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Tonks, Norton & Co. W. Tonka) (W. H. Norton THIS DAY, at 11 a.ia. FURNITURE, E.P. WARE, 33 GROSS SHORT WINE CORKS, Etc. ' IMTESSRS TONES, NORTON AND CO. will iVA SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, In their Rooms TO-DAY, a LARGE Entry of FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, Including 2 suites, 3 cheats drawers, 4 bedsteads, mattresses, bedding, ware, washstands, book-case, dining-table, chairs, linoleum, crockery, pictures, sundries, etc., etc. . At 1.30 p.m., E.R. YTARE, A splendid variety, Including, cruets, jam dishes, toast racks, biscuit jars, liqueur stands, pickle jars, butter dishes, epergnes, vases, etc., etc., best quality. At 2 p.m., to close accounts, 33 GROSS CORKS, SHORT WINES. No reserve. 8659 TONKS, NORTON AND CO-, Auctioneers, etc. V. Tonks) THIS DAY, at 1 p.m (W. H. Norton UNDER BILL OP SALE, Martin v. White. H/TESSRS TONKS, NORTON AND CO. will LVI SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, in their Rooms, by order of the Baum, a - SILVERSMITH'S STOCK-IN-TRADE, GOODS, Etc., Comprising lathe, tools, unfinished work, German silver,. solution, metal, German silver banding, wire, hooping, etc., decanters, glassware, jelly dishes, batteries, brushes, burnishers* crucibles, paint mills, dies, etc., etc. No reserve. TONKS, NORTON AND CO., • Auctioneers, gi;s7 Colombo Street. V.* Tonks) (W. H. Norton AUCTION SALE. FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. THE Undersigned have been favoured with instructions from the owner, who is leaving Christchurch, to SRLL, on the Premises, Gloucester Street west, on FRIDAY, the 6th JANUARY, At 12 o’clock, THE COMPLETE FURNISHINGS OP A 7-ROOMED HOUSE, Including— Very Pine-toned PIANO, by Max Kurts (quite new); also, Dining-room, Draw-ing-room and Bedroom Furniture of every description. Full particulars in future issue. TONES, NORTON AND CO., Auctioneers, etc., etc., 8658 165, Colombo Street. W. Tonks) (W. H. Norton TENDERS INVITED. Messrs tones, Norton and go. have been instructed to RECEIVE TENDERS, on behalf of the committee of the COMMERCIAL CLUB, CHRISTCHURCH, For the LEASE of those Commodious premises now 1 occupied by them in High Street, together with all .the Linoleum on both flats, the Bar Fittings and Counter, Venetian Blinds and Gas Fittings. The-Lease has about 12 years to run, at an annual rental of £l5O and rates. Tenders will be opened on the 30th day of DECEMBER, 1898. Further particulars from . TONKS, NORTON AND CO, W. Tonks) (W. H. Norton Rents and interest collected, And Every Description of FINANCIAL BUSINESS Transacted from £5 upwards. DESIRABLE • SUBURBAN HOME, comprising 2 acres land, magnificent garden and orchard, house 5 rooms, scullery, washhouse and copper, good stabling, and all in first-class order; within 3 miles of town. Owner leaving. Early application necessary. HEREFORD STREET, LINWOOD-Supe-rior, well-built, modem residence of 7 rooms, together with half-acre land, splendid garden, orchard and bowling green. AVONSIDE—HaIf-acre land, with new house of 7 rooms, 2-stall stable, loose-boxes, etc.; to bo sold a bargain. TONKS, NORTON AND CO., Auctioneers, Land and Estate Agents, - - Hotel Valuators and Financial Agents. Wilson & Sons. THIS DAY. END OF YEAR. Large clearing sale. INSTRUCTED TO ,SELL OVER-TIME STOCK. Ladies’ Phaeton, in fine order 2 Hawkers' Vans 2 Bakers' Carts 1 Butcher’s Cart 2 Pognal Carts (Steel’s build) 1 Gig, 1 Sulky (good) 1 Brougham (good) 5 Spring Carts, various 1 Spring Dray (good) 1 Tip Dray One Wheeled Racing Sulky (Yankee) 8 New and other Saddles 6 Riding Bridles 6 Seta new and other Harness 6 Boys’ and Girls’ Bikes 12 Men’s new and Second-hand do ‘ 3 Ladies’ do Ton Bacon, much of it prime 1 Organ, 1 Cheese Press (good) 1 Bran or Chaff Screw (good) 2 S-h.p. Portable Engines 1 2-h.p. Stationary Engine 1 Andrews and Beaven Clover Cleaner (good) 1 Corn and Grass Dressing Machine (good); Lot Black Birch Timber and Lining 100 other things. A regular chuck in. Sale by Auction or Private on SATURDAY NEXT, after the Live Stock Sale. 8499 WILSON AND SONS, Auctioneers. Clarko & Co, FRUIT FOR NEW YEAR. THIS DAY, 11 o’clock sharp. CLARKE AND CO. will SELL BY PUB'U LIC AUCTION— Local Plums, Cherries Gooseberries, Italian and Sydney Oranges Lemons, Mandarins . American Apples Potatoes, etc. H. G, CLARKE, 8717 Auctioneer. F. C. Tabart, "opening Ok 1 NEW SALEYARDs”AT ’ KAV/ARDEN. THURSDAY, sth JANUARY. 71 C. TABART WILL SELL BY - • AUCTION, as above— SHEEP, CATTLE, HORSES, PIGS, 8649 Entries Invited. A. P. Tutton. RANGIORA MARKET. TUESDAY NEXT, JANUARY 3rd. I SHALL be in attendance at the North Canterbury Salcyards for the SALE of SHEEP, CATTLE and PIGS. PRESENT ENTRIES—--75 FORWARD TWO-TOOTHS 120 FORWARD TWO-TOOTHS ■ 50 FAT EWES and 100 EWES and LAMBS Entries- taken up to time of Sale. AT MY AUCTION MART, 100 Bushels Fowls’ Wheat, 300 Bushels Good Feed Oats, 200 Bushels Bran, 150 Sacks Oatsheaf Chaff, Flour, Bran and Sharps, in lots to suit purchasers. > CORN SACKS supplied at Current Market Prices. I A. P. TUTTON, | 8G94 Auctioneer, Rangiora. ! D. Thomas. ASHBURTON. ARCADE HORSE FAIR. FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1899. ; MR D. THOMAS has received instructions! TO SELL, on the above date, via.:— , On account of a Southern Client, 15 DRAUGHT MARES and GELDINGS On account of a Client, , 12 DRAUGHT MARES and GELDINGS; 2 THREE-YEAR-OLD DRAUGHT j WELDINGS I 1 BAY GELDING, 4 years; good in' , saddle and harness, trial j PRESENT "~ENTRY-114. Sale at 11.30 a.m. 8186 D. THOMAS, Auctioneer.
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Lyttelton Times, Volume C, Issue 11777, 31 December 1898, Page 8
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859Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume C, Issue 11777, 31 December 1898, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume C, Issue 11777, 31 December 1898, Page 8
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