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TENDERS. rpENDERS are invited for the PURCHASE 1 of the following Buildings (for reThe UPPER RICCARTON LIBRARY * BUILDING, situated in Hanson’s Road Also the BUILDING opposite Hanson’s Store . Particulars can be obtained from J. E. Sanson or G. Forsyth, Sno Wito Soap Tenders, close on October 26th with the undersigned. The highest tender not necessarily accepted. t. NEWNHAM, 2917 70, Allan Street. Upper Riccarton. 7TENDERS will be received up to NOON, A Oc ober 29th. for • the undermentioned • SUPPLIES to the Company’s Steamers at Lyi.cton, oommencinp' December Ist next:— MEAT, FISH, POULTRY. VEGETABLES, BREAD AND MILK. ' Vnll particulars on application to the Company’s Offices, Hereford Stroet, and Lyttelton.. \J: UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF : TJFW ZEALAND. LTD. 2380 TENDERS will be received at our Office until 12 noon on TUESDAY, Oct. 22nd, , n . ADDITIONS TO STAFF ROOMS at CHRISTCHURCH HOSPITAL. COLLINS AND HARMAN, 2874 Registered Architeota. JOHN WALLER AND . SONS, LTD., rpIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS. Established 1878. Office and Yards: 167 : 1P9. ’ r UAM STREET. Yards: 210-214, ST ASAPH STREET. . Large and Complete Stocks of Buildera and Farmers’ Requisites. Colonial Timber of every description. Imported Timber, Jarrah, Oregon. Baltio. Redwood, V D.L., Yellow Pine, etc., etc. ' Heavy Stocks of Seasoned Timber in sheds M We pleased to furnish quotation* for Building Material delivered to *nj Railway Station. HARDIE AND THOMSON. LTD., TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS, 1062 Colombo Street, and Sherborne Streol ' North. . LL Kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS L 'kept in stock, including. Builders Hard- .«» v - C Tniuftv»w W/irlf Docut in stocK, mcmuiflK •uuiiuoio ■»> re All kinds'of Joinery Work mode. Doered Town or Country at shortest notice. Phone 2095. insurance companies. TIHCENIX ASSURANCE COMPANY, LTD IT (LONDON), Ib noted fOT PROMPT AND LIBERAL LOSS SETTLEMENTS. Evarv Class of Insurance transacted. TALBOT AND PEOPLES, District Managers. ' 101, Hereford Street. 248 MEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO., \ LIMITED. FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, LIVE STOCK. MOTOR-CAR. TRUSTEES AND EXECUTORS, ATTORNEYS, AGENTS. ;W. L BOLaM, Manager, XJIB 111, Hereford Streak. PROVIDENT LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. POLICIES granted at minimum rates for L ;. Ordinary and Industrial Life Assurance nnuitieß, Endowments, Personal Accident nd Sickness (covering either 50 Diseases or ;LL Sioknesa). , The "Provident" is the only New Zeaind Life Assurance Company ihat has Distinctive system of assurance y which, at older ages a cash saving of ver £1 per cent per annum is effected. > Rates and full particulars from the Christburch Branch, Dominion Buildings, Cntheral Square. % 136 OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LTD. QPECIAL Comprehensive Motor-car PoliO cies at lowest current rates. Also Fire, Accident, Plate Glass, Mortgagee Indammty, end Public Risk Policies. GILBERT E. REEVES, District Manager 172, Hereford Street. ■ % SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. LIRE, Marine, Employers' Liability, Pexl flonal Accident and Sicknoss, Live Stock, Pla*e Glass and Motor-car. TRUSTEES AND EXECUTORS, CHAS. H CROXTON, . Manager. 137, Hereford Street, Christchurch. Xl3B MONEY. N : EW ZEALAND MORTGAGE SECURITY AND TRUSTEE CO.. LTD. Authorised Capital Subscribed Capital £200,000 £64,750 ATTORNEYS AND AGENTS FOR ABSENTEES. £2OOO to lend on First Mortgage in sums of £4OO and upwards. Fixed term or monthly instalments. ' 4 ' EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES. ’ Office—l 43, Hereford Street, Christchurch. 3 ADVANCE MONEY ON YOUR OWN NAME, Also upon all Classes of Security. T 1 C. RAPHAEL, ' 1176, Gloucester Street Posts 1 Address: Box 15, Christchurch. Call or Write. MONEY TO LEND, from £5 upwards, e.i Furniture (without removal) and otfc< t approved Security Repayable easy weekly instalmente. Strictly confidential, L. W. BALKIN'D. 68, Hereford Street. Tel. 2567. X Free* ■jtTONEY TO LEND on Approved itX hold Security at Current Rates. IZARD. LOUGHNAN AND FRYER, IS, Cathedral Square, WE Have TRUST MONEYS TO INVEST on Ist Mortgage, £SOO to £IOOO M DONNELLY AND SON, , Solicitors, 2204 Christchuroh. HAVE MONEY TO LEND on any kind of Security, from £lO upward*. F. D. KESTEVEN, 4D. Chancery Lane. MOTOR SERVICES. piLKINGTON’S ROYAL MAIL MOTORS . Christchurch, Little River, Akaroa. I Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday DAILY SERVICE. Broadway's dep. Akaroa den 2.30 p m. 8.30 a.m. 2.30 p.m. 3.0 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 2.30 p m. 2.30 n.m. 8.30 a.mi 6.45 a.m. 8.30 a.m. 8.30 a.m. 8.30 a.m. BOOKINGS—CHRISTCHURCH: Woodward’s, Toba-conist. 'Phono 2504. Rink'Taxis, Ltd. ’Phones 878, 1838, 1357. Thos. Cook and Son 'Phono 4075. Government Tourist Office. ’Phono 1176. C. W. Hervoy. 'Phone 3175. AKAROA: Pilkingtnn. 'Phono 5. Telegrams: Akaroa. LOVELY AKAROA. MAIL MOTOR SERVICE. ALF. J. READ, Proprietor. lE—MORNING SERVICE, 8.15, Christ, church Depart. Christchurch ChristDepiurt, church Broadway's. Depart. Sav . 8,15 a.m. 2.30 p.m 2.30 p.m. 3.0 p.m. 2.30 p.m 2.30 p.m :uav . a.m 2.30 p.m. o.yu «,**,. E.-MORNING SERVICE 8.15 a.m., Broadway’s Depart Special Trips, Wedding and Picnio Parties arranged priva'ely. LEGRAMS-HEAD, AKAROA LEPHONE-No. G, AKAROA. its can be bonked at THE LIBERTY KSS’OP (close to Liberty Theatre). MS. LTD,, ar-d TOURIST OFTUCE .to Address —Wiilism Street, AKAROA. 8.15 a.m. 8.15 a.m. 8.15 a.m 8.15 a.m. 8.15 a.m Akaroa Depart 8.30 a.m. 8.30 a.m 6.45 a.m. 8.8 ) a.m. 8.30 a.m. 8.30 a.m. TVOF.- ARE EXPERTS AT PACKING, IV* Forwarding and Pantechnicon iVork. EMPIRE EXPRESS CO.. til. A Asaoh Stieot, opposite Boon’s. Select ,no CSi. TTSX
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17925, 19 October 1918, Page 13
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836Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17925, 19 October 1918, Page 13
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Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17925, 19 October 1918, Page 13
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