In order to prevent our customers and the public from being deceived by dishonest travellers selling Photo.. . Coupons, we are still offering a FREE “Mona” Enlargement with every dozen Cabinet Photos taken. 10/6 per dozen. Wrigglesworth & Binns Colombo Street. ——n w<lllll mu mi n miiiiiiii \um Children S They must have beautiful hair. A child with thin ov sparse huir cannot be beautiful. The loveliest children in New Zealand are theme whose hair is kept luxuriant i and beautiful by W. BRICE, OF CHRISTCHURCH, who has been fifty years a Hair Specialist, and he strongly recommends for Children’s Hair— BRICES’ NUTRITIVE GREAfI/3. Price, 1/6. BRICES' REGENERATOR is positively the finest IJair-producer yet discovered. It u terly extirpates the insidious little diseases that so frequently cause baldness. Price, 3/6 ; eoecial strength. 5/6. W. BRICE & SON, 187 Colombo Street, CHRISTCHURCH. Obtainable from the following firms:-- 3 ~ Cooke Cashel Street; J. Baxter. Victor! itreet; Cook and Ross, Colombo Streetlauriiz Marks. Papnmn ; R.S. Cooke. Beale; ,venae: F,. C. Smith. Worcester Street; 'armera' Co-op., Cailiel Street; and all toils; on dors.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXX, Issue 15072, 13 August 1909, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 2
Lyttelton Times, Volume CXX, Issue 15072, 13 August 1909, Page 11