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TENDERS will be. received at our Office A . till 4 p.m. on WED.sESvax, 3rd April, for the Erect on of a House at Ohoka, , COLLINS AND HAHiIA.\, 2181 Architects. TO CONTRACTORS. JES are invited THURSDAY, the zom inst., for RESIDENCE, Park Lane, Uiccaripn. ; g> A. LUTTBELL,' Architects. ~'" ' cnev Buildings, itreet, Christchurch. " tTTcabinetmakers. 'TENDERS are invited THURSDAY the 1 28th inst.. for SHOP FITTINGS for Vlessrs Wallace and Co., Chemists. ( To be -rected in -remises at present occupied by iIxG.R.-Fail) :Aj . DA _ LtjXTRELL; Architects, j Grain Agency Buildings, "High Street, Christchurch. -"■»>_ " ~WCONTRACTORS. TENDERS arc invited THURSDAY 2Sth J, inst.. for EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS xnd RENOVATIONS to Pre:" Street, Christchurch v at present; occupii-u uj Mr G. R. Fail), for Messrs Wallace and Co., Ohemists, s . AND A . LTJTTE: Architects. Grain Agency Buildings, TT,VTi. Pt-reet Christchurch. 2134 1 .•: • OFFICES, ETC. MESSRS WALLACE AND CO. are prepared to arrange SUITES OF OFFICES to suit tenants in their new Premises, High Street (at present occupied by Mr U. R.FftL'). Plans may be seen at the Offices of S. AND A. LUTTBELL, Architects. 'Grain Agency Buildings, „,*- ! • High Street, Christchurch. ? 13o __ TENDERS will be received at our Offices until 4 p.m. MONDAY, 25th MARCH, for the ERECTION OF PREMISES (brick for Messrs" Craddock, Sims and Co St Asaph Street. CLARKSON AND BALLANTYNE 219, Hereford Street. Architects, j TENDERS or© invited up till 4 c> clock MONDAY, MARCH 26th, for ADDITIONS (in brick) to ASHBURTON HIGH SCHOOL. Drawings, etc., may be seen at our office. ENGLAND BROS., Architects Royal Insurance Chambers, .208, Hereford Street; 1589 LENDERS are ; invited, and will be re- _ ceivea up till noon on TUESDAY, the jeth inst., for STEVEDORING the S.S. "CAPE CORSO." For further particulars, apply to H. R a„j.CH, Manager MILLARS' W.A. HARxiWOODS CO.,.LTD., Moorhouse. Avenue, opposite Christchurch Railway Station, Chrisu ihurch. 2201 TAI TAPU CO-OPERATIVE DAIItY COMPANY, LTD. TENDERS are -invited - up till 4 o'clock - WEDNESDAY, 3rd - April, for ERECTION of STOREROOM (in brick}. Plans «nd specifications can be seen at the Company's Office, Tai Tapu. W. K. WATSON, 1 ,2191 Secretary. ■ ■ HOUSE, Lower Ric;aflon. has be*n EXTENDED till APRIL 3rd,, at 4 p.m. 'HURST SEAGER, WOOD AND MUNNINGS, . ; Architects, JIS9 A.M.P. Buildings, Christchurch, : SUMNER BOROUGH COUNCIL. IENDERS will be received at the Council • Office, Sumner, until 5 p.m. on WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27th, for the following WORKS and SUPPLY OF MATERIALS:— Supply of Ironmongery and Hardware Supply of Keroferie Oil, 150 test ' :. Tenders for Lamplighting for the Year . Tenders - for -Removal of Nightsoil and ■■'l' • Rubbish,* etc.Specifications and conditions of contract at the Council Office. W. J. O'DONNELL, 1942 Boroush Engineer. CITY OF NELSON. Town Clerk's Office, Nelson, . • -■■ 20th March, 1907. _NDERS will be- received until 3 o'clock p.m. on FRIDAY, the Sth APRIL, 1907 for the L CONSTRUCTION of a STEEL BRIDGE across the Maitai River, in the City of Nelson. Specifications and plans may be seen at "be Town Clerk's Office, Christchurch. ALTERNATIVE TENDERS art also invited,* to close "on the:sanie dav and hour, for the ERECTION,of; a BRIDGE to replace ■the existing bridge, such tenders to be accompanied by complete specification of work with sketch design and plan, and to state the material proposed to be used in the c-wi-itructkra .of the bridge. : The City. Council do not bind themselves to accept any or either of the tenders sent fa. : H. V. GULLY, 2180 Town Clerk. Telephone 3 18. SROS., owing to t - create of their Manufacturing Business. have removed their Syndicate Spouting and Rdging Woiks and Office to 92, Gloucester Oity, a few doers east o: C.ty Council Cards, and next to Girton College. 1898 ELECTRIC LIGHTING. C. KNIGHT AND CO., E.ectrioal Eni» ~g neers, -183 and 165, Manchester Street. Chriiichurch —Electric Lighting, Power, Lifts. Lamps, Telephones. Alarms, e:c Country orders prompt attent.on. Ga and Oil - Engines erected and repaired .Pumps, Fans. Refrigerating Mach.nery, t eto, ■uppiied on shortest notice. Stock of Eieotricai Fittings and Accessories always on ■and. X 3732 Cfeaa. H. Winny.) (H. J Otley Telfphone 189. P.O. Box 520. WliNNf AND OTLEY, TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS. TUAM STREET (next Hepburn's Foundry) WJE are Supplying ALL DESCKIPiVV TIONS of Buildtng and Br dge Timber Bui.deis' Ironmongery, Cement Corrugated Iron, Fencing Material, eh. REASONED TIMBER A SPECIALITY . COAL from ail the Best Mines Agents for the Greymouth Coal Company'! Celebrated Brunner Nuts. Brunner and Tyneaid« Coals and Brunner Coke. Au Material and Coal supplied of tin VEKX BEST QUALITY, and at LOWEST CURRENT RATES 8671 TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANT LiRGE STOCKS EVERY DESCRIPTION BUILDING MATERIALS SEASONED TIMBER, all sizes IRON. CEMENT " BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY DOORS SASHES, Etc. jQacUtiont sent on Application Town :.- Country TUAM AND ST ASAPH STREETS, CHRISTCHURCH. X 2443 ►JtOW N' S COAL SHEDS. ' BEST QUALITY COALS UNDER COVER. LOWEST RATES. LARGE STOCKS SEASONED TIMBER. J. T. BROWN AND SON, TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS, COLOMBO STREET. Xtxt Cooper and Duncan's. Telephone I\u 162. T t WA LL E B AND SON, "•TIMBER and COAL MERCHANTS, TUAM STREET, Have in .Stock— EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING MATE5 T «L, Inoludin* TaRY LARGE STOCKS OF SEASONED TIMBEP Kept Under Cover for Immediate Use. Cement, Galvanised Iron Lead, Doors. Sasnes ' Builders' Lronraongoiy Fencing Material, eto. COAL AND FIREWOOD. We tie prepared to QUOTE PRICES fat Building Miteriiia delivered in town or any ■art «f the Provuice.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVI, Issue 14329, 25 March 1907, Page 10
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878Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVI, Issue 14329, 25 March 1907, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVI, Issue 14329, 25 March 1907, Page 10
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