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Charles Clark. MR CHAELSS CLARK, ESTADLISIIUD 1?G1, AUCTIONEER, - T, AND AND ESTATE AGENT, LICENSED LAND BROKER, Cash Heady for sums from £SO upwards,' At Lowest Current Hates. HOUSES TO BE LET—--0 Booms and over—Gloucester Street West, Park Terrace, Lichfield Street, East TJ.dt, Colombo Street, Cambridge XeiT'Ce, Norman’s Hoad, Papanui Bead (with stabling and li acres), St Albans (large house 5 acres;, Peudalton (with land), and Sumner 7 and 8 Booms—ln Peterborough Street, Worcester . Street ) Lin wood), Eicearton Hoad, also Avonside (with 4 acres land), Blkli's Hoad, Papanui, and Fond a I ton G Rooms and nuder —Lichfield Street, Colombo and Montreal Streets (Sydenham), Chester Street west Shops in Colombo, High and Tuam Streets Offices - Hereford Street, Cashel Street and Gloucester Street Also, those centrally-situated Business Premises lately occupied by Milner and Thompson FURNISHED HOUSE, Gloucester Street west, Sumner, Oxford Terrace, Papanui Road and Brynclwr Hall in Oxford Terraco and Tuam Street, 25ft x 72ft POE IMMEDIATE SALE— Several Pirst-elass Barms upon easy terms of payment 3105 VERY CHOICE ENGLISH-MADB FURNITURE, MOSTLY IN WALNUT, Nearly new and in perfect order. MAGNIFICENT PIANO, &c,, Ac,, Ac. ME CHAELES CLARK has been favoured with instructions from Mrs P. S. Murray, who has disposed of her property, and is leaving for Scotland, to SELL BY AUCTION, At No. 17, Hereford Street, Linwood, on THURSDAY & FRIDAY, JANUARY IGth AND 17th, Commencing at 11 o’clock a.m. each day, THH WHOLE of her Very Superior FURNITURE, Piano (Milner & Thompson), Glassware, China, Garden Tools, Ac., Including—- , Brussels and Wilton Carpets, Wool Euga Brass and Steel Fenders Carved Walnut Overmantels, Settees Easy Chairs, Dining-room Chairs (walnut frames), Walnut Sutherland Table Japanese Table, Walnut Cabinet, Walnut Writing Desk (with drawers and pigeonholes) Very Handsome Walnut Sideboard Magnificent Piano, Dining Table (walnut) Hanging Brass Kochosior Lamp Singer Hand Sewing Machine Dinner, Dessert and Tea Services, Glassware Hall Furniture, Very Handsomo Suite of Bedroom Furniture in walnut Massivo Brass Bedstead (double) Single Bedsteads. 2 Brass-mounted Cota Bedding of Every Description Pictures, Lamps Tapestry and Lace Curtains, &c. Indiarubher Hose, Water Ballast Holler Lawn Mower, Largo Selection of Garden and Carpenters' Tools, Ac. Catalogues axo now Beady. Any person requiring really good Furniture should attend this sale, as the bulk was imported from England, and is of first-class workmanship, and is to be sold 86 Without Reserve. . No. 500 H. Matson & Co. GRAIN, SEED & FARM PRODUCE. BY PUBLIC AUCTION, OB PRIVATE TEEATY. SEASON 189 G. TfTE are now PEEPAEED TO RECEIVE V V CONSIGNMENTS of the above into our Stores, Cashel Street; or, where owner has it Stored, Samples from Bulk. WE DO NOT BUY, acting as Selling Brokers only; consequently it is to our advantage to OBTAIN THE HIGHEST MARKET VALUES. Last Season we sold on consignment over 2000 sacks of Cocksfoot, in addition to Grain and Produce. COBNSACKS and TWINE forwarded upon receipt of order. S3T Please consign H. MATSON & CO., CHSISTCHURCH. H. MATSON & CO., 85 Cashel Street. WOOL. WOOL. mHIED AUCTION OP THE SERIES PEIDAY, JANUARY 24m. ■ADVANCES MADE AGAINST CLIPS, either for Sale in this Market or for Shipment, PEES OP COMMISSION. WOOLPAOKS, &C„ forwarded immediately upon receipt of order. ! Please Consign "Seed Company,” Addington; or No. 1 Harbour Board Shed, Lyttelton. H. MATSON & CO„ 82 Woolbrokers. IMPOETANT NOTICE TO SHEEP-OWNERS. •OrrE have numerous inquiries for Good • VV STRONG YOUNG SHEEP and for LAMBS, WETHERS especially. We will be very pleased to receive particulars of lines for Private Sale. No commission charged unless sales effected. S 3 H. MATSON & CO. HAVE MONEY TO LEND OH GOOD FREEHOLD SECURITIES OP ALL CLASSES AND AT THE LOWEST RATE OP INTEREST. Any farmers wishing to change their mortgages or secure money on the most liberal term? cannot do better than interview us. H, MATSON & CO., 84 Cashel Street, F. O. Tabart. ADDINGTON BALEYARDS WEDNESDAY, 15th JANUARY. P. U. TABART WILL SELL, as above— On account Kaituna -Estate, 2000 4 - too^ h et h #e™ ed 2000 The above sheep ore large-framed and well grown, being in first-class condition; a large num her are fit for freezing. F. C. TABART, 23 Auctioneer. WOOL. WOOL. WOOL. M E P. C. TABAP.T WILL HOLD HIS THIRD SALE OP THE SEASON 1595-6. OH FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 CASH ADVANCED FREE OP COMMISSION. Prompt Account Sales and Net Proceeds. Woolpacks, Twine and all Requisites. . Entries Solicited. F. ,0. TABAKT, 9810 Woolbroker, Auctioneer. Ayers, Beauchamp & Co. THIS DaY, At 11 a.m. FRUIT AND~ PRODUCB.M ESSES AYERS, BEAUCHAMP k CO. will SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at their rooms— Oranges, Lemons, Peaches, Bananas, Potatoes Ac. Cases LOCAL PLUMS And at 3 p.m., (TO Cases NELSON TOMATOES, PLUMS, APRICOTS. PEACHES, &c , &o. Also, if arrived, ex Hauroto, Oranges, Lemons, Plums, Nectarines, 30 Cases 124 Pines, &c.. &c. AYERS, BEAUCHAMP & CO., Auctioneers. Friedlander Bros. WOOL. WOOL. W E ARE PEEPAEED TO MAKE LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES, Free of Commission, ON THE ENSUING CLIPS OP WOOL, Our Third Sale will take place at '‘■HEISTCHURCH ON JAN. 24, 1896. Clients will please Consign their Wool to WOOD BROS.’ PRIVATE SIDING, ADDINGTON. FRIEDLANDER BEOS., Ltd., IGGBX Ashburton. SILVEESTREAM Schnappi crystal bottles), Onoo taken, always preferred,
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Lyttelton Times, Volume XCV, Issue 10852, 11 January 1896, Page 8
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849Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XCV, Issue 10852, 11 January 1896, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume XCV, Issue 10852, 11 January 1896, Page 8
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