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amusements, etc. THE BOX PLANS t/V'ILL bo OPENED at MILNER and THOMPSON’S AT 9 O’CLOCK THIS MORNING For the TEN NIGHTS’ SEASON Of J. C. WILLIAMSON’S NEW COMIC OPERA COMPANY. During which tho following MAGNIFICENT MUSICAL PLAYS Will bo presented: MONDAY NIGHT NEXT, 3 Nights Only, "THE COUNT OF LUXEMBOURG,” THURSDAY NIGHT NEXT, 8 Nights Only, “ AUTUMN MANOEUVRES.” MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 2 Nights Only, “THE ARCADIANS.”WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, “THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER.” PRICES AS USUAL. Plans for Season will be opened this Morning. QUEEN’S THEATRE. HEREFORD STREET. Continuous Pictures Daily, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. ADULTS Gd. CHILDREN 3d. TO-DAY—FRIDAY—TO-NIGHT. EXTRA SPECIAL PROGRAMME, EXTRA SPECIAL PROGRAMME, EXTRA SPECIAL PROGRAMME, EXTRA SPECIAL PROGRAMME, Headed by a Veritable " Top-notchcr,” “AISSA’S DREAM! A'ISSA’S DREAM!” “AISSA’S DREAM!’.’ “AISSA’S DREAM!” “AISSA’S DREAM!” “ AISSA’S DREAM!” “AISSA’S DREAM! “AISSA’S DREAM! A sensational story of a lion tamer’s roman re. Appealing! Grand I Realistic! Thrilling! Introducing scenes of great daring in a den of lions, in which novel stage effects are combined with a unique plot. Suocortod by ENGLISH GAZETTE —Patho Topical. DANCES OF THE AGES Medley. A CURE FOR SUFFRAGETTES Comic. LAKES OF VINCIENNES Sceuic. IN THE ELEMENTAL WORLDBLOOMER AS GLADIATOR--Dramn. -Comic. " Specials ” tor tho Ladies au'd Children TO-HORROW Morning and Afternoon. AT THE WHITE MAN’S DOOR • (Vitngraph). THE FAITHFUL INDIAN (Essanay). One of the most Comprehensive Programmes ever shown in the Citv ORCHESTRA Fleming’s ORCHESTRA TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. In New and Up-to-date Accompaniments. (GRAND THEATRE PICTURES. PICTURES. PICTURES. Tho Leading Continuous Picture Theatre. 12 Neon to 11 p.m. Tho Grand Exclusive Pictorial Plav, SNOW WHITE. SNOW WHITE. SNOW WHITE. SNOW WHITE. Enthusiastic reception by crowded audiences. Last Night TO-NIGHT Last Night Of THE ROSARY. THE ROSARY. THE ROSARY. THE ROSARY. With " The Rosary” Vocal Accompaniment. Without doubt the Greatest Pictorial Treat of tho year. Therefore Don’t Miss Seeing and Hearing it. Also our Great Supporting Programme. A Programme of Gems, and PRICES AS USUAL, Gd and 3d. Advice to Patrons: COME EARLY. board and residence. ST ELMO” HOUSE, 52, Worcester Street, « ■-j.M 08 *' End.—Superior Accommodation for Visitors and Permanent Boarders. Two minutes from G.P.O. and central tram tor. i? 1 1* i'- 3 ’ a ' so v; ithin easy distance of Park, lublic Gardens, Museum, Boatsheds, eto. Quietest and very best position in City. Telephone 872. Miss Hampton, Proprietress. LICENSING NOTICES. TYTOTICE of Application for Transfer of License.—l. ADA REBECCA ROWSE, of Christchurch. Hotelkeeper, being the holder of a Publioan’s License in respect of the house and premises situate at Christchurch, known as tho Excelsior Hotel, do hereby givo notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to bo holden at Christchurch on tho sth day of MARCH, 1914, apply for a Transfer of the said License from' myself to THOMAS GREEN, my appointee. Dated the 28tli day of Novnmbor, 1913. J. A. Cassidy, Solicitor, Christchurch. 2553 X A. R. ROWSE.
IVJ'OTICE of Application for Transfer of _ License.—l. DANIEL SPENCE, of Christchurch, Hotelkeeper, being 1 tlio ■ holder of a Publican’s License in respect of tho house and premises situato at Christchurch, known as the White Swan Hotel, do hereby giro notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be 'holdpn at Christchurch, on the sth day of MARCH, 1911, apply for a transfer of tho said license from myself to .TAMES SAVAGE, my appointee. Dated the 21st day of November, 1913. J. A. Cassidy, Solicitor, Christchurch. 2552 X DANIEL SPENCE,. TVTOTICE of Application for Transfer of I’ License. —I, ROBERT HENRY POWELL, of Lyttelton, Hotelkeeper, being the holder of a Publican’s Licenso in respect of tho house and premises situate nt Lyttelton, known ns tho Empire Hotel, do hereby givo notice that J desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Lyttelton, on the 4th day of MARCH, 1914, apply for a Transfer of tho said License from myself to CHARLES 1 JOSEPH O’MALLEY, my appointee. Dated the 17th day of December, 1913. J. A. Cassidy, Solicitor, Christchurch. 2554 X * ' R. H. POWELL. PUBLIC NOTICES. TO BE LET. SHOP IN HIGH STREET. NEXT ARMSTRONG’S AND HOLMES’S. FIRST-CLASS Double-fronted Shop, with splendid windows. Also fivo living-roomsj with modern conveniences. LOW RENT FOR A TERM. HILLARY AND BAXTER, FP 146, Manchester Street. VELVET SOAP. MADE WITH COCOANUT OIL. A FURTHER Popular Competition will be J-Ji- held. First Prize, a VELVET DRESS (or other chosen material), made up to order by N.Z. Farmers' Assn., VALUE FIVE GUINEAS, *and G other Prizes of 6 Dress Lengths of 7 yards each, valuo 3s per yard, for largest number of Velvet Wrappers sent in by 30th APRIL NEXT. SEARCHLIGHT CANDLES. A Further Popular Competition with the same popular prizes as Velvet Soap. Closing date to be advertised lator. Start now. Save Velvet Wrappers and Senrchlight Labels and win these 5-guinea Dresses. X LOOK at the tremendous lot of household drudgery “ Linoarnish ” saves.. It is a common-sense Linoleum Polish; you brush it on and it stays polished. All grocers, Is Gd. 82
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 16468, 6 February 1914, Page 1
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834Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 16468, 6 February 1914, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXV, Issue 16468, 6 February 1914, Page 1
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