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Licensing TSTotices NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. • ROBERT BERTI, of Sydenham, do -S hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at tho next Licensing Meeting to \>3 holden at Cliristchurch, on the 6th day of JUNE, 1907, apply for a, Certificate authorising the issue of a .PUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a house situate at Si'DrJ-X----HAM, known as tho WALTHAM HOTEL, containing 12 rooms, exclusive cf those required for the use of the family. Dated the 30th day of April, 1007. R. BERTI. WILLIAM HOBAX, Solicitor, 6245 206, Hereford Street, Cliristchurch. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. ' JOHN LUMSDEX JOPP, of Christ--Jchurch, Hotelkecpjr, do hereby give notice vjat I desire to obtain, and will, at. the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Christchurch, on 6th clay of JUNE, 1907, apply for a Certificate authorising, the issue ot a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE, for a house situato at CHRJ.STCHUKCH, known as the AKW ZEALANDER HOTEL, containing 18 rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of tho family. Dated tho Ist day of May, 1907. j6hn L. JOPP, WILLIAM HOBAX, Sohcitor, 6246 208, Hereford Street, Christchurcr NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. ■*" MAURICE ALOYSIUS KENNY, of -J Hahwell, Hotelkeeper, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at) tho tho next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Darficld, on the sth day of JUNE, 1907, apply for a Certificate authorising the issue of a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a house situate at HALSWELL, known as the JUNCTION HOTEL, containing fourteen rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of tho family. Dated the second dav of May, !9° 7 - MAURICE A. KENNY. WILLIAM HOBAN, Solicitor, 6217 20G, Hereford Street. Chrlsichurch. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. T JOHN LOUIS CARL, of Cliristchurch, i-J being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of the house and premises situate at OHIiISTCHURCH. and known as the EMPIRE HOTEL, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the ncxtl Licensing Meeting to be holden at Christchurch, on the Cth day of JUNE. 1907, apply for a TRANSFER of the said License from myself to GEORGE PENTECOST PAYXE, my appointee. Dated the 7th day of March, 1907. JOHN LOUIS CARL, WILLIAM HOBAN, Solicitor, G2JB 206, Hereford Street, Cliristchurch. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. T JOHN THOMAS BIRCH, of Sydenham, -I.J Hotelkeeper, being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of tho house and premises situate at SYDENHAM, and known as the WALTHAM HOTEL, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Cliristchurch, on the 6th day of JUNE, apply for a TRANSFER of the said License from myself to ROBERT BERTI, my appointee. Dated the sth day of March, 1907. JOHN T. BIRCH. WILLIAM HOBAN. Solicitor, 6244 200, Hereford Street, Cliristchurch. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENSE. . T THOMAS STJRMAN, of South Rakaia, -!•' being tho holder of a Publican's Liccnso in respect 'of the house and premises situato st SOUTH RAKAIA, known as the SOUTH RAKAIA HOTEL, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next. Licensing Meeting lo be holden at South Rakaia, on the Ist day of JUNE. 1907, apply for a TRANSFER of the said license from myself to HARRY TAYLOR, my appointee Dated the 29th day of April, 1907. THOMAS SURMAN-. WILLIAM HOBAN, Solicitor, 6251 206, Hereford Street, Christchurch. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. I ROBERT DERRETT, of Sockbum, 5 Hotelkeeper, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtndn, and will at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Riccarton, on the 7th day of JUNE, 1907, apply for a Certificate authorising ' the issuse of a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a house situato at SOCKBURN, known as the RACECOURSE HOTEL, containing' 22 rooms, exclusive of those required for tho use of tho family. Dated the Ist dav of May, 1907. ROBERT DERRETT. WILLIAM HOBAN, Solicitor, 6253 206, Hereford Street, Christchurch. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. i" HARRY TAYLOR, of' South Rakaia, Xj Hotelkeeper, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at tho next Licensing Meeting to be holden at South Rakaia, on tho Ist day of JUNE, 1907, apply for a Certificate authorising the issue of a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a house situato at SOUTH RAKAIA, known as tho SOUTH RAKAIA HOTEL, containing 26 rooms, exclusive of these required for the use of tho family. )»ted this 29th day of April, 1907. HARRY TAYLOR. WILLIAM HOBAN, Solicitor, / 6252 206, Hereford Street, Christchurc. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. T DANIEL O'DONOHUE, of Papanui, -*-» Hotelkeeper, do hereby give notice that I desiro to obtain, and will at tho next Licensing Meeting to bo holden at Riccarton, on the Seventh day of JUNE, 1907, apply for a Certificate authorising: the issue of a PUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a house situate at PAPANUI, and known as the PAPANUI HOTEL, containing 21 roomsv exclusive of thoye required for the upp of the family. Dated the 2nd day of Mav, 1907. D. O'DONOHUE WILLIAM HOBAN, Solicitor, G 250 206, Hereford Street, Christchurch. NOTICFTOF"IvI , PLICATfON~FOR""A PUBLICAN'S LICENSE. T GEORGE PENTECOST PAYNE, of JL» Christchurch, Hotelkeeper, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at tho next Lecensing Meeting to be holden at Christchurch, on tho 6th day of JUNE, 1907, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a- PUBLICAN'S LICENSE for a house situate at CHRISTCHURCH, known as tho EMPIRE HOTEL, containing 24 rooms, exclusive of those required for the v;e of the family. Dated the 3rd day of Mav. 1907. G. R. PAYNE. WILLIAM HOBAN. Solicitor, 6249 206, Hereford Street, Christchurch. CITY BUFFET PRIVATE HOTEL, COLOMBO STREET (Near Reece's, Ironmonger's). EIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION for Permanent Boarder 3 and the Travelling Public. Hot, Cold and Shower Baths. Close to Railway Station and General Post Office. TRAMS PASS DOOR. Luncheon from Noon to 2 p.m. Letters and Telegrams will receive prompt Attention. Telephono No. 670. 1 JAMES HOWEY, Proprietor. AUCKLAND. WAVERLEY HOTEL. yfAURICE O'CONNOR, Proprietor, desires to intimate that ho has taken over the iness of this Popular Hotel, and would respectfully request a continuance of the liberal support hitherto accorded his predecessor. VISITORS TO AUCKLAND will find that effort will be spared to afford them every fort, whilst the TARIFF will be, as previously, MOST MODERATE. This Hotel is within ono minute's ■ '" vay Station and Wharf, and com" fifioent view of the Harbour, and cently been thoroughly renovated. To the friends of the Proprietor in different parts of tho colony a Caed MiUe Failihe will over be extended, and a pleasant sojourn assured. WINES, SPIRITS, ALtES, ETC., Of the BEST BRANDS ONLY. 8597 MAURICE O'CONNOR. ANTED Bjumn—Tk*t TIGEB TEAS Axe Blended To Suit all Purses and Polites. IS od, Is Bd, lis lOd, 2s, 2s 2d »« lb, £B7IB
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVI, Issue 14365, 7 May 1907, Page 5
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1,155Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVI, Issue 14365, 7 May 1907, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVI, Issue 14365, 7 May 1907, Page 5
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