ■SEPTEMBER 2— English and Canadian* break Drocoivrt-Queant switch line. SEPTEMBER 6 —Enemv abandons esie. British cross Canal du Nord east of CambrsEPTEMBER 32— American offensive flattens St Mihiel salient. M.Otz under hre. SIiIPTEMBER 14—Austria proposes conndential peace discussion. Germany offers Beleimn separate peace. , . SEPTEMBER 15—Allied offensive mMaco- ‘ 'SEPTEMBER 16—President Wilaon reject* Austrian invitation. ' , SEPTEMBER 18— fiance —daqjines Atn trie’s proposal. , . SEPTEMBER 19 —British offensive m Frieriine. Bulgarian defence in Macedonia WoW In Franco, British break- through froi'zfriccl lina. ' • SEPTEMBER 21— Turkish armies m Palestine enveloped. British near Sea, of Galileo. Bulgarians in full retreat m Maco- ° "SEPTEMBER 21— British enter Haifa and WFT>’PE'M'BER 96—British cross Bulgarian frontier. ‘ French offensive in Champagne and American attack weßt of -he Meuse bo 27—Bulgarian peace °ver- ? —Anglo-Belgian offensive in Ftnud°rs. Passehcndnele taken. SEPTEMBER 30-Bulgarian* unconditionally. French enter St Quentin British gains north and oouth >t Since July 15 the Allies have taken 303,000 prisoners end 3660 guns. OCTOBER I—British take Damascus. OCTOBER 3 —Germans abandon Lens and Armentieres. Australians through last me of Hindenburg system. French complete capture of St Quentin. King Ferdinand of Bulgaria abdicates. OCTOBER 4—Prince Maximilian of Baden ’succeeds .Count Hertling as Chancellor. Enpinv retreating in Champagne. OCTOBER s—Prince5 —Prince . Maximilian accepts President Wilson’s peace principles and proposes an armistice. Austria seeks armistice. _ . . OOTOBFR 7—Allies enter Beirut, OCTOBER B—President Wilson puts three questions to Germany regarding Prince Maximilian’s Note. British .take Cambrai. severe enemv defeat before lo Gateau. OCTOBP3R. 10—British enter lo Caleeu. American* advancing north of Verdun. Gorman submarines-sink- passenger boat 9.

OCTOBER 12-Prince Maximilian agrees to conditional evacuation of Franco, states that ho speaks for Germany, and that Germany accepts President Wilson’s| principle*, and that any discussion would bo on details. Germans fall back between Meuse and Bcarpe. OCTOBER 13—French enter Laon and clear Aisne bend. Serbs ro-enter Nish. Rumours of Kaiser’s abdication. OCTOBER 14—rPresid.ent Wilson informs Germany armistice terms must bo left to military commanders, that the enemy * crimos must cease before there can be any talk of peace, and that the overthrow of autocracy is a condition precedent to any peace discussion. Turkey’s peace Note reaches America. Anglo-British offensive in Flanders. , OCTOBER 15—French storm Roulers, and British take Menin. Italians take Durazzo. OCTOBER 16—British take Courtrai, Germans abandon Osiend. - OCTOBER 18—British enter Douai and Lille, and Belgians take Bruges. Germans evacuate Flanders coast. . OCTOBER 19—President Wilson, in reply to Austria, upholds Southern Slavs’ claims. OCTOBER 20-Strong French pressure between tho Oise and Vouziers. OCTOBER 21—Germany in Note to President Wilson denies inhuman aots, suspends submarine war on passenger ships and. G,J},otes constitutional changes to prove that the Government represents the German people. OCTOBER 22—British reach the Scheldt. Growing unrest in Germany and Austria. OCTOBER 23—President Wilson refuses to treat with powers in control of Germany, and states that terms of armistice must preclude all chanco of renewal of hostilities by Germany. OCTOBER 24—Italian offensive opened from tho Brents to the sea. Hungary demands independence. Czecho-Slovak Government proclaimed at Prague. OCTOBER 25—French patrols cross the Danube. Ludendorff resigns. Enemy withdrawing from Serbia, and Montenegro.. OCTOBER 27—Germany asks Allies to make armistice proposals. British enter Aleppo. Italians cross the Piave. OCTOBER 28—Austria asks for armistice. OCTOBER 39—Turkev surrenders. NOVEMBER I—Austrians in full retreat from Italians.

NOVEMBER 2—British take Valenciennes. Serbians re-enter Belgrade. NOVEMBER 4—Austria surrenders. NOVEMBER 6—Gorman armistice envoys arrive in Allied lines.

NOVEMBER B—Envoys /receive Allied -armistice terms, and aro given seventy-two hour.s in which to accept or reject them. German fleet- mutinies. NOVEMBER 9—Kaiser abdicates • and Crown Prince renounces thrones of Germany and Prussia. Revolution in Germany.

NOVEMBER 10—Envoys’ courier reaches German headquarters. NOVEMBER 11—Germany surrenders, hostilities cease.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17946, 13 November 1918, Page 6

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DIARY OF THE WAR. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17946, 13 November 1918, Page 6

DIARY OF THE WAR. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17946, 13 November 1918, Page 6


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