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Tenders. FEED J. BARLOW. A.R.V.LA., Architect, 115, Lichfield Street* INVITES TENDERS for Erection of COTTAGE, Lyttelton. Plana may be seen at his office, and at Mr W. Wales's Shop, Lyttelton. Tenders close TUESDAY, 4th October, at I‘2 o’clock. 6143 TENDERS will be received at John Harvey’s until noon MONDAY, 3rd OCTOBER, ISO 4, for Erection of Cottage in Tilford Street, Woolaton. Plans and specifications can be seen at the Under-named address. Lowest cr any tender not necessarily accepted. J. HARVEY, Ashburno Street, Woolston, 643 S Opposite Pepper’s Store. TO CONTRACTORS. mBNDERS for ALTERATIONS and ADJ- DITIONS to BUILDING, Colombo Street, for Messrs Mason, Struthors ar.d Co,, Ltd., will close at noon on BAIURUAI, OCTOBER Ist. S. AND A. LUTTRELL, Aivhitecis ... Grain Agency i ' • 11 __ TENDERS FOB PURCHASE OF BUILD- • INGS FOE REMOVAL. WHITE HART. TENDERS are invited for the PURCHASE for immediate removal, citner as a whole or in lots, of the WHITE HART BUILDINGS, comprising the buildings occupied by Jimes Freeman, Limited, the White Hart Hotel and Shops attached thereto. For Conditions of Sale and time of removal apply to the undersigned. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Tenders must be sent in not later than Noon on THURSDAY, 29th September instant, to MESSRS DUNCAN AND COTTERILL, Cathedral Square, 6180 Christchurch. DRAPERY BUSINESSES -SALE In the Assigned Estate of F. LOVEDAY, Wanganui. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for either tne STOCK and LEASE separately, or the BUSINESS as a going concern in the above estate. The stock consists of Well-assorted DRAPERY, as follows: — Haberdashery .... Silks and Dresses • Manchester . • • . • ■ Ribbons, Laces. Gloves, Hosiery, etc £9OB Millinery and Mantles . . • *2BO Mercery and Clothing . • • £846 Fixtures and Plant £3076 £74 'PQtal £3150 The lease has 22 years to run at a very low rental, and the premises are excellently Bituited in the main business thoroughfare of Wanganui, and consist of up-to-date doublcFrcnted shop, recently renovated throughout, it considerable expense. Further particulars may bo obtained and stock sheets seen at tne Warehouse of BING HARRIS AND CO., ‘Wellington, "Wanganui, Dunedin-and Christchurch. Tenders will ho received at the Wellington Warehouse’ not later than OCTOBER 3rd, 1904. 6408 TSTAIiLACS AND LAURIE ■ ' (Late Wood and Laurie), •TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS, CORNER MANCHESTER AND TUAM STREETS, HAVE FOR SALEit.Ti KINDS OP TIMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL. SEASONED TIMBER A\ SPECIALTY. In StockGalvanised Iron , Galvanised Wire, Barbed and Plain ‘ Gat' and Hurdle* .Sheep and Babbit Netting Builder A Ironmongery. Telephone No. 353. KI4OO |T WALLER AND SON, '«*’• TIMBER and COAL MERCHANTS, TUAM STREET, Hava in Stock— EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING MATERIAL, Including— TERY LARGE STOCKS OF SEASONED TIMBER, Kept Under Cover for Immediate Use. Cement, Galvanised Iron Lead, Doors, Sashes Builders’ Ironmongery Fencing Materials, etc. COAL AND FIREWOOD. We are prepared to QUOTE PRICES for Building Materials delivered in town or any part of the Province- X 1516 TO BUILDERS AND THOSE ABOUT TO BUILD. E : LASTIC PULP PLASTER FOR QUICK WORK. No Sand. No Hair. No Lime. Ready for Carpenters to follow in 34 Homs. FIREPROOF. ’ Endorsed by Architects, Contractors and Owners, and specified by the N.Z. Government. Sole Agent for Canterbury:; JAMES GOSS, DURHAM STREET NORTH. 8605 •gROWN’S COAL SHEDS. BEST QUALITY COALS. UNDERCOVER. LOWEST RATES. LARGE STOCKS SEASONED TIMBER. J. T. BROWN AND SON, TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS, Corner Colombo and Tuam Street*. Telephone No. 863 P.O. Box 308. Xlß3 l T> W. ENGLAND, «LV* TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANT. LARGE STOCKS EVERY DESCRIPTION BUILDING MATERIALS. SEASONED TIMBER, all eiaes IRON, CEMENT BUILDERS’ IRONMONGERY DOORS, SASHES, etc. Quotations sent on application, town or country. Tuam and St Asaph Streets, Christchurch. K 2448 Hotels. AUCKLAND. WAVEELEY HOTEL. Maurice o’connor, proprietor, desires to intimate that he has taken evear the business of this popular Hotel, and j would respectfully request a continuance of j the liberal support hitherto accorded his predecessor. I VISITORS to AUCKLAND will find that | no effort will bo spared to afford them every j comfort, whilst the jtABIFF will be, as previously, MOST MODERATE. This Hotel is within one minute's walk of Railway Station and Wharf, and commands a magnificent view of the Harbour, and has recently been thoroughly renovated. To the friends of the Proprietor in different porta of the colony a Cead Mrlie FaiitHs will ■ •wr be ’extended, and a pleasant sojourn savored. WINES, SPIRITS, ALES. ETC., Of the BEST BRANDS ONLf! 2387 MAURICE O'CONNOR. rtITY BUFFET PRIVATE HOTEL, V Colombo street (Next Reece’s, Ironmonger’s). THIS NEW AND COMMODIOUS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW OPEN. Furnished in the Beat Style. Hoi, Cold, and Shower Baths. First-class Accommodation for Permanent Boarders and the Travelling Public. Close to Ran way Station and General Post Office. Trams pass door. Luncheon from Noon to 2 p.m. Letters and Telegrams will receive prompt attention. 3346 X ’ JAMES HOWEY. Proprietor. NEW Shipments of Sheetings, Longcfotha, Fancy Blousings; excellent value. Beath and Co,, Ltd., Cashel Street. Sea windows. 8
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXII, Issue 13553, 27 September 1904, Page 5
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812Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXII, Issue 13553, 27 September 1904, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXII, Issue 13553, 27 September 1904, Page 5
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