EDUCATIONAL, THE EDUCATION BOARD OF THE DISTRICT OF NORTH CANTERBURY. ELECTION OF COMMITTEES. THE Board in pursuance of the power in that behalf conferred by tho Education Act. 1908, hereby directs that a PUBLIC MEETING of the HOUSEHOLDERS in every school district throughout the Education District of North Canterbury, bo held on MONDAY, tho 22nd day of APRIL, one thousand nine hundred ana twelve, at halfpast seven o'clock in the evening, for the ELECTION of a SCHOOL COMMITTEE for each district for tho year ending with tho Fourth Monday in April next year. In the following districts the ELECTORS are called upon to ELECT a COMMITTEE of FIVE MEMBERS: Alford Forest, ‘Anama, Ashburton Forks, Aylesbury,. Barry's Bay, Broomfield, Burnham, Busheido, Charing Cross, Charteris Bay, Courtenay, Darfield, Doric, Dromore. Ealing, EiUelton, Elgin, Flemington, French Farm, Gebhio’s Valley, Glenroy, Governor’s Bay, Greenstreet. Greta Valley, Halkett, Hanmer Plains, Homebush, Huntingdon, Humnui. Kaiapoi Island, Kimberley, Kirwee, Kowai Bush, Kyle, Lowclifle, Mason’s Flat, Mount Grey Downs, Ncwland, Overdale, Pendarvea, Pigeon Bay, Port Levy, Port Robinson, Rakaia (Little), Riversido, Robinson's Bay, ! Rokeby, Russell's Flat, Saltwater Creek, Seafield, Sedgemoro, Selwyn, Stoke. Summerhill, Tcddington, The Peaks, View Hill, AVeedon, Wiuchmore, Woodstock. In the following districts the ELECTORS are called upoii to ELECT a COMMITTEE of SEVEN MEMBERS: Akaroos Amberlev, Anmit, Ashley, Ashton, Balcairn, Barr Hill, Broadfield, Bromley, Brooksido, Burwood, Carloton, Cashmete, Chcrtsey, Clarkville, Cooper’s Creek, Culverden, Oust. Domett. Doyleston. Dunsandel, Duvauchelle’s Bay, Ellesmere, Eyreton, Eyreton West, Fairton, Fendalton, Fernside, German Bay, Glentunnel. Greendale. Greenpark, Halswell, Harewood, Heathcote Valley, liiglibank, Hinds, Hornby, Hororata, Irwell, Kaikoura Suburban, Knikoura Town, Killinchy, Kirikiri, Ladbrooks, Lakeside. La.uriston, Le Bons Bay, Leeston,*’ Leithfiold, Lincoln, Lismoro, Little, Akaloa, Little River, Loburn, Loburn North, Longbeach, Lyndhurst., Lyttelton West, Mackenzie. Marshland, Mayfield, Medbury, Methvcn, Motukarara, Mount Somers, Ohoka, Okain’s Bay, Omihi, Oxford East, Oxford AVest, Prebbloton, Puaha, Rakaia South, Redcliffs, Rollcston, Itotherham, Ruapuna, Sefton, Sorr.erfield, Southbridge, Southbrook, South Malvern, Spots- ! wood, Springburn, Springfield, Sprmgston, Springston South, Sumner. Swannanoa, lai I Tapu, Templeton, Tinwald, AVaddmgton, AVaiau. Waikari, AVaikuku, Wainui, AVakanui, Westerfield, West Melton, AVillowby, Window, AVoodend, Yaldhurst. _ T „ r „ nT}S In the followmg districts tho ELECTORS iro called upon to ELECT a COMMITTEE 3 f NINE MEMBERS: Addington, Ashburton, Belfast, Christ:hurch East. Christchurch AVest, Elmwood, Hampstead, Kaiapoi, Linwood North, Eyttelton, Now Brighton, Opawa, Paponui, Ranriora, Riccarton, Richmond, St Albans, Iprcydon, Sydenham, Waltham, Wharenui, Wooiaton. The place of meeting shall be tho Schoolhouse in each district, and this is understood to mean the Main School in any district which has more than one school. - Tho Board further directs that the first meeting of each School Committee be lied in the place appointed for the election, and immediately after the election upon the same turther callg upon t ), e householders in each of the districts to send in to the Chairman of the School Committee, m writing, on or beforo MONDAY, April leth, the names of persons being resident householders nominated by them for election to servo upon tho Committee. Such nominations must be signed by the proposer and by the candidate, and must be in tho form set lortli in tho schedule to the Act. of to the effect thereof. In addition to such nominations, any householder present- at the meeting may nominate any qualified candidate who consents by word of mouth, or by writing, to be so nominated. . H. C. LANE, Secretary. Christchurch, 30th March, 1912. b, The newly-clected Chairman of cacti Committee is particularly requested to forward to tho Board, without delay, tlie result tho election. "The '“education board of the DISTRICT OF NORTH
CANTERBURY. rpHE BOARD invites SEPARATE APPLIX CATIONS, accompanied by -testimonials. for the FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS to be sent in addressed to the Secretary of tho Board not later than 4 p.m. on THURSDAY, 25th April. Applications reoeived later than the advertised lime cannot bo considered. KAIAPOI D.H.S. Assistant Master (Secondary Department), certificate not lower tha-n Class C. Grad© of salary 4, minimum £IBO. RlCHMOND—Assistant Master. Grade of salary 3b, minimum ‘£l6s. CHRISTCHURCH WEST D.H.S.-Assistr ant Mistress (Secondary Department), certificate not lower than Class C. Grad© of salary 2b and 3a, minimum £135 CHRISTCHURCH WEST „D.H.S.—Assistant Muster (Secondary Department), certificate not lowe than Claes C. Grade of salary fib, minimum £135. LYTTELTON—Assistant Mistress. Grade of salary fib and 3a, minimum £135. CHRISTCHURCH EAST—Assistant Mistress. Grade of salary 2a, minimum £l-20. , , METHVEN—Mistress. Grade of salnry lb and 2a. minimum £lO3. ELMWOOD—Assistant Mistress. Grade of Salary 1, minimum £9O. NOTE.—Forms of Application can be obtained at tho Board’s Office. 11. C. LANE, Secretary. Christchurch. 12th April. 1912. 1638 ACCOUNTANCY EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER, 1912. Remember, Clerks and Bookkeepers, THIS is the LAST OPPORTUNITY you. will have of passing the Accountancy Examination without having first of. all passed Matriculation. You have still timo to qualify, IF YOU COME TO US; but you must act PROMPTLY, if you are to hope for success. Our Instructor is MR L. L. CORDERY, F.1.A., N.Z., F.C.P.A. Ouf students have been uniformly successful in all past examinations. Write or call, or ring up 1333, for prospectus and further information. GILBY’S COLLEGE, Next to C.P.0., Cathedral Square. We specialise in regard to Correspondence Lessons. 2 DIGBY’S SHORTHAND AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. HALLEXSTEIN’S BUILDINGS. (Opposite D.1.C.) Principal: MISS E. E. DIGBY, 1.P.5., N.U.T. ACCOUNTANCY EXAMINATION, 1912. If you wish to sit for this Examination you should start RIGHT NOW. Our MR W. E. BEST, F.P.A N Z F.1.A.N.Z., P.N.Z.A.A., has RESUMED COACHING, and as only a LIMIILD NUMBER OF PUPILS can bo taken early application is necessary. j. NOTE This is tho LAST YEAR candidates wiil bo able to take this Examination without first passing Matriculation. 6 N c ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PAYS. O OTHER PROFESSION Offers such Excellent Openings to begin with nor such Splendid Chances for future advancement. It will pay YOU (o devote a little of your Bp are time each week in order qualify for a post in this splendid calling. YOU can begin learning at once, in your own home, by our excellent method of Correspondence Training. Write for FREE BOOK, “ How to Become an Electrical or i Mechanical Engineer.” It shows what, we have done for others and what we can do for YOU. WE CAN TRAIN YOU in the following: Complete Electrical Engineering, Electrician’s Course, Short Electrical Course. Advanced Electrical Engineering, Electric Tramways and Railways, Electric Light and Power. "Mechanical Marino and Sanitary Engineering, etc., etc. Send to-day for FREE BOOK to BAGLEY AND TINKLER, 633 d, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria. gHTfsTBTB CLASS. I TUESDAYS, 8 p.m. Classes Daily, for Elocution. Competition Coaching, Special in Recitations and Songs. Special Arrangement for Children. Auply for particulars to * MISS LUCY COWAN, Elocution Sohool. West End Hall, 804. Montreal Street, Centra], Christchurch. Telephone 2800. - DANCING. MISS BUCHANAN reentries Teaching on Friday eveninc, March 22nd. Classes for Learners forming. Privato lessons given. Waltz specialty, Aorangi, 234, Hereford St, City. 1693
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 15902, 13 April 1912, Page 17
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1,134Page 17 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 15902, 13 April 1912, Page 17
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