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+ [FttOM OtJE CoRKKSrONDEJfTS.J SEFTON. The first anniversary eocial in connection wi:h the Sef'.on Methodist Sunday School waß hold in the Methodist Church on Ihursday evening, the Rev J. B. Clark, of Woodend, presiding. The report, read by Mr Gri'fflthf;, was of a very encouraging nature, showing that the number on the roll had increased from elovon to thirtj'-two. Anthems were contr.butod by the children and the members of the church choir. Recitations were given by Aubsc& Partridge and M. Thorne and Masters Ormo and Quick, a reacting by Mr Tuornc, and a sacred sony by die Rev J. Guy. Addresses were delivered by the Rev J. R. Clark and the Rev J. Guy. KAIKOTJRA. Operations at the Knikoura Dairy Factory havo opened satisfactorily tins season, 'iwo vats are already required to copo with the mu'k tuppiy, and a third is likely to bo reyu.sitioned soon lioisterous weather was experienced on "Wednesday ted Thursday. A heavy westerly gale was followed by a sou'-wester with snow on the ranges. Appeals made in Kaikoura on behalf of tho Red Cross Funds aro never in vain. This week's function was associated with a. launching ceremony at Umihi, some tweivo miles or co south of Kaikoura, when nearly £U ciimo from uales of raireahmcnts and flowers. Tho. vessel launched wus the property of Mr E. W Harris, Tnrakanui, and was a launch built by the owner and Mr James Mauhews. She is 25 iott overall, Cft 6in beam, carvel buiit, on American V-type linos, with kauri planking, and equipped with a Fulton 8-10 h.p. twiueyiiader engine. Tho ceremony was perlormcd by "The Qucon ot Kaikoura" (Mrs A. J Marshall), in or:hodox fashion, tho vessel boiup; called Aravri," after the headland soulh-cast of tho little ship's "peri of registration." LisrcoLN. An interesting event took place at the Baptist Church on Thursday, tho occasion being tho celebration of the golden wedding of Pas'or Prott and Mrs Pratt and aleo the silver wedding of their and: son-in-law, Mr and Mrs M'Caffrey. A number of fronds of both eoup:ce were cntenained at afternoon tea, when umgrstulatory,, speeches' were made bj Messrs 1. Andrew'' and J. Buxton,, and by Miss Driver on bohalf of the friends in the Homeland, and were replied to by Messrs Pratt and M'Caffrey. Vocal and instrumental items wore given by the • family. In tho. evening the guests gathered ct the Manse, whtro a pknsaat evening was spent. MILFORD. One of the hoaviest seas known for many years was experienced at Miiford on Fr--day The r.ea come over the road, and into several paddocks adjoining tho kgoon. Only two boats remained at anchor in the lagoon, tho remainder being washed on to the banks of tho Is goon CUST. Tho Christchurch Rovers' Concert Company recently joun eyed to Cust and gave a concert in aid of tho Red Cross Fund. There was a Vcrv large audience, and tho fund should benefit to the extent' of about £ll. Tho Belgian appeal , song, suug by Miss Gwyn Mcrriman, brought in £1 Bs. At tho conclusion the president (Mr M. J. Dixon) thankod the company ror the enjoyablo programme hubmittcd. METHVEN. The Violet Day, he.'<t by tho Rod' Cross Indies at Mcthven on Thursday, was a pronounced success. During ihc day an decorated basket, donated by Mrs A. Adams, was offered at auction bv Mr JI. Green, and realised £3 17e 6d. The ladie3 wore greatly assised in their efforts by a donation of violota and narcissi sent by Colonel IX. 11. Rhodes, M.P. If is expected :hat the sum of £3O will be added to the Red Cr>ss Funds as a result of the efforts. Tho Methven branch of the Red Cross Socie'y, althcugh paying out between £3O arid £4O every month, has a credit balance of nearly £9OO. During the afternoon tho Lady Liverpool Society held « sift af'erroon, a larj? number of gifts were sent forward. TRVPLETOW. Tho Tcmplcton Hall was well filled at each of tho three services on Sunday last, when th.-t Methodist Sunday sohco". celebrated its anniversary services. The Rav W. B. Scott conducted tho singing. The children ana choiT acquitted themselves well. The offerings for the day totalled £6 12s. In conjunction with the anniversary, a pale of work and flower show was held on Thursday. There was a good attendance, and the sum of £4O wa« obtained. The amount will be devo'ed to the enlargement of the local .Methodist Church. LEESTON. Mr "W. F. M. Buckley haG consented to jtidgo tho Clydesdale horses at tho Ellesmere Agricultural and Pastoral Association's annual horse parade, to be, held at Leeston on September 29. Mr W. H. Jamieson recently .sold 128 acres of land near Leeston to Mr W. Johnston, of Leeston, at £47 per acre. GLENTUNNEL. The Loyal Coleridge Lodge mot on Tuesday. P.G. Brother H. Luke, N.G., pres.ding over a small attendance. The secrotarj reported that thirty-two members had enlisted for tho front. P.G. Brother R. Longstaff, who leaves for camp with the Twentyfirst Reinforcements forwarded his resigna. tion as sick visitor, auditor and elect secretary. His resignation was accepted and wishes were expressed for a safo return. P.G. Brother Luke was appointed sick visitor, P.O. Brother E. Charles auditor, and P.G. Brother Ledgard elect secietary. SOUTHBRIDOE. At tho welcome homo social held at Southbridge on Thuruday evening. Colonel It. H Rhodes was asked to present a. medal won by a • Beholar of the secondary department of the Soiuhbridgo Datrict High School last v?nr. Th; inscription on the modal was:— | •• George Pollock, H years and 3 months, ; matriculation nnd senior national scholar- j ship." Tho recipient spent only two years in tho secondary department and to have : passed these examinations at such an early ago is a. highly mentcrious achievement. Colonel Rhodes warmly congratulated tho'lad and expressed the hope that ho would pursue his studies with vigour and determination in' the future. Tho recipient was loudly cheered. . . The biennial election of commissioners to serve es the Southbridg-e Town Board will tuko place nest "Wednesday. ' Ten candidates have been nominated, but only seven members are required to tho beard. The candidates are Messrs E.. G Hubbard. R. Harvey, R. A. Maw, C. H. Piper (all members of tho present board). A. A. Appleton, J. S. Chapman, John F. Free, ~\Y. G. M'Canskind and H. J. Sutton and Dr T. J. Withers. Very bich seas have been running cjn the .Ninety Mile Beach lately, causing the Rakaia mouth to become blocked up. The river mouth has been blocked on throe occasions duriug the last month or two, and naoh time the water has mado a fresh outlet to tho sea opposite what is known as Humphrey's farm NORTH LOBURN. On Friday evening a concert and dance were hold in the North Loburn Public Hall to mark the reopening of iho hall after the transfer of its conirol from the Foresters' Court to n local committee. Mr John S.r Iliatt, chairman of tho committee, presided ' over a large attendance. The concert consisted of musical items by Mosdamcs Mooney and Campbell, Misses Ada Joyce, Parsons and Young (?). and Messrs T. Joyce, Myer%

Wheeler, Taylor and" Loffhagen. Tho school childron gave very successfully a dramatic sketch entitled '"Billy Tea." Tho chairman look tho opportunity of eta'ing the stops , to the acquirement of the hall by the residents, a~d stated that tho unpaid balatirc of purchase money was now under £25. He felt snre the hnl! had now Ftartfd on a new of much U'rfnlrcss for *hc district. He heartily thanked the visiting p*rformsrs. After the e<i"C"rt a oanre whs en,i"vod irMil t'-e earlv hours, Mi c s Joyce ar-d Mc*rs it Fitzgibboa and T. Joyce providing the miißic. DOYTiESTON. A trial of an improved cloTcr sheller was held by Messrs A. Werner and Co., Ltd., during the week, in a paddock adjacent to' fhi*:r engineering works at , Doyleßton, in the presence of a good number of threshing machine owners, including several from Pleasant Point and Tomtika. Satisfaction was expressed' with the work dor*. CHEVIOT. A chess telegraph match' botween a Cheviot team aud tho Christchnrch B team has been arranged for September 23 and September SO. The following will play for Cheviot in the order named:—Mr F. R. Holtpn, Saunders, Messrs J. Rentoul, O. Chapman, C. Wostropp. J. Pan ana and L. Gibson. Mr S Wilkinson will umpire for Christchurch and Messrs Arlow and Shilton will act as scrutineers. WAIPARI. Tho work of tho new school at Waipara ha* now commanceu. The position of tho scuooi sue has. mado matters very awkward in getting timber on the section, there being no roadway into these sections over tho Chevioi rai.way line. The question of putting in a level crossing over the railway line has been held up, but the Rai.way Department is now proceeding with tho work, which will bo ready beforo very long. The oltcrations to ths "railway station, which include private .letter-boxes and train- tablet instruments, ere complete. A social in aid of the Waipara Red Cross branch was held in Mr J. C. T. Baker's shed on Friday evening, tho building bein? crowded. Tho success wus duo to tho Ladies' Red Cross Committee. During tho evening songs and reoitntiors wcro Riven, and dancing was indulged in till the early hours of the morning. A cake given by Miss Cameron tor a fn.>o=sinir competi'ion secured a good sum. Thf condi'ions wero to guess on* of the inrrcdiento in the cake which is u?ed daily. Thii brought forth sM k r nds of answers. Only t'To rernon? '-tie'se'l correctly, " wa*er," halved fbe mV». M" King ?sve a caek of >WKat„ *fVoh ro'rl during the evening helped to swell tho fv.nds. T< T? T.T'A C !T. The Belfast Social end Athletic Club's hockey team finished, its season on Saturday afternoon, when a gamo was played with the schoo' gt'i3. Tho men wore dressed as women, and wcro arm"d with all ror's of antiquated trick*. During the afternoon o collection was taken no in •aid of'the local Cross branch, and with 'ho helo of a mock court, instituted by Mcrrs J. Johr>s and F. C'e.rk. the »nm of £5 was 'atan. The game f-tH ii a d-nw, fonr ?ot's eneli. <ho femlt bei-<r du-> tf> Mr J. Po1*o"'« sVi' l is T"feroe. Mr Chrk made a" ■ MTt to *nv e'ub to j. T ; n „ ft r -VVet 'cm r.nt from Chr ? "»'*rmrcn. Ih» nTr>re<"l= to »" fivsn the Ct™ b"nn"h.. TV mnf<-h will probably be arranged for next Saturday. ASHBT7PTOX. Thero was a very largo attendance at'-.w* Cafs Chan! ant in Bullock's Arcade, Asnburton, on Saturday afternoon, it. aid of tho Wounded Soldiers and Red Cross Funds, and good business was done at tho stills, side-shows and tea rooms. The promoters are a ; ming at raising a total of £IOOO, to be divided between .the' two funds, end it is probable tha.i a children's .afternoon will be fc.-»ld to-day. During Friday evening music was provided by tho Eighth (Sciith Canterbury) Regimental Band, under tho cenductcrship of Bandmaster S. B. Dennis. Ths takings »t the stalls and admission throughout Friday totalled a little over £2OO. RAKAIA. The Ralvia branch of tho W.C.T.TJ met en Thursday. Mis Boair was in the chair, ■and tho attendance was good. / Mrs Breach spoke of tho Cradle Roll, atnl Mrs Boa" read two pn.perß, ono dealing with the lo<ri=lation in rorard to ehoutinrr. and the other with six o'clock closing. Mrs H. Hopwood was elected secretary, and Mrs Judkins treasurer. Many "White Ribbon" badges wotc 50.5, and four new members were elected. The quar'.erry meeting of the Loyal Rakaia Lodge, M.D., 1.0.0. F., was held on Tuesday overling. Tho Ktterdcnce ■, was much largeT than usual and N.G. Brother M'Kie presided. Brother A. J. M'Oallnm, tho lodge repropentative en the Friendly Societies'-As-sociation, -wToto,' drawing attention to the necessity for members to follow the correct procedure when taking advnniago of tho hospital scheme. It wa3 decided to writo thanking Brother M'Oallnm for the information ho ted givon. Brother G. H. Smith made a report of the work done at the recent Rflkaia Friondly Societies' Conference, It was agTeed to write to tho district conesponding "secretary with reference to several points in connection with the war levy to defray contributions of membors away on active service. Tins receipts for the evening were £lO 0s 2d, and tho expondituro Ss Gd. STATELET. Tho new cbec"> factorv at Staveley is now nearins comblclion. and tho plant, which is of the latest", will be at once.installed, _ Mt Ja*. Walker, who has been appointed to tck« chsrw. comes with hiffh credentials, having obtained the grade championship for cheese last year.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17276, 18 September 1916, Page 9

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COUNTRY NEWS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17276, 18 September 1916, Page 9

COUNTRY NEWS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17276, 18 September 1916, Page 9


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