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EBUCATIOMAL. SOUTH CANTERBURY BOARD OP EDUCATION. EPARATE Applications, accompanied by I testiniJiiinls, will he received up to the 19tli AUUUST, from Teuchers Qualified to fill the following positions: OICARI BRluGE—Salary, Grado 11, £l2O «nd residence. GANNINGTON— Salary, Grado 11, £l2O and £ls house allowance. TEIIUKA Filth Assistant, Grado I, salary £3 °- ■ Forms of application to ho obtained at th-s office. 770.4 A. ___, Secretary. IMPORTANT NOTICE. EXAMINATIONS MADE'EASY. )ÜBLIC EXAMINATIONS commencing this year will bo more difficult than heretofore. "We have therefore much pleasure in announcing that we have made arrangements with our MR GEO. 11. SCARSE, B.A, To hold a Special Class every Monday Evening for . .■MATRICULATION, CIVIL SERVICE, And O-her EXAMINATIONS. In this Class the Students will receive a NEWLY-DESIGNED COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. The Lessons will consist of GENERALISED INFORMATION, TABULATED SUMMARIES and sets of STUDENTS' NOTES, fully explained and tested, that have brought success to hundreds of candidates during the post fifteen years. Every student of average ability will be enabled in a short time to overcome all the difficulties of the now examinations. Terms and full particulars on application to GILBY'S COLLEGE, Next to G.P.0., Cathedral Squar*. CHRISTCHURCH SHORTHAND AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Hallenstein's Buildings (opposite (D.1.C.) Principal: MISS E. E. DIGBY, 1.P.5., N.U.T Assisted by a Full Staff of Specially Qualified Instructors. OFFICE POSITIONS, 1911. ' During the Past THREE MONTHS ovFIFTY Good Permanent and Temporary Office Positions have been filled by _cur Pupils, the demand on many., occasions being in excess of the number of studentr available Note.—All our Pupils, as soon ao proficient, readily obtain good remunerative office appointments. >-*■ D~TNCING, DEPORTMENT and PHYSICAL CULTURE (under Royal and VioeRegal Patronage)-MISS LOWE'S Second Term commences JUNE 6th. Ladies' Classes for Physical Culture and Swedish Exeroises. Mies Lowe mikes a speciality of individual attention to each pupil. Private lesson in the "Boston" Two-Step and New JJarn Dance. Waltzing taught in three pnn» lessons. At Home Friday ifternoons. 827, MONTREAL STREET. r«/i RS FOSTER, Teacher of Voice Produc--IV± tion, Singing and Pianoforte, Certiftca- ■ 1 Edinburgh, Leipzig and Paris. Vocal raminer, Education Department, HAS RESUMED LESSONS at Studio, Milner and Thompson's. Pupils prepared _ lor examinations and accredited competitions in Sin ring and Pianoforte. Also Students Preparation (Theory and Practice) for D Certificate. 3613 School for the art of speakD ING (Registered).—West End Hall, 307, Montreal Street, central.—MlSS 'LUCY COWAN desires to intimate that,-on account of a series of Recitals in the south the above sehool will bo CLOSED until MONDAY, AUGUST 28th, at 8 p.m., when Classes will bo Resumed until the usual Christmas holidays Meanwhile communications may be addressed to Box 84, Invercargill, or to Miss Lucv Cowan, Instructress, Elocution School, West End Hall, 807, Montreal Street. Telephone 2800. DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. LIN*-*, Xr.D .Jr,J. •■*/•• * ii▼«■•»* . Academy. 241, OASHEL STREET, Guaranteed. Telephone 20*. X 4807 LICENSING NOTICES WTOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR M TRANSFER OF LICENSE.—I, COLIN CAMPBELL, of Christchurch, Hotelkeeper, being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of the house and premises situate at High Street, Christohuroh, known as the Empire Hotel, do hereby give notice that I de3ire to, and will, at the next Lioensing Meeting to bo holden at Christchurch, on the seventh day of September, 1911, apply for a Transfer of the said Licens from myself to JOHN PATRICK MURPHY, my appointee. Dated the 9th day of August, 1911. C. CAMPBELL. A. LOUGHREY, Solicitor. 7717 MONEY TO LEND. " OANS and TEMPORARY ADVANCES made in Sums required by Borrowers on PERSONAL or any OTHER SECURITY, repayable according to arrangement Full particulars on application to F. C. RAPHAEL, 176, Gloucester Street, Christchuroh. WANTED TO BORROW, on First Mortgage, 5J per cent and 6 per cent—£32s £375 £4OO £450 £SOO £550 £6OO £650 «SSO BAKER BROS, Licensed Land Brokers, ONEY TO LEND.—We have Sums of J_ Money from £IOO to £IO,OOO to Lend on 'irst Mortgage. Also ft Few Sums on approved Second Mortgage, at lowest rate of interest. DOTJGALL AND UPHAM, Solicitors, 89, Worcester Streot, Christchuroh, l ,eeston. _i Z TO LEND ■ £650 and other sums at current rates. G. B. RITCHIE, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, 9, Royal Exchange Buildings, Cathedral Square. 6757 rtrrv £IOO £2OO, £350, £SOO and other owDUj considerable sums of money for investment on approved securities. _ _asy terms of repayment of principal and interest by instalment can be *™*^J Di g?% v V I lowest current rates. DAVID BATES, Solicitor. 57. Cathedral Square. 1 TV/TONEY TO LEND—£SOOO and Smaller 1 IVI Sums for Investment on First and >nd Mortgage, at Lowest Rates. CUNINGHAM AND TAYLOR, Solicitors, 89, Gloucester Street,. Opp. Chancery Lane. E have various ~SUMS for INVESTMENT on First Mortgage at Lowest Rates in sums to suit Borrowers. .Also Sums for Investment tn Second Mortgage, repayable on easy terms JOHNSON, MILLS AND JOYCE, Solicitors. 185 Cloucoster Streot. opp. Rink Stables. X 26 MONEY TO LEND. J? A Cl(\(\ ON MORTGAGE of Freehold &/4UIX) at Lowest .Current Rates; Approved Second JSwrtgasres. IZARD OUGHJNAN. Solicitors, J | Christchurch; Leeston and Sout BOAHD ANTS fIESIOSNCH. tral tram tar--11,,,, ~,„■ uiat»noo. of Parks, B Museum, Boatsheds, etc minue; oho within easy « Public Gardens, _aseu-u, .. ; ' nitv and very best position in ony, yu.etes. ana Tjunpton, Propnetiess. FOR SALE 0 R ,0 >_____ i lIAEEWOOD RpAD. - -titorl instructions from the '' I washes to move to another . -..—*, « liia Properly, situjighbourhood, •" r " to g of 4 ACRES, to- |-» " rcited cottage and ' oil'father with five ? is ft „„,_. w fc Buildings Th» ho.« » o _ t and b *«h iourteon chaiM for. a work? handy to town, w { ji who wiahes to man with a A portion f ft keep n cow and.wr and b property is laid_ out ing fruit and veget»° h cff Mg ]ace a pan can make enoug % pay interest on *| *(& rent free. The price to spare, property is bum"to is ught at aJ o tcrm , ;f «ro increase i»™l¥bO DUNCAN, qUlredl »°" Al £le Agent, i « . -P.vldings. corner Hereford and Borons £«^ 6ter stmts.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXII, Issue 15691, 10 August 1911, Page 11
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981Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXII, Issue 15691, 10 August 1911, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXII, Issue 15691, 10 August 1911, Page 11
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