! ; , LYTTELTON. ‘ .S' ; . ' Wi - ■ :' V , ssaSes op the moon, APRIL.
i YESTERDAY’S LEATHER. J v: 9 a.m. Noon. 6 p.m. 1-BfcWmeW . .'39.73 29.73; -29.72 j- Thermometer . Go 67 » 64 . fend, S.'W.; thunderstorm. K : (sv ? TO-DAY’S ALMANAC. • l. High -water, -10.43 *.xn.; 11.8 P*m. . ►v Siin rises, 6.29 a.m.; sets, 6.35 p.m. ; v lloon rises, 11.12 p.m-; sets, 2.37 p.m* ARRIVED. ' : April 9, 6.30 a.m.— Defonder, s.*., 185 tons, Jameson, from 7 Karaiuea. Kinsey- and Co., vftprii 9, -7 a.m.—Maori, s.*., 3.399 tons, Aldwrif,. from ’Wellington. tTznon Steam Ship Gdrnpany, agents. Passengers—One hundred add. eighty-nve saloon and one hundred and «eE«ihtyiflye Steerage. • * . ; April 9, 10.15 a.m. —Wakanui, s.s., 5821 totaa, 'Makepeaoe, from St John, via Australian porta, Auckland and Wellington. Nkw- Zailand'Shipping Company, agents. - SAILED. Acprili9/ 12;5 a.m.— Taviuni, *.s., 1465 tons, Swmg-Browil, for Chatham Island. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. 9,‘ 2' Am. Cs»net, s.s., 124 tons, jfuprajt'ior' Akaroa. Stevenson,. Stewart and Col, -Agents. ■ . „ ; April; B—Corinna,:, 1271 tons, Cameron, for Wellington, Nelson, New Plymouth and CnehungK Union Steam Ship Company, aieriti: „ . T >"i* "April 9, 10.80 a.m. Morning Light, tekoonir, 92. tons, Peldak, for Waitapu. C. f&rii r .and Co-, agents. • ; iipril'9,; IP a.m.—Elisa Firth, schooner, 143 (dntt'lpsan, for Kaipara. Pifcaithly and Co., igfatt: * ’ iVi&mvqjf. 6,55 p.m.—Cygnet, s.s., 124 tons, from Akaroa. * Stevenson; Stewart ,-agente. • S), 9.5 p.m,—Maori, s.s., 3899 tons, for -Wellington. Union Steam Ship , agents. Passengers—Five hundred saloon-; and steerage. EXPECTED 'ARRIVALS. •
.THis DAY/—Maxprba, ss., from Welling-
February 4, y due . Lyttelton April 12; Cormthio, s.s., sailed February 29, left Cafe Town March 38; Hobart April 11, Weiffiigton April Is, Lyttelton April 28; Ruahine, sailed- March 14, due Cape Town March 28,-'Hobart April 11, Wellington. April 16, Lyttelton April 22;,Pakeha, s.s,, -sailed March Lyttelton May 15; Arawa, s.s.', sailed March SS, due Cane Town April 90, Hobart May 9, Wellington May; 14, Lyttelton May 20; Paparda, e.f./ sailed April 4, due Lyttelton about May SO: • ; .. .. : Fxom Liverpool—Surrey, s.s., sailed February; By. due Lyttelton about April 19; Kent, •w»i sailed - March 12, ;;dtie' 'Auckland about May -12, Lyttelton May 23; Niwaru, s.s., aailtid ifarch' 18,' dno.Lyttelton May 1-5. f (Ffonj Montreal—Kiiamea, As.,- sailed February'9l, diie- Lyttelton about May 5; Wain»te, s.s., sailed- March 15, due Lyttelton •From New York—Kettentum, s.s.. sailed January 21-, due Auckland ahont April 2, Lyttelton April 16; Anglo-Bolivian, s.s., sailed Ftbruary. Jl,. due Lyttelton about, May 4; Hohehfels, s.s., sailed March 7, due Lyttelton »b3uf May 80; Tomoana, s.s., sailed March. 2|y v .dus:Lytte!ton about June 6. ■ ■ ;Frdm G-pfle, Sweden—Don, barque, sailed ®atemher 11, left Plvmouth January 12 ; yPTbtn Puget Sound—Alumna, jour-masted sjheipaor, : sailed March 80, duo Lyttelton tfcoui.May 81.' ’
'DNION-'STe'aM SHIP COMPANY. ’ft>#-.Mararoa will arrive- from Wellington tmAmOming; and will leave to-night on the return, journey. -The Monowai -is a day behind - schedule - time-table, and ' will not arrive, until to-morrow. She will leave the earn*.day for Dunedin, returning,on Mondayl arid .sailing for Auckland, via ports.' The K|rcri and Kconya are-to leavs to-day for Westport., The • Kittawa and Kamona are expected to or Friday.
Eyakr .Line Company’s liner Nerehana, which left Liverpool on February 9 for Australian ports and Auckland, arrived at the Istteriport yesterday. Subsequently the vessel: will visit Wellington/ :’ - _Tbn, New Zealand - - Shipping Company’s Wakanui, from St John, arrived in port yea--Ite‘da7. morniag. The vessel is enpected’to discharge of her cargo to-day, and will/sail for Dunedin. The Wakanui, wilt prdokbly take the Homeward loading -berth kt-an. early, date.- •.' . ; . l.After haring been delayed- by adverse winds Elira Firth . and Homing i l *?*/ J®** their pferfcHs yesterday morning. Bo'tp vessels are kdqn with produce and .me hound ’for Kamara aid Waitapu respectively,. 1 ' ■Fk® Defender , arrived yesterday . morning with a; cargo of timber from Karaiuea. •* She ife expected to complete • discharge to-morrow •nd . will sail for Wellingtcn, Tar'aJcohe aud Hokitika. -, : y ■
'Th*'New Zealand Shipping Company’s Her pteseni in Lyttelton discharging the balance ,of her Home cargo, is expected to leave about-the end of th© week for .Bluff to oomnience loading. Calls at T-imoru, Lyttel-ton,-Napita.and Wellington are to follow, y:Cajoled advice reoeived-by the New Zealand Shipping, Company states that the Tongariio, which ■ left Napier for London on February IS/i arrived at. Plymouth on Saturday, lost, The.Tyeer steamer Star of Australia is to load , shortly.’at’New-York fbr Australian and NewAZealand ports.' She is scheduled to sail OiV-JfawQp. -l. j.' J'The union. Company’s San Francisco steamer:Tahiti left the-Californian port on Friday 'last'for. Wellington, ViaLporta. She is duo «t',-£he;laiter port on. Apri1.25..... , t The New 1 'Shipping Company’s Papaxoa, .beund from London to Dunedin, Lyttelten and -Bluff; ’left Plymouth on Satur-day-laatin continuation of her outward voy-
' The' " Ty»er Lin* Company's chartered rteafaeri&attentuni,.,which left New York on January 21 for Lyttelton, via Australian poTiii, Auckland' and "Wellington, arrived at Auckland on -Monday last; The vessel ha* 700 tons of Cirgo to put out at "Wellington, where' 'she is due on April 12. ’ The Kattenturit should reach, Lyttelton about April 17. 't Captain Jarvis, late chief officer of the Surrey and the Dorset, is on his way to. New Zealand to take charge of the Federal-Houl-dcr-Shire tteamer Sussex at Wellington. Captain 1 Giront, who' has hod command since Captain Clarke’s’departure for Home,'-to his'former'position as chief. i'.Thp. local ' agents of the FedeTal-Houlder-Shiris Line have received cable advice stating thi,t the Surrey, which loft Liverpool .on February . 3 - for . Wellington, via Sydney, Nsweastle and Auckland, sailed from Newcastle 1(1 Continuation of her voyage to Auckland pn Thursday last. She is due in Wellington ip April' 19, and will discharge 3500 tons of tafgo before .leaving for Lyttelton and DunTurakina» which left Wellington on Sunday for London,’ via Monts Video, Teneriffe and Plymouth, took the following cargo bom- the•,undermentioned ports:—From Tijnarii: 1472’: bales wool, 11S casks, tallow, 12 casks pelts, l 101 boxes butter, 4621 caroasos mutton,-.'18,487 carcases lamb, 159 orates kidheyi." From Dunedin: 2944 boxes blitter, 632 crates cheese. Bluff to London: 1995 bales wool, .225 o*sks tallow, 13 casks pelts, 6620 Carcases mtitton, 11,313 carcases lamb, 3335 pratet cheese,’3 bales sheepskins, 8 bales rabWtskins, 210 bales hemp, 890. bale* tow; 25 cask* casings,, 524 sacks fescue, 36 packages Sundries.’ From Auckland:. 8162 boxes butter,- 430 cases cheese. From Napier: 6791 Circuses mutton, • 11,505 carcases lamb. 261 Carcases! 651 quarters beef, 651 crates pieces frozen mutton, 487 crates frozen sun1 From Lyttelton: 1453 bales wool, 1 tsdge Wool, 1 pocket wool, 91 oagks pelts, 0.1 boxes pelts, 1235 carcases mutton, 2391 ssroasef lamb,' 406 crate 3 cheese, 42 bales W*,, 4 packages sundries. From Wellington: 1883" boxes butter, 8559 crate} . cheese, 1216 iilta. wool, 1068 packages general cargo, 158 leeks peas, 181 casks tallow, 35 oaeks pelts, }o,bales basils, 8 bales hair, 8 bales leather, 16 bales tout, 201 oases honey, 1000 bags legs ajtd shoulders mutton, 27,509 carcases mutton 4jid-lianb. For • Monte Video: 1865. cases apbl*S,;lso cases fruit pulp, 11 packages gencargo. iTh* Hamburg America Company has ordered ffom the Vulcan Company of Stettin iild Hamburg a vessel of 22,000 tons gross register, .whion. is to be propelled by a comD text ion 6f high-speed turbines with FotfclaijWf transformers. So far the German ehipeg. ooinpanies have been slow to avail mselves of turbines, and the three large Atlantia llnSra now building in Hamburg for the Hamburg-America Line are the first merchant vessels' of any importance under the Vermin fisg to ,he propelled by turhinee. In tb* ’ ease of tlie’ 22,C00-ton vessel referred l to. high-speed turbines of small diameter and r.pntidei&bly reduced weight will be used, jnrtsad of the heavier and m<>To expensive
; direct-acting turbines. No reversing turbines will have to be fitted. The engines of the vessel are to he 13,030-h.p., and she will have one high-pressure and one low-press-uro turbine, each running at about 800 revolutions. By means of-two Fcttinger. transformers, the revolutions will bo reduced to 160 on the propellor shaft, so that large propellers ot high efficiency can be used. The transformer will else do the reversing. The result is a very lurge saving in weight—over 600 tons spaco and . first cost. Bo far the Fottmger .transformer has been employed only on a, tug belonging to the Vulcan _ Company, in conjunction with a Curtis turbine, and on tho gas-driven vessel Holzapfel I. In both cases it has done its work successfully. TELS3EAPH NOTICE BOARD. AUCKLAND, April 9. Arrived, 7.30 a.m., Nerehana, from Sydney; 5.35 a.m., Makura, from Vancouver; 12.30 p.m., Surrey, from Sydney. Sailed, 5.30 p.m., Talune, for Karaicnga, and Tahiti. . „ WELLINGTON, April 9. Arrived, 9.15 e.m., Mirarca, from Lyttelton; 11 a.m., Molioia, from Lyttelton. Sailed, 8. 5 p.m., Mararoi, for Lyttelton. AKAROA, April 9. Arrived, 6.30 a.m., Cygnet, from Lyttelton. Sailod, 12.40 p.m., Cygnet, for Lyttelton. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND. April 9. Arrived—Makura, from Vancouver and _way ports; passengers for New Zealand—Misses St Chair, Cecil, Gilmour (2) and Hooker, Mesdames Robinson, Chamberlain, Drysdale, Hammil and child, Summerville, Garnett and two children and Wood. Messrs Kerr, Chamberlain, Henry", Roberts, Dewey, Baccn, Drysdale. Hammil. Summerville, Brooke, Bennett, Rivers and Wood, ar.d thirteen steerage. Nerehana, from London, via Me’bourno and Sydney. Surrey, from Liverpool'. , , Sailed—Makura, for Sydney. Talune, for Cook „ and Society Islands. Tarawera. for southern ports; passenger for LytteLcn Mr Brittle. WELLINGTON, April 9. Sailed. 5.20 ,—Mararoa, for Lyttelton, with 480- passengers. n DUNEDIN, April 9. Arrived—Maunganui, from Melbourne. Sailed—Storm, for northern ports; Warrimoo, for Melbourne: AUSTRALIAN SHIPPING. FREMANTLE, April 9. Arrived—Malwa, from London.
d. h. m. Tull moon . . . 8 9 35 am. Lant quarter » . lo a S4 a.m. New moon « . 17 n 10 p.m. Firet • quarter . - 'i 2i 8 17 p.m.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 15899, 10 April 1912, Page 8
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1,574SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 15899, 10 April 1912, Page 8
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