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Boroguh Counc Ib. BOROUGH OF LYTTELTON. ELECTION OF MAYOR. " HEREBY give public notice that the folJL lowing persons have been DULY NOMINATED tor the OFFICE OF MAYOR.for the Borough of Lyttelton, namely: COOK, COLIN. WEBB. SAMUEL ROLLIN. As there is only one vacancy to be filled I hereby also give notice that a POLL will be taken as between the said Oandidates on the 29th day of APRIL, 1908. The polling booth will be situate, at tie Colonist Halt, Lyttelton, and the polling hours are from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Dated this 22nd day of April, 190 S. G. A. LEWIN, 6320 Returning Officer. TENDERS will be received at our office until 4 p.m. on FRIDAY, May Ist, for the ERECTION OF PREMISES in ] Street for Messrs Ashby, Bergh and Co., Ltd. COLLINS AND HARMAN, Architects. 5310 "™ "~ TE VDER-S TENDERS for the ERECTION of NEW CHURCH for St Luke's Parish, CLOSE a<t my office THURSDAY, 30th-inst., at 3 p.m. C. J. MOUNTFORT, Architect. Roper's Buildings, Cathedral Square. 6500 rpBNDEES are invited for Cutting. GrubJ- bing and Cleaning Gorse Fence, also for Grubbing Fences and Fruit Trees, in ons :ontract. Tenders to close on the 2nd May, 1908. at 12 a.m. Apply to HY. HOOPER, Specifications at " Sacramento," Lincoln Road, Spreydon. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 6782 WESTPORT COAL COMPANY, LIMITED. TENDERS aro hereby invited for DRIVING A STONE TUNNEL in connection with Millerton Mine. Plans and specifications may be seen at the • Company's Office, Hereford Street, City. Tenders close on 31st May, and are to bo addressed to J. DIXON, District Manager, 6301 DENNISTON. TENDERS' are invited up till Noon, THURSDAY. May 7, for the ERECTION of BUSINESS PREMISES, Caahel and Lichfield Streets, for the Drapery and General Importing Company of New Zealand, Limited. Drawings, etc., may be seen at our office. ENGLAND BROS., Architects. Somerset Buildings, 156 Hereford Street. 6532 IN BANKRUPTCY. SPENDERS are invited by the uncteisigned L up to noon of the 7th day of MAY for the PURCHASE, of the STOCK, GOODWILL, etc., of the business of JAMES BREMNER, JEWELLER and WATCHMAKER, Dunedin. For terms, conditions of sale, stock lists, etc., apply to the Official Assignee at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. C. C. GRAHAM, Official Assignee. Dunedin, April 23, 1903. 6457 In the matter of the ASSIGNED ESTATE of MESSRS SLINN AND CARTER. LOWER HUTT. TENDERS are invited for the PURCHASE of the BUTCHERY BUSINESS carried on by the above Firm. The Premises aro well adapted for the Trade carried on, and the Plant is in good order and condition. Schedules of the Stock, Plant, Book Debts and Conditions of Tender may bo seen ait the Office of the Trustee, 12, Customhouse Quay, Wellington. TENDERS CLOSE at 12 o'clock noon on MONDAY, the 4th MAY, 1908. H. A. GOLD, Trustee. Wellington, 23rd April, 1908. 6439 NEUCHATEL COY.'S ROOK ASPHALTE for Flat Roofs, Basements and Damp FIRE PROOF AND DAMP PROOF. Permanent Depot at—--111, LICHFIELD STREET. H. QUANE AND COY., X 3984 Agents.
WILLIAM WHITE AND CO,, LTD., TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS, And BUILDERS' IRONMONGERS, LINCOLN ROAD. COALS— Westport, Puponga, Greta, Aherdare, Newcastle, Malvern, Brunner, Nuts and other Coals always in Stock. All coal weighed. FUL WEIGHT GUARANTEED. TIMBERS— All kinds of Native Timbers; also, Oregon and Sugar Pines, bark, V.D.L., and Jarrah. Very Largs Stocks of DRY TIMBER and MOULDINGS. Figured Bimu Doors a, Specialty. Inspection Invited. SUNDRIES— Galvanised Iron, Cement. Bricks, Lima Venc ing Material, Firewood, Paints, All Orders Promptly tmd Faithfully T_> W. ENGLAND, TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANT. LARGE STOCKS EVERT DESCRIPTION BUILDTNG MATERIAL SEASONED TIMBER, all Sizes IKON, CEMENT BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY DOORS, SASHES, etc Quotations sent on application, town or country. TUAM AND ST ASAPH STREETS, CHRISTCHURCH. X 2443 UROWN'S COAL YARDS. U BEST QUALITY COALS. UNDER COVER. LOWEST RATES. LARGE STOCKS SEASONED TIMBER. J. T. BROWN AND SONS, TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS, COLOMBO STREET (Next Cooper and Duncan's). Tplephono No. 362. JOHN WALLER AND SONS, LTD., v TIMBER and COAL MERCjxaiVTS, TUAM STREET, Have in Stock— EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING MATERIAL, including VERY LARGE STOCKS OF SEASONED TIMBER, Kept under Cover for Immediate Use. Cement, Galvanised Iron Lead, Door 3, Sashes Bxiilders' Ironmongery Fencing Materials eto. COAL AND FIREWOOD. We are prepared to QUOTE PRICES for D -ilding Materials delivered in Town or any rt of the Province LUSTRUSS Mixed Paints for interior and exterior work. Anyone can use thorn. Xo be had in 1,2, 4, 7 and 141 b tins and lewt drums. Wholesale and Retail. SMITH AND SMITH. LTD., Tuam Street (near High Street). 5 JLATE Glass, Sheet Glass. Mirror Glmw, Bevelled Mirrors and Fancy Glass in -ji„.= Wholasale and Retail. -_._._ AND SMITH, LTD.. Xu&m street (near High Street), 3
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXIX, Issue 14669, 28 April 1908, Page 11
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785Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXIX, Issue 14669, 28 April 1908, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXIX, Issue 14669, 28 April 1908, Page 11
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