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Government Notifications. THE WAR OFFICE, Pall Mall, London iS.W., aro inviting TENDERS for the SUPFLV ■ofF.ROiZBN MEAT for the use ot his 'Majesty's' Troops Stationed at Gibraltar. Forms of Tender and Conditions of Contract aro to be seen at the Office of Industries and Commcrco Department, Brandon Street, Wellington, or at tho Government Tourist Offices at. Auckland, ChristchurcQi or Invorcaigill, and at tiho Governniea-t Gram Grader's Office, Duncdm. Tenders will bo received wb the War Office, Pall Mnjl, London S.W., by noon on the 18t2k proximo. ' T. E. DONNE, Secretary for Industries and Comnietrc*. 8220 ! Telephono 34G. Telephone 348. HEMENT*BROS., „„_ ELECTRICAL' AND GAS ENGINEERS. Agents for the Well-known, Reliable ; " """"igyes Gas and C"' " " nQ: """ hai Those about to use power should get particulars and Price from Henient Bros., . Christchureh. ' Contractor to the Christchuroh Hospital Board for Electrical Lighting . and Bngin* Plaint). X 3007 MIDLAND RAILWAY—TADMORSECTIOII -MOTUEEA BRIDGE CONTRACT. • FRESH Tenders will be received at thi* Office until Noon of MONDAY, >Uie 14tia July, 1902, for -t3ie ERECTION of a Combined Road and Railway Bridge over ths Motueka River, in connection with the-above; Railway. Plans, specification and conditions iway bo seen at t'ha Public Works Offioes, Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Greyiuoufch, Christehurch and Dunedin. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily; accepted. • WM. H. HALES, Engineer-in-Ch ief. Public Works Office, h j _l9o2. 1851 GOVERNMENT INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. ; LOST POLICY. EVIDENCE having been supplied of ih» loss-, of Policy numbered 8945 in the the books cf this Department on the life of WARNER WILLIAM WARREN WESTENIU. of Christehurch, formerly of Dunsundel, I hereby give notice of my intention to issue a copy to take the place thereof on the 23rd day of July, 1902, unless objection be lodged before that date. J. H. RICHARDSON, Government Insurance Commissioner. Wellington, 23rd June, 1902, 2300 Licensing Inoucos. ■NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OP LICENSE. I MARY ANNE "MURPHY, of Christ-, 1 church, widow, being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of ilie house and premises situate in "the City of Christchurch, and known as ithe Shamrock Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire io obtain,' and will at the next Licensing Meeting', to be holden at Qiristchurch on the Third Day of September, 1902, apply for ■& Transfer to have the said License from myself ito Reuben., Ogden, jay appointee. ' ,„„,__!_ • MARY A'NNE MURPHY. . Dated the twenty-fifth day of June, 1902. A. LOUGHREY, Solicitor. 3219 Public Notices ADELAIDE WINE SHOW, OCi'OBER, 1901. rr<HOMAS HARDY AND SONS, LTD., 1 ADELAIDE AND SYDNEY, Have again taken. THE GREATEST NUMBER OF AWARDS. Their Tintara Claret came second for the Cup Prize, with VERY HIGHLY COMMENDED. Hock, No. 0 Claret, Sherry, Oomoo, and Port obtained _ FIRST PRIZES And other Awards in every class in whioh. thoy were exhibited, and all tho Exhibits wer*. taken from stock supplid to our Customers. XI9SS COAL AND FIREWOOD MERCHANTS. Always on hand best qualities of WESTPORT, NEWCASTLE, BLACKBALL, BRUNNER, ETC.. At Lowest Rates. S.S. TAIERI Discharging This Week. Railway Siding, South Belt. Yard, East Belt, I X 2959 Telephones 54 and 664. CINNAMON CURE for Bronchitis, Crouft Whooping -Cough. ' KOOLIBAH for all Muscular Pains. PAPPERILL, Addington. X 2941 JILES 'that Bleed and Blind Piles are both curable by the New American Method. This system of treatment gives ease very quickly and relieves the blood pressure; 5» for a mouthls treatment, at Health Supplie* Company, Cashel Street, Christehurch. 1217? UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, No. So, LICHFIELD- STREiTelephone 361. ifi2S G. W. J. PARSONS, MONUMENTAL MASON, Manchester Street 9. ■MONUMENTS anT* HEADSTONES ia IVJL Marble, Granite and other stones. All Work Guaranteed. Lowest Prices. Concreto Kerbings and Iron Raiangs in all the Newest Designs. —„-„„ Inspection. Invited. X 2059 GEORGE B * ..UNDERTAKER and EMBALMEB, POLISHED ENGLISH OAK or BlMtf COFFINS* are kept in stook for urgent orders. Telegrams or Telephone orders by night at dav receive immediate attention. Office: 53, DURHAM STREET SOUTH. Workshops, etc.: 232 and 234, St Anapa St \ Telephone 721. X 1962 to attend the l-uneral ot nis late wire, xuaggie, which will leave the Hospital THs_ Day, at 2 p m., for j BARRELL, Undertaker and Embalmer. 3209 rpilE Friends of Mr William AVithey are mJ- vited to attend the Funeral of his lata wife, Marv, which will leave hi 3. residence, 12, Walker Sweet, Christehurch, on Tuesday, at ! 2 p.m., for Linwood Public Cemetery. j GEORGE BARRELL, Undertaker and Embailmer. 3207 TO COUNTRY SUBSCRIBERS. . W. EXALIi . . W. LEETE . 7. Shaw . . . - idncv Harris . . . C."Oddie . Lorrisoii and Co. ,'. E. Collins ;. Fracklin . . , I envy Knight . . . Hardy and Co. . Jones .... . Sherrard . .P. Kissel . . . A. Webb . . . Higlit ■ ■ • . Hurray . . . . Ledsham . •' J. FOWLER . . I. JENNINGS . D. Hassall INGRAM . . [rs A. Farr . . . M'Dowell • ■ . Brown and Co. , Nico'll .... ■. Heslop ... ivers Eros. . . W. DENT . !. H. Rhodes . . I'atora and, Makay LYTTELTON AKAROA Duvauchellea Little River Temuka Geraldine Waihi Bush Waimate AHord Forest Rakaia West Meltoa Dunsandel Templeton South Malvern Sheffield Annat Waddington kaiapSi RaNUIORA Oust OXFORD Bennett's Junct Waikari Sefton Cheviot Irwell Southbridffo LEESTON Amberley Rotherhim Romittancos forwarded direct to the Head Office. Chrii.tchurcih, should be addressed to the Manager of the " Lyitelton Times" Comrcanv. Limited. Christehurch.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume CVII, Issue 12861, 7 July 1902, Page 8
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844Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Lyttelton Times, Volume CVII, Issue 12861, 7 July 1902, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Lyttelton Times, Volume CVII, Issue 12861, 7 July 1902, Page 8
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