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Cohxmnts.—Further details respecting ge floods in Hawke’s Bay are pubtied this morning, aud it will ba issa that measures for the relief of the flnffereit are'being taken. Some information as to the food dep6ta maintained In the islands to the south of New Zealand by the Government will be found interesting in view of the experience of the castaways from the Spirit of the Dawn,' who were rescued by the Hinsmoa from'Antipodes Island a few days ago. cablegram abates that a deputation baa Waited upon the English Home Secretary With regard to the treatment of habitual Inebriates, and a lecture on this subject, delivered by Mrs Wells before the Canterbury Women’s Institute, is reported in this issue. It will be noticed, also, that the temporanoeparty in England la demanding that the provisions of the-Local Veto . Bill shell be extended to the whole of the Baited Kingdom. In Scotland 100,000 miners have been “looked-out.” The boundary dispute between South Australia and Victoria has reached an acute Itege, and the former Colony has decided to apply to the Imperial Parliament for legislation on the subject. The South Australian Government is considering a peheme of compulsory military service. The commercial telegrams indicate that St the wool sales in London, Sydney and lelbourne competition is brisk. Chertsey Salbtards. The annual meeting of shareholders of the Oheatsey fialeyards Company will bo held at 4.30 jp.m. to-day. Bast Christchurch School. Tho Annual concert by the scholars of tho East Christchurch school will bo held in the Tuam street hall this evening. : Tableaux, •otion songs, and a fairy opera, Bad'Luck m»d Good, will bo given.

■ Brough and Bouoxoault Company.—

Mr L. Lohr, advance agent for the Brough and Bouoicault Company, arrived at the Bluff by the steamer Wairampa yeeierday. The Company will open in Chrietchurch on Jan. 11. St Mart’s, Mkrxvals. —The annual •ale of work in connection with St Mary’s, Merivale, will bo opened in the schoolkoomattwo o'clock this afternoon. In the evening' a play, entitled A Compromising Fact, will be performed by members of the Fendaltoa Dramatic Club. Druids* Gala.—At a moating of the

Picnic Committee of tho Druids’ Gala held at the Secretary’s, office on Wednesday, it Was decided to hold the picnic on Boxing Day la a paddock kindly placed at the disposal of the Committee by Mr Harrison. Tho paddock is situate on tho Papanui road, just above May’s road. Valedictory. —On Monday afternoon the employees of Messrs H. Matson and Co. met. at tho Empire Hotel to bid farewell to Mr S. K. Garrick, who has severed Mia connection with the firm. Speeches Were made by Messrs L. Matson, C. Fisher, J, Mute aok and J. Maloolmson. AH tho ppeakers spoke very highly of Mr Garrick’s Work. Mr Garrick was presented with a Wery handsome pipe, bearing hia initials. Supreme . Court.— The Supremo Court yesterday was occupied with a case, in Which the executors of Henry Blaine, do•eased, sought to obtain from the Eev H. H. Qillett, of Wadenboo Rectory, Northampton, England, and W. Aitken, of Winslow, Canterbury, a lien upon certain lands included in a mortgage for £IOOO. Tho

case arose out of certain transactions of

the late firm of Harper and Co. The case ■was adjourned, after hia Honor Mr Justice Denciston had heard evidence and argument of counsel, until Wednesday next. Hia Honor will sit in Chambers this morning at 11 o’clock. Atalanta Bicycle Club.— The monthly meeting of the AtaUnta Bicycle Club was told on "Wednesday evening in Hobbs’ Buildings, when tho Committee invited their friend a and members of the Pioneer and Christchurch Cycling Clubs to n social evening. Amongst the assembly were the Mayor, Mr W. W. Collins, member for Christchurch, and a goodly number of members from both the Pioneer and Christchurch Cycling Clubs. In all about ninety persons were present, and they passed a very pleasant evening. Songs and instrumental music were contributed by Mesdamea Vaughan and Mitchell, Misses Vartha, Martin, Suiter, C. Blslro and Atkinson, and Messrs Marshall, HayWerd, C. Buna and A. Bilnz. The Tuam Street Theatre. Tho J resent lessees of the Tuura street theatre •ve worked a very considerable improvement in its interior. Tho application of pale , green distemper to the walls, with the pilasters picked out in terracotta and the gallery columns in dark chocolate, has given the hall a light and elegant appearance. The gallery circle has been painted and varnished, and the proscenium has been re-decorated, and will be surmounted With the Eoyal Arms, while the interior ot the dome has been whitened. Tho stage basbaen built out another tea feat, and by bringing vocalists wall clear of the proscenium will considerably improve the acoustic properties of the hull for concerts. The re-decorating was entrusted to Mr D. M’Millan, and tho work has been done m

fc thoroughly artiatio manner. Dukidism.— On Tuesday evening an iniareating ceremony will take place in the the Hope of St Albaaa lodgeroom, the occasion being a presentation to Pro W. Xiove, V.A. of the Lodge. Gome time ago the Lodge of Instruction in connection 'with the Order held » aeries of competitions amongst the members in rehearsing the various charges in tho initiation ceremony, and the President gave o very handsome Druidic jewel to bo awarded for the best rendering of the A.D.'a charge. A large number of members competed, and Bro Love was declared the winner. The presentation will bo made by tho D.G.P., and the Grand Lodge officers have intimated their intantion of being present, j audit is expected that there will bo a large gathering of members from the various Lodges in the district, as this is tho first occasion on which a jewel haa been presented to any member of the prior* ;

Garrison Libbabt.— -The monthly meeting of the Garrison Library will be held this evening. Chamber oe Commerce.— A meeting of the Committee of the Canterbury Chamber of Commerce will be held at 2.30 p.m. payLyttelton Regatta.— -The next meeting of the Lyttelton Regatta Committee will' be held this evening, when the canvassers will report the state of the subscription lists. The Hospital.— Applications are' invited for appointments on the honorary staff of the Christchurch Hospital, viz., two physicians, two surgeons and one .ophthalmic surgeon. Aquatic. —The annual aquatic sports of the Christchurch Amateur Swimming Club will take place to-morrow afternoon at 2.15 at the West Christchurch baths, Lincoln road. - v . Lyttelton Borough- Council.— -The vacancy in the Lyttelton Borough Council caused by the election to the office of Mayor of Councillor Thompson will be filled by election on Deo. 22. Nominations will close on Deo. 15. Licensing Committees. The Southwest Ward Licensing Committee was to have held its quarterly meeting yesterday, but as there was no business the Committee did not sit. The Committee for the Northwest Ward will meet to-day at noon, at the City Council Chambers. The Govebnob. His Excellency the Governor and the Countess of Glasgow held a reception at Ham yesterday afternoon. A large number of citizens of Christchurch were present, and the beautiful grounds presented a most attractive appearance. Mr Fleming’s band provided the music. Canterbury Fruit-Growers 5 Association,— - The New Zealand Government fruit expert will address a meeting of fruit-growers on matter's of importance to the fruit industry, at the rooms of the Agricultural and Pastoral Association, Hereford street, on Tuesday, at 8 p.m. The Rev Dr Stuart. — A telegram from Dunedin received last night says that the Rev Dr Stuart, minister of /Knox Church, is again in a highly critical state of health, and may not last through the night., A subsequent message states that at eleven o’clock Dr Stuart had rallied considerably. New Brighton Team Excursion.-— The first excursion of the season to New Brighton by the New Brighton Tramway Company took place last evening, and was very largely attended. Eight cars crowded inside, as well as outside, left the square at 7.15, the Engineers* Band on the first oar playing a number of selections. On arrival at Now Brighton dancing was indulged ia by some, and the pier was largely patronised, A pleasant evening was spent by the excursionists. WsBTERFIELD LiWN TENNIS CLUB.—On Wednesday the members of the Westerfleld Lawn Tennis Club gave a very successful entertainment in the Avonaido schoolroom. There was a good attendance. In the first part songs were sung by Misses Partridge and F. Brown, and Messrs G. G. Moss, H. J. Moss, R. 0. Duncan, A. Duncan and P. Peat. A comedietta entitled Freezing a Mothcr-in-LpAO was performed by Misses J. Williams and Partridge, and Messrs G. Williams, C. G. Moss and H. J. Mosc. Garden Party.—A successful garden party, arranged by the Ladies 5 Guild of St Mary 5 s Church, Timaru, was held yesterday afternoon and evening, in the grounds of Mr J. W. White, Waimataitai. A variety of attractions was provided. One of the best shows was a “Museum, 55 in which the chief exhibit was Me E. P. Sealoy's fine collection of butterflies and moths, from all parts of the world. The weather was all that could be desired, and the attendance was excellent. In the evening showy dances by school children and fireworks wore among the principal additional attractions.

" Old Canterbury.” Last evening Messrs Saager and Hart gave their illustrated lecture, ** Old Canterbury,” in the Durham street "Wesleyan schoolroom. There was a large attendance, and among those present were several people who attended the first Wesleyan Church service iu Canterbury. The photographs shown included the first ministers of the Wesleyan Church la Canterbury and the members of tho congregation who were present at the first service. “ Old Canterbury” has now been given twenty-three times by Messrs Seager and Hart, and over 14,000 people have attended the lecture.

Licensing Committee.— The quarterly meeting of the llangiora Licensing Committee was held yesterday; present— Messrs A, Paraona (Chairman), Q. J. Leach, A. Ivory and C. King. The police report wan satisfactory in every particular. A transfer of tho Junction Hotel license from Mr W. A. Taylor to Mr Mark Scott was granted. The Chairman said he must again .take occasion to remark that ho considered, out of common courtesy to tho Bench, tho licensees of tho hotels should attend to hear the police reports read. In more than one inetanco it had been found necessary to dispatch the constable'to look up a publican from whom some explanation or information was required. Band Performance.— The four bands of Christchurch have unanimously agreed to give an open air performance on the Band Rotunda this evening, commencing at eight o’clock, ia connection with their art anion in aid of the late contest. Tickets for the art union can be had of bandsmen during the evening, and will also admit to the entertainment to be given in tho Tuam Street Hall on Friday, Dec. 15. In connection with the performance the Christchurch Garrison Band will play the following new pieces, just arrived : Suite of waltzs, •• Geffillena Blatter,” (Fallen Leaves), (Karl V. Keller); Lancers, “ Jollity ” (On Jolly Tunes). (T. H. Wright); also grand contest quickstep ■ “Puluisr House” (Petteh) Tho Sydenham Baud will play a selection “Lord of tho Isles” (W. V. Soholos) and Valse "Loving and Hoping” (H. Bound). The Christchurch Election.—Yesterday evening a moating of the friends and supporters of Mr W. W. Collins, one of thelmemboia for Christchurch, was held at Eobba’ Buildings. Tho attendance waa large. In thanking hi-s Committee for the manner ia which it had laboured to secure hia return, Mr Collins referred to the nature of the opposition which had been offered to him, and claimed that his election was pre-eminently a victory of intelligence and liberality ever nsrrow-tninded-neaa and prejudice; and waa in the highest degree honourable to the electors of Christchurch. A member of tha Committee having acknowledged Mr Collins’ address, it was resolved to celebrate the result of too election by holding a "social” upon a popular scale, and a Committee of twenty ladies and gentlemen was appointed to make the neeassary arrangements. It was resolved that the Committee should continue in existence in order to co-operate with Mr Collins and to assist him in his'wort. Votes of thanks to tho Chairman (Mr E. Winter) and to tho Secretary (Mr Soholfield) concluded the business.

New BaianTOS.—Oa Sunday last the Hon J, M'lutyro, Minister for Lands for Victoria, paid a visit to Now Brighton, to bso what had been done in the way of overcoming the sand, as ho is tho owner of property at Brighton, some fifteen miles out of Melbourne, fronting on Port Philip, where the country is of a similar character to.that at the Christchurch watering place. The luxuriant growth of lupina in tho drift sand greatly attracted him, and caused him to arrange for si sack of seel to be forwarded at tho proper season. Ho thought that the people of tho district, considering thocomparativsiy small population, had shown great energy, and enterprise in coping with tho send difficulty and in building tho pier, expressing tiie opinion that such a structure at a seaside resort in Victoria would prove a .veritable gold mine. The artesian supply on the beach ho considered sufficient in itself to ensure rapid settlement now that so good a start had been made. Ha also spoke very highly of tho tramway service to New Brighton, having been particularly struck with the smoothness of tho running and the excellent condition of the carp. The survival of tho fittest. Mrs S. A. Allen's World's Hair Restorer has outlived all other moans of restoring gray or faded hair to the rich colour and freshness of youth.— -[Anvi.]

Hawke’s Bay Floods.-- An anonymous subscription of received for the sufferers by the Hawke's Bay floods has been handed to the Star fund. Cricket Association.—As Mr A. M. Ollivier had declined to act as selector of the mterprovinoial cricket team a meeting of the Committee of the Association was to have been held yesterday to consider the question of the appointment of another selector. The Secretary, however, reported that Mr Ollivier had since written toeay that he would act, and, therefore, there was no necessity for the meeting. Masonic— The regular monthly meeting of the Crown Masonic Lodge, 5.0., took place last evening, when the following officers were electedß.W.M., Bro J. Gough ,- E.S.W., Bro J. M’Donald ; R.J.W., Bro 6. French; Treasurer, Bro J. T. Faville; Secretary, Bro A. B. Chappell s S.D., Bro W. A. James; J.D., Bro J. Bigwood ; 1.G., Bro T. Bottomly ; Tyler, Bro G. Mearna; Stewards, Bros E. Pox and J. Russell. The installation will take place on Deo. 13. Cheviot— Our Wellington correspondent telegraphed last night as follows : Government has definitely resolved to offer under the lease in perpetuity system the unsold cash lands on the Cheviot estate, an area amounting to nearly ten thousand acres. Applications may be put in from date till Jan. 15, when they will be opened and dealt with. If more than one application be made for any particular section, a ballot will be taken for it. Where only one application ia made, no ballot will bo required. Other arrangements are being made with respect to the mansion.

Cricket. —A match was commenced on Thursday afternoon between teams representing the D.I.C. and the Lancaster Park Club. The latter have obtained a decided lead, and should win comfortably next week. The D.1.C., batting first, totalled 106, thanks to Turner 87, Blamirea 23 and R. Mahar 13. The Park responded with 133 for two wickets (Pavitt 53 not out, Willis 43 and Cooke 19.) The bowling honours for Lancaster Park wore divided between Pavitt five wickets for 20 runs. Board four for 24, and Orchard two for 19 runs. For the D.I.C. J. Thompson one for 20 and E. Mahar one wicket for 24 were the moat successful. The match will be continued next Thursday at 2 p.m.—-The following will represent the Ashley County Eleven v. • the Club on Saturday Gower, Cumbarworth, Yolckman, Bailey, Heltnore, Good, Gulliver, Warner, Allan, Mitchell and Sale.

Fillis 5 Ciecus—l6 seems but yesterday that Fillis 5 Circus was in our midst, yet seven months have elapsed since it was here delighting old and young by its many interesting attractions. After leaving this Colony Mr Fillis crossed over to Sydney, where the company was very considerably strengthened by the presence of a number of artists from Europe, and the menagerie augmented by several performing bears. In the face of keen counter attraction, Mr Fillis played a successful season in the Now Soush Wales capital, and then, crossing the border, opened in Melbourne in a specially-built iron building, now known as “ Fillis 5 Iron-pot.” There ho also did well, afterwards going into the country and sending an advance guard to herald his return to this Colony. The combination, as it will tour Now Zealand, ie practically the same as that which has been appearing in Australia. Mr J. J. Cameron ia in advance with a bill brigade of ten people, and Mr H. G. L. Barton is Mr Fillis 5 Press representative.

Chbistchuhch Fire Brigade. —• On Wednesday evening the Christchurch Fire Brigade with the whole of its plant paraded at the Lichfield street station, and was inspected by the Chairman of the Fire Brigade Committee, Councillor Bennington, and s number of members of the Committee. Everything was found ia very good order, and after the inspection a steam fire-engine trial was held iu order to ascertain how high a jet of water coaid be thrown ia case of necessity. The water was obtained from the sump opposite Messrs Mason, Struthen and Co.’a premises. A line of hose was carried up to the look-out on the top of the station, and a second was taken up a fire escape which was erected in the centra of Lichfield street. From the latter a jet was sent as high as the top of Messrs Sargoods* new building. The members of the Committee expressed themselves very well satisfied with the results of the inspection. The new boiler for the Extinguisher has been received from Messrs Shand, Mason and Co., and will be put in the engine at once. Theatrical. The Company which Messrs Walter Howe and Walter B. Spong will bring to Hew Zealand early next year, will appear principally in melodrama, but one Shaksporian and several high-class dramas will be included in the repertoire. Mr Howe’s long association with Mr Bland Holt has enabled him to realise that to secure success two things are very necessary, viz., a good all-round Company and strict attention to the mounting of hia plays. These details will receive the attention they merit. Mr Howe’s experience will render him capable of selecting a company ; suitable to the requirements of the Hew Zealand playgoing public, while Mr Spoog’s excellent scenic work is so well-known as to be a guarantee that his part of the undertaking will be carried out in a manner that will leave nothing to be desired. It is settled that the first piece to be produced will be Sims and Pettitt’a Sariour Lights, first presented here by Mr George Lsitch on Oot. 31, 1887. The season will commence at Dunedin on Fab. 17 of next year. Eaiapoi Rifle Club. —The annual meeting of the Kaiapoi Eifla Club was held at Marshall’s Hotel on Wednesday evening. Thera was a good attendance. The Patron (Mr E. Moore) presided. The report showed a credit balance at the Bank. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows:—Patron, Mr B. Moore; President, Mr W. Fraser; Vice-Presidents, Doctors Parsons and Murray, Messrs Doubleday and G. H. Blackwell and hia Worship the Mayor; Secretary, Treasurer and Custodian, Mr Alfred Pearce; Captain, Hr P. Bate; ViceCaptain, Mr C. Simpson; Committee, Messrs M’Gregor, Templeton, Barden, Jowaey and J. Simpson. The annual subscription was fixed at sb, tba Club’s year to commence on January 1, 1894. The matter of the range was left in the hands of the Committee. The Captain, Vice-Captain and Secretary were appointed a Handicap Committee. Is was resolved that no member should shoot for prizes unless hia subscription was paid. Thirty-four names of candidates for membership were received. The Committee decided to meet on Monday next. After passing a hearty vote of thanks to tho Chairman the meeting closed. The prospects "of the Club for the ensuing year are considered very satisfactory. Forestry. —A summoned meeting of Court Star of Canterbury for tho nomination of officers and delegates for the ensuing term was held on Monday evening, the C.E., Bro Machin, in the chair. There was a good attendance of members. The Woodwards reported seven members on tho sick fund. A letter was read from Court Ashburton, asking for the loan of regalia, bannerets, &c.. for a demonstration on Dec. 18, The request was granted. The nomination of officers resulted as follows : —C.E., Bro Machin; S.C.E., Bro J. Stevens; S.W., Bro T. Cooper ; J.W., Bro Swindell; 5.8., Bro Parsons; J. 8., Bro Hoffmaister; Assistant Secretary, Bro Jevvics; Minute Secretary, Bro Watts; Management Committee, Bros C. A. Eldridge, P. T. Eldridge. J. Davidson, J. Swindell, W. Hunter, G. Sears, W. Stevens, J. Sears, T. Stapleton and K. Kent; district delegates, Bros Watts, G. Sears, T. Stapleton, J. Bell, J. Davidson, C. A. Eldridge and W. Stevens; District Committee, Bros Matthews, Sutton, Vogel, Cooper, Dutmiill, Denson, Swan, Quurtemain, T. Gapes, Parsons, Butcher and Bartlett; hall keeper, Bro G. Wade; auditors, P.O.R. T. Gapes, and P.C.E, G. Watts. It was decided to hold tho next meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 23, the Monday being a public holiday. The receipts of,sho evening were £B3 7e.

Akaboa Regatta. —The yachts Pastime and Zephyr left Lyttelton yesterday to take part in the Akaroa regatta, which is to be held on Deo. 18. «Stabs” Still Rising.— The five-mile championship (cash amateur) was rolled off by Ken Lewis at Ashburton. A Star machine again! Adams, Cnrties and Co., 10, Manchester street. 854 Five Shillings a Week. Working men can buy a cycle with payments of 5s a week. Large stock of secondhand cycles. Bicycles from .SI, Safeties from JSIO. Adams, Cuetieb and Co., 10, Manchester street, Christchurch.— [Advt.J Headache Powders. —Dr Crosaland’s name now stamped on each cachet; over 8000 already sold by us. Freeh eupply Mattel Remedies just arrived. Requisites for Now Methods and Kirk’s Treatments, Dr Schuaaler’s Remedies. Health Supplies Company, 245, Cashel street W.—[Advt. i A Photographic Treat. —Undoubtedly the most remarkable display of photos ever made in Christchurch is now to bo seen in Messrs Wriggiesworth and Binns’ vestibule, the new proprietors of the business of the Eden Gsorcro Company. The striking portraits of Lord and Lady Glasgow and family, and of Cardinal Moran, are attracting a vast amount of attention. The work shown is all finished by Wrigglesworth and Binns’ patented Matt-opal-type process, which has created such a furore among fashionable circles in Wellington. The firm are now ready to receive, patrons for this class of photography. Professor Bickerton writes of Jameson, Anderson and Go’s Teas“ The amount of extract in each case is very high for the short time of infusion, and the proportion of tannin low/’ 33G0

The Secretary o£ the Christchurch Hospital wishes to acknowledge wi th thanks the receipt of flowers from Mrs J. Bishop, Papanui, and from Hiss Griffiths. The Superintendent of the Lyttelton Sailors’ Home desires to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of aparcel containing three hags of hooks, &0., for the uso of seamen leaving port, from a “Sailor’s Friend,” Christchurch; a parcel of illustrated Home papers irorn’iSlr Canton, Qodley Head Lighthouse; also a parcel of hooks from Mr A. TV. Parsons, Lyttelton.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXX, Issue 10215, 8 December 1893, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXX, Issue 10215, 8 December 1893, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXX, Issue 10215, 8 December 1893, Page 5


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