A meeting of the Christchurch Li* censing Committee was held yesterday; present—-Messrs H. TV. Bishop, S.M. (chairman). .J. A. Fleslier, C. E. Salter and G. Pa.yliiig. Renewals of licenses were grantel George Holt, of the White Swan (Mr Lane) and J. F. Sutton, of the City (Mr Cassidy). Temporary transfers of licenses were coufirmed in respect to tho following houses:—Warner’s, E. E. Daniclls to John Neill (Mr Wright); Dominion, H. M’Cartney to E. .E. Daniells (Mr Wright); Empire, 0.- G. Bradley to Joseph Bryan (Mr Cowlishaw); Lancaster Park, Joseph Bryan to W. H. Fenton (Mr Cowlishaw): Coker’s, Mary E, Rainbow to Harry Thompson (Mr Vincent). The White Hart was granted an extension of th’e license for its temporary bar, Mr Wright stating that the building was likely to be completed in November.
In regard to Coker’s Hotel, it was reported that tho works ordered by tho committee were being carried out, and the police were asked to report on their progress at the next quarterly meeting of the committee.
The chairman stated that, the committee's attention having been drawn to the unsatisfactory lighting of the public conveniences attached to certain of the licensed houses, the police had been asked to report on the matter. Ten houses were regarded as unsatisfactory in that respect. Sergeant Johnston stated that he hod seen the licensees concerned, and most of them had expressed their willingness to put in the required lights. Tim committee deferred further consideration till the next quarterly meeting, before which notice is to be given to the licensees that the matter will then he dealt with.
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Bibliographic details
Lyttelton Times, Volume CXIX, Issue 14780, 4 September 1908, Page 8
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXIX, Issue 14780, 4 September 1908, Page 8