FOR SftLE OR TO LET, DIALING & COMPANY, LIMITED. MALING AND COMPANY, LIMITED, LAND AND ESTATE AGE-NTS, VALUATORS, GENERAL MERCHANTS, ■ IMPORTERS AND INDENTORS, CORNER OF GLOUCESTER STREET AND OXFORD TERRACE. [f'R HAVE FOR SAL W SHEEP STATIONS FATTENING FARMS CATTLE COUNTRY CROPPING LAND j DAIRYING COUNTRY I FREEHOLD. LEASEHOLD. A SOUTHLAND PUBniVISIUM. I HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. I WE liavo just received particulars of 4 Property in Southland which it is confidently assorted is far and away the cheapest now on the market in that particular part of (ho Dominion. It 'is without doubt a piece of the best sheep country in Southland. Laud adjoining is has been sold at £6 10s per acre. No. 1 BLOCK—I3OO Acres, oil unbroken tussock. Half of it is agricultural land. Northerly aspect; very warm country. Carries 2000 ewes. Five miles from a railway station. Prico £2 15s per acre. Terms: £1 per acre cash, balance for 5 years at 5 per cent No. 2 BLOCK—S2OO Acres; carries 8000 owes and gives SO per cent of lambs. Low rolling tussock country, of which about half is ploughablc. Buildings consist of a new Houso and all outbuildings. Eight from a railway station. Prico £3 per acre. Terms: £1 per aero cash. Tho sheen on both blocks are looking magnificent, and it wou'd be difficult to find a finer lot of tussock sheep anvwhere. HALING AND CO., LTD. A CKW»" NORTH ISLAND FARM. QC-j ACRES, being 45 acres freeho'd. 606 00l acres Leasehold, with 20 years to run; rent £3O per ye?r; and 200 acres L.1.P., rent £5 per year. 170 acres felled and well drained, 'bs'ance bush; well subdivided and wat"red. Very srond peven-roonicd Houso, wnoHird. etc. Half-mile from school, post office telephone and dairy factory, by good me' ' road. Six miles from railway. Carries cas 9 ewes per acre. Price £5 12s Cd per acre. Terms: £*>Ml cesh. MALING AMD CO., LTD. (vpnRAPV,cT LAND 0> T THT=I < MILES FROM CENTRE OF TIMARU. A T ; " Prospective Yn'uo. OZf\ ACRES of Beputiful Wbeat-s-rowing OOU arid Psirvincr Land, situated I mi'es fvo-n the ceitte of Timatu and 2 mi'e3 from freeing works.' school and raiUvay otation. of 11 Tooms :md nil tho necessary fcrrn nufbui'dincs; 13 nnddocks all well wpWcd; arrows 15 bushels of wheat and 03 hnghel? of o-ts per acre, and magnificent root crnns. Adioining land h».s been sold up to s"> per ncr-! for residential purposes. For S">, as a whole or in two h'ocks. with cons and n'onsrhing riven i". at £27 per acre. Ten per rent ca-h is all that is required from a, practical man. HALING AND CO.; LTD. P>pt rxv a v.vuhUS F.^ATE. KOK ACRES of Dairying and Wbeat-erow- >> -O in" Land; 61 busho's of wheat tii'-'shed Inst sc?=on; U miles from «ehnol r"d te'onhone, 4 mi'es from creamery. 7 mi'es from Tai'wav. Part, of one of Cr""*erbu r v'r, mo?t 'anions ftjjricuHiinl esta'os. Subd-vid'd into 7 r.nddocks." AdWring l»nd sold itt £32 30-, per aero. Pr'i> S°n Wis per nrre. MALIVG AND CO.. LTD. A= T>or> AS FREEHOLD. I cyrj~ ACRES L.1.P., rent lOd per acre; jlO em nrrp" in PTass. 60 in oMs; carries i)01 "wes and fattens the lambs. Thrcc-rcom-c.d House, stables, etc.. 7 paddocks; grows JO bushe's of oats per ncro and pood rape and furnios: four mi'es fro"" school and railway, in Canterbury. Prico £6 10s per acre; £SOO cash. ~ MALING AND CO., LTD. ] PENINSULA DATTJV AN I FARM. ES, of which 100 acres are closed . .... „>-ksfooi. Sis-roomed Houso, cowshed, etc. 11 miles from creamery, 1 ' ) r -.l—i. ._:ii carrv 60 milch cows. I his is one of '.he cheapest properties on Bank's Peninsu'r.. and arrange rccnts can be mrde to enable a purchao' with £OOO cash to finance thn piiTcha'c. MALING AND CO., LTD. VERY CHEAP. T\t a. SPLENDID DISTRICT. 2 OX ACRES, of which IG6 aero? aro in ~.'o. grasi and 60 arras in miyed crops. Four-roomed House, stable, up-to-dato gran-ar-'nnd implement shed. Tho land will gTow ' anything, and will graxe 3 ewes to tho aero and flO milch cows. Three mi'»» from a school. 5* miles from railway, ar.ri 40 mi'es from. CVistchurch. Tn one of Canterbury's m.cst prosperous districts. If this farm woro cloa* to Chri«tchurch it wou'd readily sell at £G3 per acre. As it is the owner will accent £3O per acre. MALING AND CO.. LTD. Corner of Gloucester Streot and Oxford Terrace. SPEIRS ft WILSON. SPEIRS AND WILSON, . L. Wilson.) (W. W. Allcndcr.) LICENSED LAND BROKERS, 163, Ca3hel Street. FOR ABSOLUTE SALE. TOY PRIVATE TREATY, on behalf of i 3 Client, who wishes to clear up a tate. The following aro Good, Subst__. Well-built Houses, and let to good tenants: No. 1. PpTQA—ADDINGTON—S-roomed ] I 3&OOU h. and c, gas, blinds, plastered I and papered throughout, i-acro section, €ft paling fence all round, asphalt paths, sewer ' "-nneotion, eerything up-to-date. Price £560 a snip. I' 1"69 SPEIRS AND WILSON. No. 2. Q f)l\— RICCARTON—S-roomed House, , _ <J\J\J with all modern conveniences, gas. asphalt paths, i-acre section, laid cut j in garden and lawn, clcso to Hag.ey Park I and 2d tram section; a real up-to-dato property. This is a fine property for a retired i farmer. Pries £9OO. Fl-147 I SPEIRS AND WILSON. No. 3. i? K O A—ADDINGTON—S-roomed House, c&DGyJ modern, 3 years built, h. and c, bath, ga3 throughout, well fenced and close to tram. A very fine house; about 2 '--- ' " • - "SSO. Terms if nccossa.j. SPEIRS AND WI.L9ON No. i. -PQ9H RICCARTON—6-roomed SimiBungalow, new, plastered, h end c, gas, washhouse, pantry, outbuildijigs; nearly J-acrc section, in good locality, northern fror.tage. return verandah, l.uilt of *he Price £920. Terms if required. F 1-147 SPEIRS AND WILSON". O n Q A—ADDINGTON—S-roo: ovOtyV/ jn good ati-cot, all iiiodern c:>r veniences, h. and c, gas, sewir ronnection fine section, close to tram and school. J very fine property. Price £630. FMC-0 ' SPEIRS AND WILSON. -PICKO. - RICCARTON—A Very Fine cWJLUUU House, consisting cf G large rooms, all necessary offices, i years' tuilr, every possible convenience. No exp*nso has been spared on this lovely hous's, and :t only v.'ants, to ba seen to realise what it is. Grounds consist of nearly J-Aore, all beautifully laid out in lawns, very Ino phtnbs, clc, fine drive and motor-shod. Price iH3"fi. See us at once re this fine property. F 1-147 These- are all very fine properties, and we con thoroughly recommend iliem to anyone wanting good value. They are open to any inspection. Our injunctions are to sell the whole or separately. SPEIRS AND WILSON. DEVEREUX, KING ft CO.. LTD. r-vEYEREUX, KING AND CO., LTD. 12,000 ACRES Land, North Canterbury, £3 10s. 9,003 ACRES Lund, North Canterbury, £4 10a. 1303 ACRES Land, 13 miles froa R ail . giora, £5 10s. 1,103 ACRES Land. North Rakaia, £J, 80,000 SHEEP, and the Land to carry thorn, freehold and Leasehold, £40,000, in Canterbury. 60 ACRES, Harcwood Road, £llO per acre, or in Blocks to auit parchasers. 10,000 ACRES, balance left of Land wn Waikato River; 30s per acre, easy EXECUTORS' SALE. HOUSE 7 rooms, gas and ail conveniences, | over half an aero in lawn, garden and orchard; conveniently situated close (oßealoy Avenue (near Id section). Tho trustees will consider any reasonable offer, as tho property must bo sold EASY TERMS if required. CENTRAL LAND AGENCY, 70. Cathedral mother?" "Well, tie Linoleum won't polish itself, my eon.' Use LINOARNISH iiiin»«ui*. i-oanh. it works bn itself . Polishes as you put it OO and stoys polished All grocers, la BA.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 16061, 16 October 1912, Page 2
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1,248Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 16061, 16 October 1912, Page 2
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