LARGE GATHERING AT LEESTON. The annual show of the Ellesmere A. and P. Association was held, at Leeston yesterday. The weather was fine and there was a large attendance, all the surrounding districts being excellently represented. The Ellesmere Brass Band provided ah acceptable programme of popular music. For many years past the Ellesmere fixture has proved a fairly reliable guide as to the prospects of Clydesdale horses and Shorthorn cattle at the Christchurch show, and yesterday's effort will probably bo no exception to the rule. Tho visitors yesterday deolared that never in their recollection had they seen the district looking better. The pastures were carrying more grass than the contented-looking stock could feed down, and tho cornfields showed remarkable growth. Some ventured the< opinion that this luxuriant growth was to be deplored, since there was the pos-sibility-of there being too much straw; which would be bound to be badly damaged' latei in the season by the nor'-wos-ters. . . ;, . The entries, although slightly larger in the aggregate titan those catalogued last year, were somewhat disappointing, inasmuch as.the leading sections,, those of horses, cattle and sheep, showed a rather heavy decline, and this notwithstanding tho fact that feed, conditions' in the Ellesmere district are this year immeasurably better than they have been for nt least two seasons. Certainly this inexplinahlo decline cannot bo attributed to the season, which up to thp present has proved admirable in evr-W respect. Th 0 excellent surmort neerrd'n totho utility poultry section emphasised the wisdom of the officio!* in introducing t% innovation last year. It was finite one of the most features of the rompetition. The'Ellesmere Association is the firs* association in New Zealand, it'is stated, to introduce thii particular s c ction nt an agricultural and pastoral show. The entries ex-. ce-Vd all expectations. The judge was <uit''iis'ast"c concerning the n"mber and quality of the eVh'bits. Birds from various pnrts of Canterburv and from r><M--d breeders represented. The Mir of tK? were from th? BUesmere' district, however, and tho keenest interest was shown in the comne'ition. So numerous' were the exhibits that they occupied the space of two largo marouees. The entries in th> leading sections were as follow:—. White Leghorns, 16 males, 23 females; Black Orpingtons 17 and 15; Brown Leghorns, 8 and 12; Silver Wyandottes, 10 and 9; ■ Black Minorcas, .7 and 6 ; Rh-do Island Reds, 8 and 6. White Wyandottes and Anconas were also inchid.d in the section, besides a class for any other purebred variety, and one for Indian Runner ducks. The introduction of the Red Cross Section was an innovation that secured most satisfactory results, and it proved highly popular, the largo marquee in which tho work was displayed being a centre of attraction. The exhibits were of the usual kind associated with Red Cross workj and the display reflected the greatest, credit on the several branches represented; namely, 'ricuthbridge. Doyleston, Leeston. Lakeside, Brooksido, Irwell, and Lincoln. The junior exhibits vied 'with. those of the seniors in point of excellence: The judges had a difficult and lengthy task set them in the work of adjudication and they expressed their admiration of the extent and quality of tho whole Red Cross Section. Tea branches competed in the knitting section, in which there were 130 articles, ments. and ten :in the. mnchine section, n which there were 130 articles. The special prize for'socks' 7 was awarded to the Lincoln Branch, for waistooats to the Leeston Branch, and for capelines to the Southbridge Branch.' Tho following table, shows tho number of entries in tho varous sections, those of the three previous shows being given for purposes of comparison :
Totals (excluding post ' entries) . . 746 731: 1007 1031 The judges were:;—Sheep—Jjongwoo] and cross-bred, Mr VV. Cunningham; shortwool, Mr It, Parry; fat sneep and lambs, Mr F. H. Steel. Dogs—Mr VV. Anderson. Cattle—Shorthorns, Dr St. L H. Gribben; -Jerseys, Mr .George Gould; Ayrshircs, Mr Robert lleui; Friesans, Mr A. S. ElwortUy ; fat cattle, Mr G. F. Robinson. Pigs—Mr James Rowe Horses— Military horses, Colonel Chaffey and Captain R. " M'Cartney; blood stock, hackneys and hunters, Messrs. George Rutherford and J. J. Lewis; carriage horses, Messrs A. Smith and A. W. Rutherford, jun.; cobs and ponies, Messrs A. J. Keith and W. F. Parkinson; draught horses, Section 1, Messrs H. Saunders and W. R. Gawn; draughts, Section 2, Messrs P.' Davidson and J. M'Laughlin. Dairy and domestic produce—Mr J. C. Lord and Mrs Pearson; Junior, Misses E. Washbourno and M'Millan, and Mr T. Irvine. Grain, seeds and roots—Messrs H J. Eowlker and W. J. Moir. Implements—Mr W. M'MiUan. PoultryMr F. C. Brown (Government expert). Red Cross Section—Mrs A. Boyle, Mrs H H Smith PRIZE LIST. The following is the prize list, the number of entries in each class being given in. parentheses: — SHEEP. Border Leicesters.—Kam, over 30 months (")_- j iSixou, 1, special and 2. Earn, under 30 months and over 16 mon.hs (3)—J i\ixon 1 and 2. Ram, under 18 months J. Nixon 1 special and 2, \V. O. ltennie h c- Two rams unaer 18 rnonvhs (3)—J. iNixoa 1, \Y. O. 3. £we, over 3U mourns,. w*th lamb ( o\ J, Nixon,' lj special and 2. Ham, under 30 months and over lo monihs (3)—J. o\ixon 1 and 2. Kam, under 18 months (5J —J. Nixon 1 special and 2, VV. O. Kenmo h u. Iwoxams, unaer 18 months 13)—J. rmon 1, W. 0. Kauiiio 2. Ewe, over 30 monihs, with lamb (2)—J. Nixon 1, special and 8. Ewe, under 30 uionUiß and over IS mon.hs. wi.h iamb (*, —J r«ixon 1 and 2. Ewe, under 18 months (5)—W. O. Renn.o 1 and spec.al, J. i\ixon2 and 3. Two ewes, under 18 months 16) —H. Schneile 1, W. O. Reniuo 2 and. c. Romneys.—Kam, over 18 nuntliß (2>— A. M'iacliian 1. Ram, under IS months (4)— Anaerson Bros. 1, A. M'Lachlan 2, T. H. Overton 3. Ewe, over 18 months, wi.h lamb (5) l' ; H. Overton 1, Anderson Bros. 2 and 3. Ewe, under 18 months (4)—Anderson Bros. 1 and 2.-, Enslisli Leicestors.—Kam, over 18 months (2)—i" Andrew 1, special and 2. Kam, under 18 monihs (2)-l. Andrew 1 and 2. Two rams, under 18 months a)—l. Andrew 1 and special. Ewe, over 30 niomhs. with lamb tf)-I. Andrew l and special and' 2. Ewe, under 30 months and over IS month'a; with lamb (2)—l. Andrew 1 and 2. Ewe under 18 mon.hs (2)—l. Andrew 1 and 2. Two ewes, under 18 months (1)—I. Andrew 1. Southdowns.-Ram, over 30 months (2)-I Androw 1 and soecial. T. W. Brooks 2. Ram, under 30 mon.hs and over 18 months (f!)— J. Brooks 1, I- Andrew 1 and h c. Ram, under 18 months (6)—l. Andrew, 1 special and 2 J.- Brooks h c_. Two rams, under 18 months -(1)-I---Aiidrew 1. Ewe, over. 30 months, with, lamb f.3)-T. W. Brooks i and special, E. H. Howell 2 Ewe under 30 months and over 18 mon.hs, with lamb (5)I Andrews 1, G. M'Bean 2 and h o. Ewe
under 18 months (10)—G. M'Bean 1, special, 2 and h p, -J. Brooks 3. Two ewes, under 18 months (4)—l. Andrew 1, G. M'Bean 2, J. Brook? he. •• • Ryelands.—Ram, over 18 months (2)—T. A. Stephens 1 and special, I. Andrew 2. Rani, under 18 months (2)—l. Andrew 1, T. A. Stephens 2, I. Andrew 2 and ho. Ewe. under 18 months (3)—l. Androw land special. T. A "itephens 2 and c. Shropshires—Ram, over 18 months (1)—I. Andrew 1. Ram, under 18 months (1)—1. Andrew 1. Two rams, under 18 months (1) T Andrew J. Ewe, over 18 months, with lamb (2)—l. Andrew 1, special and 2. Ewe, under 18 months (2)—l. Andrew 1 and 2. Crosabreds—Three ewes, over 18 months, with lambs, any cross other than half-breds (I)—E. G. Hubbard 1. Three ewes, under 18 months, from crose-bred owes, by long-wool-led ram (2)—G. M'Bean 1, D. L. M'Gregor 2 Three ewes, under 18 months, from crossbred ewes, by short-woolled ram (I)—G. M'Bean 1. Fat Sheep.—Three ewes, any breed or cross (I)—F. M'Cormick 1. Three lpng-woolled wethers, over 18 months (2)—F. M'Cormick 1, J. Brooks 2. Three long-woolied wethers, under 18 months (2)-G. M'Bean 1, J. H. Williams 2. ' Throe wethers, from merino exves, by long-woolled rain, over 18 months (2)—W. 0. Ronnie 1 and special, J. Brooks 2. Three wetherß, over 18 months, by Down or Kyeland ram (1)-J. Brooks 1 and speoial. Three wethers, under 18 months, by Down or Ryeland ram (2)-T. A. Stephens 1 and special, J. Brooks 2. Three wethers, suitable for freezing, any shcrt-woollcd cross, live weight not exceeding 130!b (3)-J. Brooks J and special, Ei A. Broughton 2. Three wethers, suitable for freezing, any long-woo.-led cross, live weight not exceeding 1301 b (3V~ G. M'Bean 1 and special, J. H. Williams 3. Two wothers, anv breed or cross, live weight not exceeding 1401 b (3)—J. Brooks 1 and specipl. W. O. Rennio 2. ' Fat lambs.—Three lambs, any short-wool-led breed, for bu*cher's purposes (4)—J. Brooks 1 and special. F. M'Cormick 2, Anderson Bros..h c. Three lambs, any longwoolled breed for freezing purpose, live. weight not exceeding 841 k (I)—F. M'Cormick 1 and special. Three lambs, any shortwoo'led breed, for freexlng purnos»s, live we'ght exceerl : ig at'b (4)—J. Brnoks 1 and special, F. M'Cormick 2. G. H. Burnett h c Five lambs, suitable for freezing (s) ,T. Br-okfl 1 .and special, F. M'Cormick 2, P. V. Bailey he. CATTLE. Shorthorns.—Bull, any age (2)—7. Nixon 1 and snec'al. Yearling . bull (2)—J. Nixon 1 and special, J. C. Chamberlain 2. Bull, under 12 months (8)—"W. B. Cunningham 1 and special, J. Nixon 2 and c. Cow or heifer, in mi"k or in calf f*2)—W. B. Cunningham 1 tind special. Milch cow, any age, judged for milking quali'y (2)—J. C. Chamberlain '1 and special. Cow, any age, in milk or in calf, with two of her progeny (1) —J. C. Chamber'ain 1. Heifer, in milk or In calf (3)—.T. Nixon 1, W. B. Cumr'nghrm 2, A. P. <"'hnmber]a ; n hc. Two year heifer ft)—. J. Niycn 1 a"d special, W. B. Onnine-hnm 2. A. P. ChpmWlam h c. Yearling heifer (4)—J. C. Chsmbe-'lain 1 end 3pecial, J. Nixon 2 and 3. Heifer, under 12 months (2) —J. Nixon 1. J. C. Chamberlain 3. Jerseys.—Year'ing bull tt)—J. Hi Prosser 1. Ihiee-year heifer (I)—J. H. Prosser 1 and special. Ayrdiires.—Two-year bull (I)—Mrs Arch. M'Lachlan 1. ■ Year'in? bull (I)—Mrs Arch. M'Lachlan 1. Milch cow, any. ago, in milk or in calf (2)—Mrs Arch. M'Lach.an 1 and 2. Three-year heifer .(I)—Mrs Arch. M'tachlan 1. Two-year heifer (I)—Mrs Aroh. M'Lachlan 1 Yearling he.for (2)—Mrs. Avch. M'Lachlan 1 and 2. Cow, any age, in milk or in calf, with two of her progeny (1) Mrs Arch M'Lachlan 1.
Friesians.—Bull, any age (2)—R. M'llwraith 1 and special, T. 11. Overton 2. Yearlin?. bull (3)—W. M'Lachlan 1. \V. J. Nairn 2. Caw or heifer, any age (3)—W. M'Lachlan I and special. T. H. Overton 2. Three-yew heifer (3)—W. M'Lachlan 1, W. J. Nairn 2. Two-year heifer (2)—T. \H. Overton 1, W. M'Lachlan 2. Yearling heifer (I)—T. H. Overton 1. Cross-bred.—Milch cow, any ..asp (3)—TV; M'Lachlan 1 and special. D. Millar h c. Milch cow, anv age. in milk, owned by cottager (2)— E. B. Burgess 1 and special, Mrs G. H. Jones 2. Fat Cattle.—Bullock, any age (2)—F. G. Frnmpton 1, sDccial and 2. Three-year bullock (3)—F. G. Framoion 1 and hc. Twoyear steer (2)--F. (t. Frampton 1 and 2. Pair of bullocks (2)—F. G. Frampton 1, special and 2. Ccw, any age (2)—F. G. Frarapton 1 and 2. Three-vear heifer (3)—F. G. Frampton 1 and h c, A. P. Chamberlain 2. Two-year heifer (3)—T. W.' Brooks 1, F. G. Frampton 2 and h 0. HORSES. Military Section.—Horse suitable for recounts, not exceeding 15.3 hands (8) —R. J.. Mason 1 and special, Sowden and Boas 2, Miss A. G. Rich 3. Trcop horse, not exceed. ing 15.3 hands (1) —Sowden nnd Bon? 1, T. H. Overton 2. Maro, most suitable for producing cavalry remounts of 14.3 to 15.2 hands (5) —W.H. Jackman 1 and special, W. J. Lemon 2. Artillery horse, half-draught, up 1o 13.2 hands, to draw on© ton (4)—Allen Bros. 1 and special, W. J. Doyle 2. Transport'; horse, about three-quarter draught, to draw 30ewt (C)—Allen Bros. ". and special, F. H. Ford 2. . B'ood Stock.—Thoroughbred entire (1)-M. Murray's Goldfindor 1. Thoroughbred mare (2)—S. Smith 1. ' . , ... TT Hacknays.—Fifteen stone roadster (s)—lion R. H. Rhodes 1, Sowden and" Boag 2, Mrs Dawson 3. Twelve stone roadster (12)—D. W. Wcstenra 1 and special, R. Wallcce 2, S. A; Jamieson 3. Lady's hack (9)—D- W. Wear tenra 1, Hon R. H. Rhodes 2, Miss A. G. Rich 3, Miss K. Holmes hc. Yearling hack (I)_\V. H. Jackman 1. Brcod mare, in foal or with foal (I)—Mrs Arch. M'Lachlan 1. Carriage Horses.—Etatire (2)—H. W. Kitchingham 1, A. W. L*mon 2. Brood maro, in foal or with foal (I)—W. H. Jackman 1. Dog-cart horse (3)—J. Parlane 1, P. B. Hamoton 2. -Turnout, driven bv ladv (7)—R. J. Mawson 1, P. B. Hampton 2, J. Lloyd 3, Mrs J. Sowden hc. Gi<? horse. 152 hands or under (10}—R, J. Maw'scn 1, P. B. Hampton 2, Sowden and Boag 8, A. Bucklev h c. Spring-cart hoTse (4)—Allen Bros. 1 and ft>ociali J. Sowden 2! Three-year-oM (I)—Mi's K Holmes 1. Ti-dosmvi's turnout (2)—G. Rrdsers 1, T. J. Fmeell 2. • Huntors. —Twelve-s*orie hunter I7)-M"S A. G. Pich 1 and tmeoial, J. L, Henderson 2. Hunter, showim? best r*vle (6)—J. L. Henderson V an< * special, Miss A. G. R ; ch 2. Trotting Horfe°.—Pacer entire (2)—H. W. Kitchingham 1. T. Thnmnson 2. Trotting en'ire <l)— H. W. 1 and special. Three-vear tro'ter ft)—Miss K. Holmes 1. J. Mi'lar 2. Two-yenr-old 'sl—H. Gar-d-ner 1, E. Cunneen 2. Yearling (I)—James Miliar 1. Mare, in foal or with foal (2)—W. Lochhead 1, W. J. Dryi 0 2. Cobs and Ponies.—Pony entire (I)—Gawn Cooper 1. Cob, not exceeding 15 ha,nds (2)— F. U. Frainp.on 1. Twelve stone cob £2}— F. G. Frampton 1 and special. Pony, not exceeding 14 hands (b)—"W. J. Doyle 1 and special, A. 0. Rennie 2. Pcny, not exceeding 13 hands 18)—Lavid and Agnes Scott 1 and special, W. Lochhead 2, E. A. Bioughion 3. tony, not exceeding 12 hands (6)—Miss M. Holmes 1 and special, Alien Bros. 2. Pony, not exceeding 11 hands (3)—Miss M. Holmes 1, Miss Freda M'Bean 2. Mare, not exceeding 12 hands, .in foal or with foal (1) Mrs Arch. M'Lachlan 1. Mare, not exceeding 13 hands, in foal or with foal (2)—G. Cooper 1, l'i H. Overton 2. Pony, not exceeding 14.2 hands, in harness (2j—Mrs A. B. C. Cunningham 1, Miss Dawson 2. Pony, not exceeding 13.2 hands (7) —Miss Ward-Smith 1 and special, F. Chapman 2, Mrs J. Sowden 3. Pony, 14 hands or under, showing best stylo over jumps (4)—Mrs J. H. Kelson 1 and special, F. M'Cormick 2. Draughts.—Entire . (4) —J. Boag*s Black Douglas 1, special and champion, H. ■S. S. Kyle's Scotland Starup 2, D. M'Cluro's Bonnie Dunkeld 3. Three-year entire (1) —E. Hail's Warspito Douglas 1, special and reserve chr.mpiou, Four-year gelding (3) — A. M'Lachlan 1, special and 2. Three-year gelding (1) —Arch M'Lachlan 1. Pair geldings (I)—Arch. M'Lachlan 1. Two-year entire (5) —E. E. Jenkins 1 and special, D. Millar 2. Yearling colt (2)—H. E. B. Watson 1 and special, T. E Boyle- 2. Entire, with two of his p-'ogeny (I)—Joan Boag J. Group of three, the progeny property of one owner (I)—E. E. Jenkins 1. Mare, in foal or with foal (2)—H. E. B. Watson 1. special, champion and 2. Dry mare, four years or over (2)—H. E. B. Watson 1, special and reserve champion, E. E. Jenkins 2 Tbree-yesr filly (4) —E. E. Jenkins 1 and special, H. E. B. Wafson 2, M'Lachlan Bros, h c. Pair mares (3 I )—H. E. B. Watson 1 ana special, E. E. Jenkins 2. Two-year filly (3) —E. E. Jenkinn 1 and epecial, D. Hanmton 2, G. M'Clure 3. Yearling filly <6)-iE'. E. Jenkins 1 and special, J. D. Wills 2, E. Hall 3 and h c. Mare, with two of her progeny (])—E. E. Jenkins 1. Two-horso team (1) G. H. Gilbert 1. Three-horse team (2) —A. M'Lachlnn 1. G. H. Gi'bert 2. Four-horse team (I)—G. H. GilVrt' 1. Spring dray horse (3)—J. Carr 1, W. J. Doyle 3. Lorry horse (1) —Arch. M'Lachlan 1. Comneti+ions. —Girl rider, under 12 yearsMiss M. Holmes 1. Girl rider, over 12 and under 14 vears —Miss Emma Ward-Smith and Miss L. Doyle fecuall 1. Boy rider, under 12 years—Robin Lochhead 1. Boy rider, over 12 and under 14 years—-C. J. Jackman 1. PIGS.
Berkshires.—Boar, any ago (2)- R. Johnston 1 and special, G. 'H. Barno.t 2. Boar, unddr eight months (2) —G. H. Burnett I ard 2. Sow, any age (I)—G. H. Barnett 1 and special. Sow, with litter (1) —G. 11. Bsrnttl 1. Sow, under 14 months (3)—G. T J. Larnett 1 and 2. Sow, under oight months (3V- G. H. Harnett 1 and 2. Other Breedß.—Breeding bow, any Ineed, with litter (1)—-G. H. Barnett 1 and siicial. Cross-bred sow, with litter (1) —G. H. Barnett 1. Three fat pigs (I)—G. H. Barnett 1 and special.' Three rjorkors (I)—A. Brown 1. POULTRY, Leghorns.—Brown cock (8) —R. Gilbert 1 aind special, G. H. Barnett 2, V. Bedwell 3, B. Prosser h o and c. Brown hen (12) — v.-Bedwell 1, special and h c, T. E. Conway 2 and 3, A. Robb c. White cock (16)—X. E. Conway 1 and special, J, Boswall 2, V. J.
Hill 3 and h c. White hen (23)—V. J. Hill 1. special and 2, L. H. Booth 3. T. E. Conway h c, E. Prosser o. Minorcas.—Black cock (7)—D. Welsh 1, E. Prosser 2, A. Whale 3. Black hen (B)—P. E. Sprosen 1 and special, E. Prosser 2 and 3. M. Donohue h o. Orpingtons.—Black cock (17)—T. E. Conway 1 and special, W. R. Sprosen 2, E. Prosser 3, J. Boswell h c. J. Penrose c. Black hen (15)—W. R. Sprosen 1 and special, T. E. Con. wav 2 and c, E. Prosser 3 and h c. Wyandottes—Silver cock (10)—T. E. Conway 1. special and 3, E. J. Ross 2, M. Donohue h c. Silver hen (9)—T. E. Conway 1 and 2, M. Donohue 3. E. J. Ross h c. White cock (2)—M. Donohue 1 and epecial. White hen (3)—M. Donohue 1, A. Robb 2 and 3. Rhode Island Reds.—Cock (B)—T. E. Connnd 2, M. Donohue h c, W. H. Stephens M. Donohue c. Hen (6)-rT.. E. Conway 1 and 2, M. DRonohue h c, W. H. Stephens ho. Anconas.—Cook (3)—R. Pearce. 1. T. Wade 2. V. Bedwell h c. Hen (5)—T. Wade 1 and he, R. Pearco 2 and o. Any Purebred Variety.—Cook (B)—E. G. Hubbard 1, M. Donohue 2, Master W. Doyle 3 Hen (13)—R. Pearoe 1, Master W. Doyle 3. D. Welsh he. Others.—Pair bantams (3)—Mrs H. Schnello 1 and 2. Pair pigeons (2)—J. Benny jun. I and 2. Ducks.—lndian Runner drake (6)—Mrs W. O. Rennie 1, A. G. Fincham 2, D. Welsh c. Indian Runner duck (5)—J. Boswell 1 and 2; Master F. P. Reid c, Mrs W. O. Rennie c; Pair, any other variety (4)—J.. Boswell 1, Mrs J. Rowell 2 and c, G. Aitcheson c. DOGS. Long-haired sheep dog (14)—Cecil Gilbert 1 and special, G. Mu Lochhead 2, H. Jackson 3, W. H. Millar he, J. L. Carter c. Sho<t-hnred sheep dog (11)—A. M'Pherson 1 and epecial, T. B. Howsoa 2, J. S. In wood 3. S. M. Jackman h c, F. Rowell o. Bearded Bhocp dog (3)—P. B. Hampton -1, J. Pawßon 2, G. M. Lochhead h c; Kelpie (9)—R. J. Gilbert 1, G. Tatterson 2 and 3,, S. Hmtz h c, F. F. Frampton o. Long-haired cattle) dog R. .Barker 1 and special, Miss Hettio Sutton 1, J. Southen h o Shorthaired ca-Ule dog (s)—-W. J. Lemon 1 and special,'' Hiss Maggie Chris+ey 2, F. Gilbert 3, T. B. Howson, jun, c. Fox Terrier (2)—Miss Lily Griffiths 1, Miss K. Aitkin 2. Iri»h Terrier (2)—J. M'Donald 1. R. Robertson 2. Poodle or net d'ogr (5) —Master Clive P. Bryco 1, Rev Father.Hoare 2, Mi's F. Hny 3. Spanjel (2)—V. J. HiU I, F. 1 Merrin,, jun. 2. DAIRY AND DOMESTIC PRODUCE. Bacon ham (2)—Mrs Tod 1. Mrs Arch. M'Lachlan 2, Salted butter, for tabie use (3)—Mrs J. Fleming 1 and special, Mts J. Fleming 2. Ornamental butver (1) —Mrs J. Fleming 1. Home-made bread (5) —Mrs 8. Weavers 1, special and h c, Mrs Briszel 2. Wholemeal home-made bread (2)—Mrs S. Weavers I and special, Mrs F. Merrin. jun. 2. Baker's bread (21—F. T. Johnson 1 and special. Nelson and Whitwortb 2. Scones (31—Mrs S. Weavers 1, Miss E. Aitken 2. Girdle scones (2)—Mrs S. Weavers 1, Mrs F. Merrin jun. 2. Home-made oa'caka (3)—Mrs S Weavers 1. special and 2. Home-made plain biscuits (4)—Mrs S. Weavers 1, Miss M. Tod 2, Miss Ida Millar 3 Mrs F. Merrin jun. b
c. Home-made fancv or ornamental biscuits (I)—Mrs E. H. Rowel! 1 and special. Plain cake, no fruit (s)—Miss M. Tod 1, Miss W. Lowerv 2. Home-made rich cake (7)—Miss M. To'd 1 and saocial. Miss W. Lowerv 2, Mrs H. Schnclle Z~. Home-made sponge cake (3)— Miss M. Tod 1, Miss W. Lowery 2, Mrs H. Schnelle h c. Pastry (6)—Mrs J. Fleming 1 Miss Olive Baker 2, Mrs S. Weavers 3, Mrs H. T. Baker h o. Plum pudding (3)—Mrs E. H. Rowell 1, Mrs H. E. Chapman 2, Mrs H. Schnclle h c. Homemade jams (3)—Mrs H Schnelle 1 and h c, Mrs E. H. Rowell 2. Home-made jellies (2)— Mrs H. Schne'le 1 and 2. Orange mannalade f2)—Mr3 H. Schnelle 1, Mrs Tod 2. Home-made preserved fruits (3)—Mrs H. y Schnelle 1 an:! 2. Home-made pickles (2)— Mr* H. 1 and 2. Toma'o. sauce (3) —Mrs E. H. Rowell 1 Mrs H. Schnelle 2. Extracted honev (3)—\Y. L. Donald 1. J. T. Pull 2. Granulated heney OV-J. T. Bull 1. Fowls' e?gs (1)~ V. J. Hill 1, Mara A. M'Lachlan 2, Mrs F. Merrin jun. 3. Ducks e?ps (3)—Miss A.. Statileton 1, Miss O. Prosser 2. Home-made wine (2)—Mrs H. Schnelle 1. spe"ial and 2. Home-made gooseberry wine (2)—Mrs. H. Schnclle 1. special and 2. cord'als and summer drinks (2)— Mrs H. Schnelle 1, special and 2. i JUNIOR SECTION. I Penmanship.—Standards 1 end 3 (15)— Evelyn Donald 1, Winifred Heslop 2, IreneWinchester 3. Standard 3 and 4 (11)— F. N. Gibert 1, Duncan M'Clure 2, Christina P. ' M'Ciure 3. Standards 5 and 6 (21)—M. Brown 1, Mary M'Cabe 2, Mary M'Vinnio 3. Plasticine work Barnett I, F. M. Gilbert 2. Nina Schnelle h .c. .School carton work (9)—R. Burgess 1, Jack Pickering 2, G. A. Boyd 3. Drawing, map of South Island (6)—Winifred Johnston 1, -K. Holley 3, Mary M'Vinnie h c. An open umbrella (5)—R. Austin 1, M. Brown 2, Mary M Vinnie h c. Pastel drawincr (6)—R. Stnns-er 1, D. Ramsav 2. Mary M'Vinnie h o. Brush drawin? (3)— Mary M'Vinnie 1, D. Ramsay 2. Cookery classes, pir's under 15 years,—r Plain scones (4)-K Holley 1, A-,-Mi."aT % Plain cake (21— Hay 1, Mary Picfc. erin" 2. Fruit cake (11—Roee*+a Hay 1. Snonge sandwich (s)—Rosetta Hay 1, Mary Pickernr 2, Phillis Cooper h o> Pikelets (3)—Rosetta Hay 1, Stella Schnelle 2. Girls under 18 years.—Da*e scones (3>—Beatrice Rob'on 1, Hazel M'Lachlan 2. Plain cake (21—Emma Tod 1, Elsie Burgess 2. Fruit cake (I)—Elsie Bu-sesa 1. Sponge sand■wxh (41—Nellie M'Murrav 1, Ernma Tod 2, Srzel M'T.ach!.™ h o. Sewine, etc.r-Patch-in„. Miller 1, Maud Johns'on 2. Dawrng (21—Ella M'Tar 1. Mrvud Johns'on 2. Buttonhole (2)—Elsie Burgess 1, Ella Millar 2. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Winter wheat (2)—Mrs A. M'Lachlan 1, • F. Rowell 2. Hunter's wheat A. M'Lachlan 1, F. Rowell 2. Spring wheat (3) —F. Rowell 1 and speoial, W. O. Rennie 2. Short oats (3)—A. M'Pherson 1 and special, F. Rowell 2. Long oats (D—A. M'Pherson 1. Malting barley (I)—F. Rowell 1. Field peas (5)—W. L. Donald 1, Mrs H. Schnelle 2. Perennial ryegrass (2)—W. 0. Rennie 1 and special, A. M'Pherson 2. Italian ryegrass (4)—B. R. Howson 1, M'Lachlan Bros. 3. Western wolds (1)—B. B» Howsoij 1.
Cocksfoot (3)—W. O. Rfcnnla 1. Roller fiou* (I)—G. Heslop 1. Whole • wlwat ■ m«*l <2)— Q. Heslop 1, Mrs A. M'Lachlan 3. POTATOES AND BOOM. Bine potatoes (4)—H. H. Kimber 1 and special, D.'-L. M'Gregor 2. ; White potatoes (10)—A. M'Pherson 1, D. L. WGregor 3,,T. S. Innes 3. Early potatoes (*) — Mis H. Schnelle 1, A. Brown 3. Yellow mangels 15) —Mrs H. Schnelle I;\,H. H. Kimher 3. Red mangels (3V-John Doyle jun. 1, John Chambers 3. Heaviest mangel* (I)—Mrs H. Schnelle 1. Ried carrots (I)—M. Dugan 1. White or yellow carrots {2)— l. Spanc* I and .3. .'••. ■>■-,. •; .'" I' ."IMPLEMENTS. "' Spring flray n d:-] : -] Button t, G-i g (2)—Freeman and Co. 1 and 2. Dray harness. (2)— F. B. Clattsen :1 and 2. Gia harness (2)—F. Bw Clausah 1 and 3. RED CT,O§SSECTI'OIT, ; Adult.—Colleotion knitted articles v (ll)-« Lincoln Branch 1 and flpepial, Leestpn Branch 3, Brookside Branch 8. Machine articles (11)—Brookside Branch 1 and epecial, Southbriogs Branch 3, Lakeside end Leeston ! (equal) 8. " . . .... .'■->'"" 1 Junior.— Standard T 08)--Doreen M'Cab« X, Beryl Reid 3, Nancy Brooks 8. Standard (6)—Gwin Henderson 1. 1 Bebecea Boswell 2, Patricia Smith 8. Standard IH. (8) Sophia Ramsay 1, Dorothy .Winchester 2, Mira Brooks 8. Standard TV. (7>T-Alm« Jackman -1, Gertrude M'Conoc.hey 2. Gille*. Campbell & Standards V., ;and VI. (8HGrace Ramsay' I,'"Hilda* Sobsm 3, Daphni Buckley 8.. Boys under twelve,years (81— Alfred Page 1, George Houston' 2. Donald Russell 8. Boys over iwelve years (B)—Wi'li« Campbell X, Francis P. Reid 3, Sidney Bar> nett 8.
1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. Hordes , •.■'••' » 231 255 237 201 Cattle ',. . . » 78 84 125 71 Sheep i V- . • 144 111 168 137 Pigs .""'•• • Poultry . • «■ ■ ,« 13 .63-'- : 84 22 125 ' 16 : 200 Dcgs . • • • Dairy produce, i oto. 41.. ■ 77... , .61 82 ..44. 117 67 88 Junior section 62.. 52' 134 112 Grain, roots and seeds 14 28 29 64 ImplomentB' ■' 16 19 6 7 Vehicles and harness . 4 8 — — Senior Red Cross • rr. ' — •t22 Junior Red Cross — — — 66
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17614, 19 October 1917, Page 8
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4,377ELLESMERE SHOW. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17614, 19 October 1917, Page 8
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