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Borough. Ootrnoilß. EAIAPOI BOROUGH 'COUNCIL. ELECTION OP MAYOR. IN pursuance of the provisions of "' Municipal Corporations Act, 1900/ •with, its amendments, *nd " Regulations of Local Election" Act, 1376," I hereby give public notice that the ANNUAL ELECTION 01 a Dulv Qualified Person to the Office of MAYOR of the Borough of Karapoi will be 'held at the Borough Council Chambers, High Street Kaiapoi, on. WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of April, 1901. ' ...,'■. , ■Nominal ions, in the form Belt forth m the Second Schedule of "Tie Regulations of Local Elections Act. 1876," must be delivered to the Returning Officer, or addressed to hi and delivered at the Town.' Clerk's- Offic, Kpiapoi together with a deposit; of £lO, before noon on SATURDAY, lG'th dayof April, 1901. OHA'S..'H. WRIGHT. Returning Officer. 7tTi Aura, 1904. 3482 Bankruptcy Wotices. IN BANKRUPTCY. TiHE "LYTTELTON TIME'S" i» a duty . appointed GAZETTE For . ALL NOTICES Under tho BANKRUPTCY ACT. 'N BANKRUPTCY.—In the Supre _ JL holden at Christchureh.—Notice is hereby given that WM. PAUL HEWITT, of Sheffield, (Roadman, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors, to be holden at my office on. TUES-i;-i£, the 12th day of April, 1901, at 11 o'clock. . G. I/. GREENWOOD, Official Assignee. 6th April, 1904. 3454 rpENDERS will be received at our Office till J- I p.m. on WEDNESDAY, April 13th, •■.-•p---.-'- -v ~f - to a HOUSE in McPadden's Road. w.Uu.l-yS ainxj HARMA'N, 3364 Architects. TENDERS will be received at our Office till 4 p.m.' on WEDNESDAY, April 13&, for a STABLE at Pendalton. COLLINS AND HAiwaN, 3365 Architects. RICCARTON ROAD 'BOARD. TENDERS will be received up to Noon on .MONDAY, 11th April, for SHINGLING 40 Chains of Division Street, Riccarton. Specifications to be seen at the Road Board Office, Fendalton. . JAMES H. SHARPE, 3J71 Clerk. TENDERS are invited for the PURCHASE of that Block of Land situated between St Albans and Fendalton, frontage to Wairarapa Stream; good locality, easily subdivided: comprising seventeen acres twenty perches. Rural Section 143. Tenders close 25th APRIL. MR S. HALL, 3314 Aikman's Road, St Albans. DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. A LTERNATIVE TENDERS will be received 3- up to Noon cm SATURDAY, 9i'h April, FOR THE WELL-KNOWN BANFIELD ( CYCLE WORKS, as 'a going concern;Of, FOR GOODS, PLANT, TOOLS and BOOK DEBTS. Stock Sheets can be seen at' the Office of . C. L. RUSSELL, ■ Hereford Street, 3354 . Christchtu-ch. TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS invited till NOON, SATURDAY, 23rd inst., for TWO-STOREY STONE BUILDING, . Worcester Street, Christchuich. Plans and specifications with S. AND A. LUTTRELL, Architects. n,„;„ Agency Buildings, iffh Street. 3477 TENDERS will be received up till FRIDAY, 4 p.m., April 29th, for the REBUILDING of .the WHITE HART BLOCK, Cliris'tchurch. Deposit of £SOO to accompany each fender, and specifications may bo'seen at our oe '. i'he lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. S. AND A. LUTTRELL, Architects. Grain Agency Buildings, Christ-church. 3476 T WALLER AND SON, "'TIMBER and COAL MERCHANTS, ' TUAM STREET, Have in Stock— EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING .MATERIAL, • , i Including— VERY LARGE STOCKS OF SEASONED j TIMBER, I Kept Under Cover for Immediate Use. 1 Cement, Galvanised Iron Lead, Doors, Sashes Builders' Ironmongery Fencing Materials, etc. COAL AND FIREWOOD. We are prepared to QUOTE PRICES for Building Materials delivered in town or eiy j/art of fhe Province. X 1516 > R O W N' S COAL SHEDS. J , E'EST QUALITY COALS. | UNDER COVER. LOWEST SAx<: LARGE STOCKS SEASONED TIMBER. J. T. BROWN A'ND SON, TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS, . Corner Colombo and Tuam Streets. Telephone No. 362. P.O. Box 306. SIBB7 . TIMBER AND COAL M'EROHANT. : . LARGE STOCKS EVERY DESCRIPTION BUILDING MATERIALS SEASONED TIMBER, all sizes IRON. CEMENT BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY ■ DOORS, SASHES, etc. Quotations sent on application, town or ■ ...... country. ■_--- ™ n and St Asajph Streets, CSiristcburcJi. X 2443 WALLACE AND LAURIE (Late Wood and Laurie), TIMBER AND COAL MERCHANTS, CORNER MANCHESTER AND TUAM STREETS, HAVE FOR SALEALL KINDS OF TIMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL. SEASONED TIMBER A SPECIALTY. In Stock— Galvanised Iron Galvanised Wire, Barbed and .Plain Gates and Hurdles - Sheep and Rabbit Netting Builders' Ironmongery. Telephone No. 253. XHS Board and Residence. >OARD and Residence.SJ> .24, Durham Street; five 'i from Railway Station; or Post Office. Gon\! table, bath, hot cold; every attention; terms moderate. Mrs McConnell. Z 3208 MRS E. RICHARDS, "Aronui," Higb Street, Dunedin. Telephone 1377. Trams pass door. Nice, sunny single and double bedrooms, wi'tlh fireplaces. Two bathrooms, hot and cold water. 69, HIGH STREET. X 3312 rTtTAINONI PARK, Now Brighton Road, 15 V» minutes' cycle from City. An ideal health and holiday resort. A summer residence for clerks, etc. Terms moderate. Beau tiful garden's and over 20 acres of pine plants. Boarders have free use of boats, bills and tennis court. 3238 •QANFURLY STREET—Superior Modern Ai Residence of 7 rooms, verandah, bay indows, tiled gratea and hearths, electrio bells, main sewer connection, outhouses and workshop, grounds nicely laid out; an ex-pensively-built property; the owner is sacrificing on account of leaving district; offers. J. G. BANNERMAN, 174. Lichfield Street. X 303&
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXI, Issue 13406, 7 April 1904, Page 8
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826Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXI, Issue 13406, 7 April 1904, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Lyttelton Times, Volume CXI, Issue 13406, 7 April 1904, Page 8
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