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FOR SALE OR TO LET. W. E.. SIMEB & CO. MONEY TO LENT). WE Wo SEVERAL SUMS 011 Mor»y tat Investment (from £l5O to £1000). Interest at from 5 per cent. Mortgages prepared and completed at lowest charges. „ W. E SIMES AND CO., AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AG-ENTS, 144-146, Hereford Street. A GOOD PROPOSITION. TO FRUITGROWERS AND OTHERS. 6 ACRES AND 4-ROOMED HOUSE. L.1.P., RENT"Sa WEEK. K ACRES Tip-top Land, planted in about 1 350 fruit trees in full profit, well f««rd. nprovements. Nearly new 4-roomed . verandah, .papered, pantry, scu ery, >«. room, washhouse, copper and tubs, staDle, trapshed, whare, fowlhouse, cto. PRICE FOR THE LOT, *W. GOOD TERMS. SITUATE CLOSE TOHAREWOOD ROAD, FAPANUL The above ennblesTnian with a °»P» al * f £3OO or £4OO to get a good start without expending capital to buy the freehold. Inspection arranged on application to w E. SIMES AND CO., Agents. NICE PART OP SYDENHAM, CLOSE TO THE PARK. A FIRST-CLASS PROPERTY TO BE SOLD AT AN ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE 9 Rooms and i-acre, or up to 11 Acres. J?OAA OR » Reasonable Close Offer SbUOUj considered-First-class house cf 9 large rooms, oriel windows, "turn verandah, plastered. papered with expensive papers throughout, nice entrance hall, gas, and antique fittings, very superior mantels, tiled hearths and grates, wardrobes, hot and co d service, pantry scullery, bathroom, washhouse, copper and tubs, high and dry section of i-acre, laid out in lawn and garden, nice shrubs, asphalt paths; can bo had with either i-acre up to 1* acres. "Wo can confidently recommend this property as a first-class one in all reBpects, and at the figure asked it is undoubtedly very cheap. AN INSPECTION IS NECESSARY to Fully Appreciate the Property. Apply to W. E. SIMES AND CO., Agents for the Owner. TO FRUITGROWERS AND MARKETGARDENERS. THE BEST OF PAPANUI LAND. f»11A PER ACRE—7 Acres Very Rich 3t/IIV Land, will grow anything, well fenced, land adjoining bringing £135 per acret Situated a littlo over a mile from the railway, close to Harewood Road. THE CHEAPEST BLOCK AVAILABLE. Apply to W. E. SIMES AND CO. SECTIONS. SECTIONS. SECTIONS. SECTIONS. LINCOLN ROAD SUBDIVISION. FRONTING LINCOLN ROAD AND LYTTELTON STREET <Just past the Show Grounds). S MAGNIFICENT BUILDING each 1 chain frontago, r art fenced with 6ft paling and wire fence. PRICES FROM £IOO. HIGH, DRY AND HEALTHY. RIGHT ON THE TRAMLINE. NOTE.—This Block has never been offered for sale in Sections since it was purchased (some 20 years ago), consequently this is the first chance the public have had of acquiring one of these splendid sections. CALL AND GET A PLANI . W. E. SIMES CO., Sole Agents. HAWKESBURY AVENUE. A VERY CHOICE LITTLE HOME IN THIS FAVOURITE PART. J?AOf\— OR ANY REASONABLE OFFER, bo the owner has left Christchurch and is determined to sell rather than let. House nearly now of 3 good rooms, plastered, sunny situation, usual conveniences, gas, etc. Nice section, fenced and laid out. We can offor good terms. Most of THE PURCHASE MONEY AT 4j PER CENT can remain on mortgage. See us at once. The property is handy to the Papa— ! -- W. E. SIMES AND CO., Agents. NICE PART OF ST ALBANS. (Just over Bealey Avenue), CLOSE TO CITY and Id TRAM SECTION. A FIRST-CLASS HOME IN ALL RESPECTS. .i?QQ!v-ONE of the most attractive and */(JtJ«J well-built Houses of 6 Good Rooms; oriel windows, return verandah, plastered and tastefully papered, *rch in hall centre flowers, gas and fittings. 6 fireplaces! tiled hearths and grates, four gas fires, wardrobes, linen-press, hot and cold service, pantry, scullery, bathroom, copper, tubs, sewer connections, garden laid out and planted with choice shrubs and bulbs, asphalt paths, etc., fruit trees, nearly i-acre. Owner has purchased a farm and is determined to sell. The property could not be put there for ins price asked Apply to the agents, W. E. SIMES AND CO. CHARMING LITTLE BUNGALOW. JUST OFF ANTIGUA STREET. 8 MINUTES FROM Id TRAM SECTION. ■PA QK—CHARMING BUNGALOW <n»w> ct» jcOJ of 5 rooms, leadlights, casement windows, verandah, plastered, gas and fittings, picture mouldings, hot and c:>ld service, pantry, scullery, bathroom, washhouse and copper, tubs, s;wer connections. A complete home in all respects. Within easy distance of the City and handy to Id tram. A property such as the above is hard to get and must command a quick solo. TERMS IF~REQUIRED. Apply to the Agents, W. E. SIMES AND CO., 144-146, Hereford Street PAPANUI ROAD (few chains off)—Select Site, northern aspect, orchard and ornamental trees—Modern 4-Roomed Bungalow, faithfully erected and expensively finished; drained, fenced, and complete in dotail. £450; say £3O deposit. J. G. BANNERMAN, 655, Colombo Street
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXII, Issue 15691, 10 August 1911, Page 11
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765Page 11 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXII, Issue 15691, 10 August 1911, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXII, Issue 15691, 10 August 1911, Page 11
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