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THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, & CONSUMPTION, Has the Largest Sale of any Chest Medicine in Australia. Thn „ wh „ have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and Th immed?lte rehef and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects A COMPLETE CURE. It is most comforting in allaying Irritation m the Throat and giving Strength to the Voice, Ln™it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where “ coughs ” have been properiy treated with this medicine. No hou N _ should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a complete cure is certain. I

BRONCHITIS. Two Persons in New Zealand Cured by One Bottle of Hearne's Bronchitic Cure. One of them bad been Suffering for Twelve Months. Mr Hearn*. Dear Sir,—l had amy bad cough, so I bought one bottle of your Bronchitis Cure and used about one-half of it, which cured my cough ia two or three days. My daughter, who had been troubled with a bad cough for the past twelve months, then used the remaining half of the medicine, and it cured her also. I think your Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful remedy. I have lived on my farm at Bombay for about 36 years. You arc at liberty to o*e this latter in any way you please. Yours faithfully, CEAS. WOOTTON, Bombay, Auckland t New Zealand. SEVERE COUGH—A FIVE YEARS' CASE, Relieved at Once, and Completely Cared by Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure. Dear Sir, —I suffered from a severe cold on the chest, with cough, fop fire years, and during that, time got treatment from different sources, but derived no benefit until I usod your Bronchitis Cure, which gave me relief at once, and completely cured me. I am delighted with it. It is really wonderful medicine; does good at once, and can’t be licked. Youre sincerely, V/. TREMELLEN, “ Modewarre,” Victoria. BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. A Twelve Years’ Case with Distressing Cough Cured by Hearne’s Bronchitis and Asthma Cum. Mr Heame. Dear Sir, —Please send by post to Copmanhurst a complete course of your valuable medicine, for obstinate asthma. The last medicine ;you sent to me cured one man that had a distressing cough for twelve years. Please find post office order enclosed for payment.—Yours thankfully, WILLIAM CANHAM, Upper Copmanhurst, Via Grafton, N.S.W.

" I suffered very much from asthma for four years, and tried lots of so-called cures, without deriving any benefit. I got a bottle of your Bronchitis Cure, No. la, last Friday, and a bottle of your No. 2 Medicine, for obstinate Asthma, on Saturday. Since the first dose of your No. 2 Medicine I have not. had th« wheezing at all.” V. CAMERON, “ Lcongatha,” Riversdalo Road, Hawthorn, Melbourne. BRONCHITIS. A Fourteen-Mon the’ sufferer in Queensland Cough so Distressingly Bad, Could not get Any Rost. Cured by Hearne’s Bronchitic Cur*. After other Treatment had Failed. Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—l write to add my testimony to the wonderful effect of your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered for 14 months with a terrible cough. It was so distressingly bad at night that I cotftd not get. any sleep. I consulted doctor* to no purpose. I MW your medicine advertised, and sent for a bottle, which has taken the cough clean away, and I feel a different man. Wa may depend on my making your wonderful medicine known. I have sent for another bottle to keep by me in case it mav return at any time. I am writing this, as I am sure there are a great many people out this way that, if they knew the wonderful effect of this medicine, they would send and procure it at any price. Yours faithfully, J. P. BOYD, Contractor, Torrens Greek, North Queensland. We the undersigned, have had occasion to obtain Hearn-e’s bronchitis Cure, and w? certify that it was perfectly and rapidly successful under circumstances which undoubtedly prove its distinct healing power Signed by the Rev JOHls SINCLAIR, Myers Street, Geelong, and fifty-nine other leading resident*.

RRONCHITIS and PLEURISY. A Severe Case Cared by Two Bottle® of Hearne’s Bronchitis Ci?;e. After Other Treatment Had Failed. Mr Hcarne, Chemist, Geelong. Dear Sir, —Some months ago in Sydney I suffered from a severe attack of influenza, and was confined to my room for about a week, at the end of which time, feeling somewhat better, I got up and tried to transact my business as usual. But I got up too soon, for the very next day I had a relapse, and suffered tortures, from what the doctor told me was pleurisy and bronchitis. The pain from tba former in my cheat and shoulders was frightful, and for four long weeks I was confined to my bod under t&e care of a well known Sydney doctor, and all the time his medicine gave me but temporary relief. The landlady of the hotel (the Cleveland) where I resided told me of a medicine—Hearne’g Bronchitis Cure —from Victoria, which had cured her of a bad attack of bronchitis and pains in tfe* chest, end begged of me to try it. 3 did 1 so, and, in thanks and gratitude to you, tell you that after the second bottle my cough had ceased, but, what is more astonishing, the pains from pleurisy entirely left me, and in about a week I was able to attend to my duties as usual. Yours faithfully, J. BRASTAIw, Melbourne " Punch ” Office, Melbourne. A CHILD SEVEN MONTHS OLD—A SUFFERER FROM BIRTH. Cured by a Bottle of Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure. Mr W. Q. Hearne. Dear Sir, —Kind'iy forward me a small bottle of your Bronchitis Cure as soon as possible, as I cannot speak above a whisper, owing to a cold. I bad a bottle from you before for my little girl, when she was seven months old. She had been suffering from bronchitis from her birth, and now she is three years old, and has not had a return of it since. It is a splendid medicine iov bronchitis or colds of sort.— remain, yours truly, * MRS H. RAMAGE, Violet Town, Victoria.

BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. Two Severe Cases Cured by One Bottle of Ijearne's Bronchitis Cure. Mr W. G. Hearne. ’ Dear Sir,—Kindly forward without delay another small bottle of your Bronchitis Cure. The bottle I had from you has cured two of my children, but I do not feel safe without it in the house. I have also recommended it to my friends. I lost a fine little girl, three years of age, from influenza and Broncho-Pneumonia. I really believe if I had had your medicine my child would not have died, for the other two, a boy five years old, and a baby sight months old, were suffering exactly c the same way, and it acted like magic onahem; in fact, a small bottlefull cured both _ of them ; so trusting you will forward it without delay, ! BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. ' A Fifteen Years’ Sufferer. At Times Almost Impossible to get his Breath. I When he Coughed, Blood came Up. Cured by Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure. Mr W. G. Hearn®. Dear Sir, —I have been a sufferer from Asthma and Chronic Bronchitis for over 15 years. Last Saturday I was suffering from a very severe attack of it. The cough was terribly severe, and when I coughed, blood came up. X , found it almost impossible to got my breath. Every breath seemed kb if it would | be the last. My wife went to the chemist and got a bottle of your Bronchitis Cure. I took a dose of the medicine, and in a few minutes got great relief. I rapidly improved, and in a few days was out of bed .and' walking about. I believe your Bronchitis Cure is worth its weight in gold to anyone who suffers from Asthma and Bronchitis. —I remain, yours respectfully, i am, yours most gratefully# (Mrs) E. D. WARD, via Swift’s Crest, Gipnsland, Victoria, JOHN BLAIR, Grafton Road, Warrnambool, , Victoria.

BRONCHITIS. A Sufferer 73 Years of Age. Thoroughly Cured by Two Bottles of Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure. Immediate Relief —Effect W/mdenul. Mr Hearne. Sir,—l have been very ill with Influenza and Bronchitis h friend of mine persuaded me to try your Bronchitis Cure. Tim first dose gave me immediate relief, and after taking the second bottle Jam thoroughly cured. Its effect on me has been most wonderful. lam 73 years of age. I trust you will make use of this statement by publishing it for the benefit of humanity generally. Yours most respectfully, ' THOMAS R. TREZISE. Reedy Creek, Victoria. ' CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. A Bad Case Quickly and Completely Cured after other Treatment had failed. Mr Hearne, Chemist, Geelong. gj rj Will you please send me some medicine for the following illness : —A fortnight agd I had influenza, and it settled on the lungs. I now have congestion of the lungs ; the doctor says (?o, but his treatment, has not done me any good. -My breathing is short and I have a short cough and a frothywhite spit; my sides are sore to the touch, and painful. It hurts me to lie down. I am -very weak, and I perspire a lot at night, and my body and lungs feel burning. lam getting worse. I feel worse to-day. Please poet the necessary medicine to Sorrento, and I will send you the money, and oblige, M. J. BOXELL, Relieving Postmistress, Sorrento, Victoria. The treatment sent effected a complete cure, as the following testifies: — Mr Hearne. ■ Dear Sir, —Many thanks for the medicine. I ‘herewith enclose* postal note in payment. I am much obliged to you for sending the medicine so promptly. It has done me a lot of good ; in fact, I have quite recovered. M. J. BOXELL.

NiOTS MONTHS’ SUFFERING. Believed by One Dose of Hearne's Broncbitis Cure, and Cured by Two Bottles. . Mr Hearne. : Dear Sir; —I wish to add my testimony to .the wonderful effect of your Bronchitis Gore. -T: suffered for nine months, and the so distressingly bad at nights, I wks obliged to get up , and sit by the fire. I hadi medical advice, and tried other remedies, without avail. I tried yours, and sever bad a fit of coughing after taking the *T?t; dose,, and though I-havo had but two bottles, I feel I am a different man, and the ■ MUgh has vanished. - You may depend upon, my making known the efficacy of Vqur-wonderful remedy to anyone-I- see afflicted.—Youre faithfully, • :v , • JAMES ASTBURY, Dergholm, Victoria. BRONCHITIS. , ' A Sydney Stock and Share Bicker Expresses Gratitude and Appreciation of Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure. It Proved a Most Effective Remedy for a Severe Attack of Bronchitis. Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir, —I lately fcad a severe attack of Bronchitis, and, acting on the advice of a friend, obtained a supply of your Bronchitis Cure*. I am pleased to inform you it has prpved a most effective remedy, causing me to feel gratelul to you for furnishing such a valuable medicine to ; the public. May you meet with »he success you so well deserve. I place this sommunication at your service, and remain, Bear Sir, yorurs faithfully, /HENRY FRENCH, Stock and Share Broker, 93, Pitt Street, Sydney. c an thoroughly testify to the wonder-' hd ’efficacy ...of your Bronchitis Cure in a ionsurnptive cough, it having relieved me when other : prescriptions had no - effect whatever.” . T. LEWIS, > ■ VKimholton, via Wellington, New Zealand.

HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE 1 1 DEPOT: OFFICES 9 and II HUME'S BUILDINGS. ■ - ' WILLIS SL, WELLINGTON ■ Small Size,, as. 6d. Large, 4s. 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors Q * Chemist, Geelong, Victoria.

Rheumatism If your muscles are sore, bones ache, joints feel stiff, and if pains dart through your body, it is probably rheumatism. Purify your blood, get out all the rheumatism poison—no need of your suffering in this vray. mi ■j3 m 4 % m Awe the following; 'rotter from Mr. E. J. Kowald, of Man.num. So. Australia. Mr. Kowald also sends his photograph. “X suffered gi-aatly with rncumatism, which laid me up for a long time. I tried a great many medicines, but they were of little or no use A friend who had taken Ayer’s Barsanaviba induced me to try it. I thought it would be jvtst like all the other medicines. But there was a great and pleasant surprise in store for me, lor after taking one bottle 1 was better. The swelling began to go down, the pains began to leave me,and I felt better in every way. After takimr only five bottles I was completely cured, rt'hilo X was taking the Sarsaparilla I also took Ayer’s Pills to keep xny bowels in good condition.” ogF&f nR s isaria ’i'liare are many KarsaoarilU;,. Be sure you get “Ayers.’ r f .cjarci by 3>r. J. C, A„ ;; So., Low!*, Aiatj.. i, 3 *,

GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. THIRTY SHILLINGS A QUARTER PAID TO THE GOVERNMENT OFFICE WILL SECURE, At age 23, £3OO, payable at death or at age 80; At age 18, £3OO, payable at age 65 or at previous death. WITH URGE BONUSES ADDED IN EACH CASE. J. H. RICHARDSON, F.F.A., I Commissioner

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXIII, Issue 13716, 5 April 1905, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXIII, Issue 13716, 5 April 1905, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXIII, Issue 13716, 5 April 1905, Page 4


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