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Licensing Notices. "XT OTICE OP - APPLICATION for TRANSAS FER OF LICENSE. -I, WILLIAM HILLIS FENTON, of Christchurch. being the holder of « Publican’s License in respect of the house and promises situate at Christchurch and known as the Empire Hotel, do hereby, give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next Licensing Meeting to be holdon at Christchurch on the second day of September, 1909, APPLY FOR A TRANSFER of the said License from myself to Colin Campbell, my appointee. Dated tho 20dl day of July, 1903. WILLIAM HILLIS FENTON. BESWICE AND HARRIS Solicitors, Christchuroh. 3520 ■\TOTICE OF APPLICATION for TRAK?FEE OF LICENSE-I, JAMES HENRY SPENCE, of Rolleston, being the ho.deT of a Publican’n License in respect of tho house and premises situate at Rolleston, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and iVill, at the next Licensing Mooting to be bolden at Little River on the seventh day if ocptomber, 1909, APPLY FOR A TRANSFER of the said License lrom myself to ARTHUR ROONEY JOHNSTONE, my appointee. Dated the SOlh day of June 1909. JAMES HENRY SPENCE. A. J. MALLEY, So’icitor, 142, Cashel Street, Christchurch. 3G68 Board and Rest '.e ica. OT ELMO ” House, 187, Worcester Street, kJ West End.—Superior accommodation for Visitors and Permanent Boarders. Two minuteß from G.P.O. and central tram terminus, also with same distance off Parks, Public Gardens, Museum, Boatsheds, elo Quietest and very best position in the City. Telephone 872. Miss Hamnton, Proprietress. 249 Prooerties For Sale ov r o Let. CHAS. HILL. TO MOTORMEN. OWNER LEAVING FOR TASMANIA, And MUST SELL. RESIDENCE, containing 5 rooms, returned verandah, hot and cold service, gas, washhouse, copper, tubs, workshop. ALL IN EXCELLENT ORDER SPLENDID HIGH SECTION, tastefully laid out in lawn etc. This Property is eituated close to Power House, Railway Station and Tram. PRICE FOR A QUICK SALE, £630. Terms. CHAS. HILL. TO RETIRED FARMERS. 1 ACRES of SPLENDID LAND, good :4 frontage, together with SUPERIOR H'UTSE of 7 rooms, with all modern conveniences, gas, hot and cold service, etc., and up-to-date Stables, Trapshed, Harness-room. This Propertv is situated within 3 nrnnten’ walk of 1h» Electric Tram, and the PRICE for the whole is ONLY £1460. CHAS. HILL, 185, HEREFORD STREET, Christchurch. P. L. DAVIES & CO. . L. Davieß.) (D. Craig. P. L. DAVIES AND CO., P. L. DAVIES AND CO., icentiod Land Brokers, Land and Estato Agentß. Money advanced on First and Second Mortgages. WHEAT-GROWING COUNTRY. WHEAT-GROWING COUNTRY. Diseo.ution of Partnership. NORTH OTAGO. »OA PER . ACRE—About 370 Acres m j/i\J North Otago (Lime-stone District), ;h, neavy, tarry land, divided into 12 padicks, mostly flat and undulating. 159 acres crop. 100 acres in young grass, wed itered with oalurnl springs, railway siding, O and creamery on property, half an hour s ive by road from Oamaru, 1 mile from hool and telegraph. HOMESTEAD of 12 rooms, h. and c. water rvice, 6-stal! stable, implement sheds, smith od etc., . Majority of purchase money can remain at & C ?na plant at val approved. ROLLESTON. SHEEP COUNTRY. *Q PER A>_P.E—loo Acros will grow oats. JO divided into 3 paddocks 7-roomod use and offices, stable, chanhouee, etc., =- tend? to to ? n t P bAVIES AND CO. DUNBACK-QTAGO. . HA ACRES, Grozins) and Agricultural UU Land. 100 acres nloughable. good ;ock downs, well watered and fenced, ise 4 rooms, shed and eheep yards. Price 12b fid per acre. Easy ferns can bo ar°*d‘ P. L. DAVIES AND CO. (Late Davies and Stevenson), Neßr Tattersall's, CASHEL STREET. FORD & HADFIELD. FOR ONE MONTH ONLY. FOR ONE MONTH ONLY. HANDY TO POWER HOUSE. LIXWOOD BARGAIN. LINWOOD BARGAIN. IS Very Fine Property is Dirt Cheap at the price asked, £559. o house, which is brand new, contains good rooms ; high concrete foundations; modom conveniences; hot and cold r service, gas, eto. Tiled hearths and s Venetian b.inds, arch in hall. Good oard accommodation. Magnificent high in containing J-acre. Sunny aspect, is property is very conveniently situa;o car and ia within a few minutc3 of r house. Will bo sold within a few Inquire now. _ _ FORD AND HADFIELD. Solo Agents. LOOK AT THIS. GAIN FOR THE” WORKING MAN. £440. undid Little Property in Addington. Comfortable Home of Four Rooms, oom, pantry, washhouse, scullery, c can be arranged if desired. 149 FORD AND JuADFIvjLD. LINWOOD SECTIONS. E have Five Splendid BUILDING SITES in Linwood to dispose of: close r; 32 Perchea ouch. Price £l2O. Owner consider offer. No sections in ncigh:ood as low priced a» these. FORD and HADFIELD. CHOICE PROPERTY. BECKENHAM. Fine House of Five Rooms, with ry possible modern convenience; "cold water eorvico, gas in every 3 to all firep.acca. Recently paint, isoared. Full quarter-acre section, y laid out by professional guraener, s and gardens, lawns, asphalt paths. :g in perfect order Not a penny spent on tbs place. Price asked 315 'ORD AND HADFIELD, 144, Heroford Street, (Next National Bank).
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXX, Issue 15072, 13 August 1909, Page 11
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809Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXX, Issue 15072, 13 August 1909, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXX, Issue 15072, 13 August 1909, Page 11
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